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已有 1101 次阅读 2024-2-22 15:09 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察



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The team of the Kekulé Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry: - (from left) Katharina Pieper, Andreas Gansäuer, Christian Köhler and Regine Mika from the Kekulé Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Bonn. © Photo: Volker Lannert / University of Bonn all’images in original size.

据德国波恩大学(University of Bonn / Universität Bonn, Gerhard-Domagk-Str. 1, Bonn, Germany2024219日提供的消息,波恩大学的化学家发明了生产自然物质变体的技术,能使一个变成八个(Turning One into Eight)。

为了合成潜在的药物或天然产物,你需要具有特定镜像变体和高纯度的天然物质。波恩大学的化学家们首次成功地用一种相对简单的工艺,从一种原料中生产出了聚丙酸酯(polypropionate)构建模块的所有8种可能变体。他们的研究成果于20231218日已经在著名的德国《应用化学国际版》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)杂志网站发表——Katharina PieperDr. Robin BleithChristian KöhlerRegine MikaProf.Dr. Andreas Gansäuer. A Flexible Synthesis of Polypropionates via Diastereodivergent Reductive Ring-Opening of Trisubstituted Secondary Glycidols. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63(9): e202317525. First published: 18 December 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202317525. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202317525


波恩大学凯库勒有机化学与生物化学研究所(Kekulé Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Bonn)的安德里亚斯·甘索尔(Andreas Gansäuer)教授解释说:“有趣的是,镜像形式可以具有非常不同的性质,一个众所周知的例子无疑是香芹酮(carvone)。这种分子的右旋形式(dextro-carvone简称d- carvone)闻起来有香菜(caraway)的味道,而左旋形式(levo-carvone简称l- carvone)则赋予了薄荷(peppermint)独特的气味。”

许多药物也含有镜像形式具有不同性质的分子。波恩大学物质跨学科研究领域(Matter Transdisciplinary Research Area at the University of Bonn)的成员安德里亚斯·甘索尔说:“不同的性质在人体内也会产生不同的影响,所以在药物中使用正确的形式是至关重要的。”




安德里亚斯·甘索尔高兴地说:这项技术有几个好处: “我们的方法可以在室温下工作,一些经典反应必须在非常低的温度下进行。此外,我们不再需要使用贵金属作为催化剂,这意味着我们的方法更具可持续性。” 他继续说道:“我们的工作将能够作为合成药物的基础。当你在生产药品时,你永远不会事先知道你需要什么形式的物质。物质筛选通常涉及测试数千种异构体以确定正确的化合物。如果你能制造出八种不同的形式,就像这里展示的,你也能制造出任何你想要的有趣的物质,这样你就更有可能找到一种有效的结构。”

这项工作由德国研究基金会(German Research Foundation / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft简称DFG grant 377331858) 资助。


Graphical Abstract

Our novel approach towards polypropionate synthesis features stereochemically uniform trisubstituted sec-glycidols as branching points for the highly selective synthesis of all isomers of polypropionate building blocks. The key-step of diversification is accomplished by mechanism-control of the diastereodivergent reductive opening at the epoxide's tertiary C-atom that occurs with excellent control of regio- and stereoselectivity.



Polypropionates, characterized by their alternating sequence of stereocenters bearing methyl- and hydroxy-groups, are structurally diverse natural products of utmost importance.[1] Herein, we introduce a novel concept approach towards polypropionate synthesis featuring a diastereodivergent reductive epoxide-opening as a key step. Readily available and stereochemically uniform trisubstituted sec-glycidols serve as branching points for the highly selective synthesis of all isomers of polypropionate building blocks with three or more consecutive stereocenters. Stereodiversification is accomplished by an unprecedented mechanism-control over the stereochemically complementary modification of the epoxide's tertiary C-atom with excellent control of regio- and stereoselectivity. Since our method is not only suited for the preparation of specific targets but also for compound libraries, it will have a great impact on polypropionate synthesis.



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