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已有 1103 次阅读 2023-12-1 10:12 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:论文交流



据英国牛津大学University of Oxford, Oxford, UK20231130日提供的消息,由牛津大学和美国匹兹堡大学(The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)领导的科学家和发明家远程合作在国际上兴起,与现场工作的团队相比,远程团队不太可能取得突破性发现(Remote collaborations deliver fewer scientific breakthroughs, says Oxford co-led research)。相关研究结果于20231129日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Yiling LinCarl Benedikt Frey, Lingfei Wu. Remote collaboration fuses fewer breakthrough ideas. Nature, 2023, 623: 987–991. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06767-1. Published: 29 November 2023https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06767-1


卡尔·弗雷教授(Professor Carl Frey)认为:“计算机革命和互联网的兴起将世界各地的人才联系在一起,但研究表明突破性创新正在衰退,而不是像许多人预测的那样加速。”

主要合著者、牛津互联网研究所人工智能与工作( AI & Work at the Oxford Internet Institute)副教授兼牛津马丁未来工作项目(Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Work)主任卡尔·弗雷(Professor Carl Frey)教授表示:计算机革命和互联网的兴起将来自不同领域的人才联系在一起。然而,研究表明,在世界各地,突破性创新并没有像许多人预测的那样加速,而是在下降。


该团队分析了1960-2020年间发表的超过2000万篇研究论文,这些论文来自3562个城市的 2250万名科学家。他们还审查了1976-2020年间由87937个城市的270万发明人申请的400万项专利。


1)      论文团队成员平均距离从100 km增加到近1000 km,专利团队成员平均距离从250 km增加到750 km

2)      超远距离合作的比例{距离超过2500 km——相当于从巴西(Brazil)到利比里亚(Liberia)的距离}在论文方面从2%大幅增加到15%,在专利方面从3%大幅增加到9%;

3)      但与在现场的同行相比,这些偏远团队的研究人员一直不太可能取得突破性发现;

4)      远程团队的研究人员也不太可能从事概念性任务(产生突破性研究所需的任务),比如构思研究或撰写论文。但他们更有可能参与技术任务,比如进行实验和分析数据。


主要合著者、匹兹堡大学计算与信息学院(School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh)信息科学助理教授吴凌飞(Lingfei Wu音译)表示:真正的创新往往有一个家乡。这是因为地理位置的接近打破了等级制度,实现了扁平化的团队结构和密集的沟通,这对于构思突破性的想法至关重要。例如,对于研究生来说,在走廊里与资深教授非正式地讨论想法比通过电子邮件更容易。即使数字化取得进步,在线会议也无法完全取代面对面互动在推动创新方面的独特价值。”

专家评论:吸引人的头条新闻不会带来行动和改变。看起来我们可能会头脑发热(超过 1.5 ℃);


牛津-哈林顿罕见疾病中心(Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre)在首个针对罕见病儿童的全球倡议中被提名

本研究得到了花旗集团(Citi)、迪特·施瓦茨基金会(Dieter Schwarz Foundation)、理查德·金·梅隆基金会(Richard King Mellon Foundation)、阿尔弗雷德·斯隆基金会(Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)和美国国家科学基金会 (National Science Foundation grant SOS:DCI 2239418)的资助。



Theories of innovation emphasize the role of social networks and teams as facilitators of breakthrough discoveries1,2,3,4. Around the world, scientists and inventors are more plentiful and interconnected today than ever before4. However, although there are more people making discoveries, and more ideas that can be reconfigured in new ways, research suggests that new ideas are getting harder to find5,6—contradicting recombinant growth theory7,8. Here we shed light on this apparent puzzle. Analysing 20 million research articles and 4 million patent applications from across the globe over the past half-century, we begin by documenting the rise of remote collaboration across cities, underlining the growing interconnectedness of scientists and inventors globally. We further show that across all fields, periods and team sizes, researchers in these remote teams are consistently less likely to make breakthrough discoveries relative to their on-site counterparts. Creating a dataset that allows us to explore the division of labour in knowledge production within teams and across space, we find that among distributed team members, collaboration centres on late-stage, technical tasks involving more codified knowledge. Yet they are less likely to join forces in conceptual tasks—such as conceiving new ideas and designing research—when knowledge is tacit9. We conclude that despite striking improvements in digital technology in recent years, remote teams are less likely to integrate the knowledge of their members to produce new, disruptive ideas.


上一篇:乌得勒支科学园投入245万美元用于解决 PFAS 问题的研究
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