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据美国物理学家组织网(Phys.org)2022年6月23日报道,来自日本东京大学(University of Tokyo)、韩国生物科学与生物技术研究所(Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology)和日本理化研究所应急物质科学与薄膜设备中心实验室(Center for Emergent Matter Science & Thin-Film Device Laboratory RIKEN 2-1 Hirosawa)的一个研究团队,已经开发了一种可穿戴的抗菌纳米网材料,可粘附在人体皮肤上,几乎立即杀死微生物(Wearable antimicrobial copper nanomesh sticks to human skin, killing microbes nearly instantly)。相关研究结果于2022年6月9日已经在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)杂志网站发表,详见Jae Joon Kim, Siyoung Ha, Lina Kim, Yutaro Kato, Yan Wang, Chihiro Okutani, Haoyang Wang, Chunya Wang, Kenjiro Fukuda, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Oh Seok Kwon, Takao Someya. Antimicrobial second skin using copper nanomesh. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, June 9, 2022; 119 (24): e2200830119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2200830119. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2200830119
几千年来,人类已经知道铜(copper)的抗菌特性。例如,古埃及人(Ancient Egyptians)用它治疗伤口以防止感染。在现代,铜被用于家庭和医院中的柜台和桌面,以杀死细菌。在这项新的研究中,研究人员采用了一种新的方法来使用铜来对抗感染:使铜几乎看不见。
铜很重,用作抗菌材料时会很难看。为了使其更易于使用,研究人员创造了微小的铜绞线,并将其随机纺在一起,形成一个网格。然后,他们施加压力使网格变平。在3微米(3 μm)厚的情况下,其结果是如此之薄,以至于肉眼无法看到或触摸时无法感觉到。但它是可弯曲和有弹性的,这意味着它可以用多种方式杀死病毒和细菌。
研究人员表示,他们的纳米网优于已经在使用的铜膜,因为它更有效。纳米网具有更大的表面积(more surface area),使其更有机会杀死微生物。
是铜(而非银)对表面SARS-CoV-2的有效性(Copper, but not silver, is effective against SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces)
The recent COVID-19 pandemic requires long-term and real-life applicable antimicrobial skin protection. However, there has been no practical solution to prevent cross-infection while preserving intrinsic skin naturalness. Conventional blocking-based approaches such as gloves cannot preserve the skin sterility and modify the morphology, temperature change rate, and humidity affecting our sensation and comfort. Here, we propose a skin-attachable protection platform copper nanomesh, which prevents cross-infection while maintaining skin naturalness. Copper nanomesh composed of copper coating and interconnected polymer nanofibers kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses within 1 and 10 min and prevents bacterial cross-infection. The thin and porous structure of the nanomesh enables natural skin-environment interaction in terms of the morphology, temperature change rate, and humidity compared to films or gloves.
The functional support and advancement of our body while preserving inherent naturalness is one of the ultimate goals of bioengineering. Skin protection against infectious pathogens is an application that requires common and long-term wear without discomfort or distortion of the skin functions. However, no antimicrobial method has been introduced to prevent cross-infection while preserving intrinsic skin conditions. Here, we propose an antimicrobial skin protection platform copper nanomesh, which prevents cross-infectionmorphology, temperature change rate, and skin humidity. Copper nanomesh exhibited an inactivation rate of 99.99% for Escherichia coli bacteria and influenza virus A within 1 and 10 min, respectively. The thin and porous nanomesh allows for conformal coating on the fingertips, without significant interference with the rate of skin temperature change and humidity. Efficient cross-infection prevention and thermal transfer of copper nanomesh were demonstrated using direct on-hand experiments.
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