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在无机-有机混合半导体的光电流中,量子效率超过100% 精选

已有 10008 次阅读 2022-8-6 16:03 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:海外观察




By synthesizing a semiconducting material containing tin-based nanoparticles known as quantum dots, an international team of researchers including KAUST achieved impressive light-power conversion. Credit: KAUST/Heno Hwang

据沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology简称KAUST202284日提供的消息,在无机-有机混合半导体的光电流中,量子效率超过100%Exceeding 100 percent quantum efficiency in the photocurrent of a hybrid inorganic-organic semiconductor)。上述由阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)黄埃诺(Heno Hwang)提供的图片,是通过合成一种含有锡基纳米颗粒(称为量子点)的半导体材料,在无机-有机混合半导体的光电流方面超过了100%的量子效率,包括KAUST在内的一支国际研究团队实现了令人印象深刻的光功率转换。相关研究结果于2022526日已经在《自然光子学》(Nature Photonics)杂志网站发表——Yifan Chen, Jun Yin, Qi Wei, Chenhao Wang, Xiaoting Wang, Hui Ren, Siu Fung Yu, Osman M. Bakr, Omar F. Mohammed, Mingjie Li. Multiple exciton generation in tin–lead halide perovskite nanocrystals for photocurrent quantum efficiency enhancement. Nature Photonics, 2022, 16: 485–490. DOI: 10.1038/s41566-022-01006-x. Published: 26 May 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41566-022-01006-x

参与此项研究的除了来自KAUSTKAUST, Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)的研究人员之外,还有来自中国香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China)以及中国香港理工大学深圳研究院(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, China)的研究人员。

微小晶体被称为量子点(quantum dots),它使一个国际团队能够在无机-有机混合半导体中产生的光电流中实现超过100%的量子效率。


光以称为光子的能量包形式出现。当半导体吸收光子时,电磁能(electromagnetic energy)被转移到带负电的电子及其带正电的对应物,即空穴。电场(electric field)可以以相反的方向(opposite directions)扫过这些粒子,从而允许电流流动。这是太阳能电池的基本操作。这听起来可能很简单,但优化量子效率,或从入射光子中获得尽可能多的电子-空穴对(electron-hole pairs),一直是一个长期的目标。

效率低下的一个原因是,如果光子的能量超过了创建电子-空穴对所需的能量,那么多余的能量通常会作为热量损失。但纳米材料提供了一种解决方案。小粒子,如纳米晶体或量子点(quantum dots),可以将高能光子转换为多个电子-空穴对。

中沙研究人员合作,证明了锡铅卤化物钙钛矿(tin-lead halide perovskite)纳米晶体中所谓的多重激子生成(multiple exciton generation简称MEG)。尹军(Jun Yin音译)说:“我们通过在钙钛矿纳米晶器件中利用MEG,证明了光电流量子效率(photocurrent quantum efficiency)超过100%。”

过去,在具有大能带隙(large bandgap)的钙钛矿纳米晶体中观察到MEG:即那些只能吸收高能光子的半导体。

窄能带隙材料带来了更大的挑战,因为激发的电子-空穴对松弛或冷却的速度太快,无法在功能正常的太阳能电池设备中提取。尹军说:“窄能带隙钙钛矿纳米晶体(narrower-bandgap perovskite nanocrystal)中的有效MEG以及在实际光学设备中验证其固有的MEG还没有报道。”

陈一凡(Yifan Chen音译)、尹军和研究团队成员合成了一种半导体材料,该材料由甲脒锡-碘化铅钙钛矿(formamidinium tin–lead iodide perovskite nanocrystalsFAPb1–xSnxI3 NCs; x ≤ 0.11)的微小颗粒组成,该钙钛矿是由嵌入在无锡FAPbI3中的少量锡制成的。研究小组认为,引入锡有助于减缓“冷却”。“我们将能够通过改变钙钛矿纳米晶体的成分来进一步优化其性能,以获得更高的MEG性能,并改善光功率转换,”尹军说。

此研究获香港理工大学资助{ Hong Kong Polytechnic University (grants 1-BE2Z, W188 and 1-ZVGH)}及深圳市科学技术创新委员会资助{ Shenzhen Science, Technology and Innovation Commission (project no. R2021A064)}


Helping semiconductors find a cooler way to relax


Multiple exciton generation (MEG), the generation of multiple electron–hole pairs from a single high-energy photon, can enhance the photoconversion efficiency in several technologies including photovoltaics, photon detection and solar-fuel production1,2,3,4,5,6. However, low efficiency, high photon-energy threshold and fast Auger recombination impede its practical application1,7. Here we achieve enhanced MEG with an efficiency of up to 87% and photon-energy threshold of two times the bandgap in highly stable, weakly confined formamidinium tin–lead iodide perovskite nanocrystals (FAPb1–xSnxI3 NCs; x ≤ 0.11). Importantly, an MEG-driven increment in the internal photocurrent quantum efficiency exceeding 100% with a low threshold is observed in such NC-sensitized photoconductors under ultraviolet-light illumination. The MEG enhancement mechanism is found to be mediated by the slower cooling and reduced trapping of hot carriers above the MEG threshold after the partial substitution of Pb by Sn. Our findings corroborate the potential importance of narrow-bandgap perovskite NCs for the development of optoelectronics that could benefit from MEG.


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