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据“医学快讯”网(Medical Xpress)2022年5月26日报道,新的疫苗类型克服癌症肿瘤防御(New vaccine type overcomes cancerous tumor defenses),为癌症患者治疗带来新希望。
美国多家研究所和日本一所研究所的研究团队开发出了一种可以克服免疫系统的防御系统,帮助消灭癌症肿瘤的新型疫苗。相关研究结果于2022年5月25日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Soumya Badrinath, Maxence O. Dellacherie, Aileen Li, Shiwei Zheng, Xixi Zhang, Miguel Sobral, Jason W. Pyrdol, Kathryn L. Smith, Yuheng Lu, Sabrina Haag, Hamza Ijaz, Fawn Connor-Stroud, Tsuneyasu Kaisho, Glenn Dranoff, Guo-Cheng Yuan, David J. Mooney, Kai W. Wucherpfennig. A vaccine targeting resistant tumours by dual T cell plus NK cell attack. Nature, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04772-4. Published: 25 May 2022. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04772-4. 在此论文中,该小组描述了这种新疫苗及其在小鼠(mouse)和恒河猴(rhesus macaque)模型中的效果。
直到最近,医生治疗癌症患者(cancer patients)的唯一工具是化疗、放疗和手术。最近,医学研究人员(medical researchers)一直在探索对抗癌症的疫苗——例如,针对HPV相关疾病的疫苗的开发已经降低了宫颈癌和其他类型癌症的风险。其他的研究工作包括针对肽抗原(peptide antigens),并已被证明是有效的,但只在有限的情况下。在这项新的努力中,研究人员开发了一种更广泛的疫苗,他们相信可以用于多种癌症患者的多种癌症。
这种新疫苗的工作原理是消除肿瘤使用的一种主要防御策略,即从其表面分裂T细胞和自然杀伤细胞(natural killer cells)的能力。当身体检测到肿瘤生长时,就会部署这种细胞,并向免疫系统(immune system)发出警报。它们附着在表面的MICA蛋白和MICB蛋白上后脱落,肿瘤就可以自由生长。这种新疫苗通过干预肿瘤的分裂过程来发挥作用,阻止被派去杀死肿瘤的免疫细胞脱落。这种疫苗通过增加肿瘤细胞表面蛋白质的密度来破坏这种分裂过程,研究人员将其描述为“激发保护性免疫(inciting protective immunity)”。
针对一种在几种动物身上被发现的蛋白质的疫苗对多种癌症有效(Vaccine targeting a protein found to be effective against many types of cancers in several animals)
Most cancer vaccines target peptide antigens, necessitating personalization owing to the vast inter-individual diversity in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules that present peptides to T cells. Furthermore, tumours frequently escape T cell-mediated immunity through mechanisms that interfere with peptide presentation1. Here we report a cancer vaccine that induces a coordinated attack by diverse T cell and natural killer (NK) cell populations. The vaccine targets the MICA and MICB (MICA/B) stress proteins expressed by many human cancers as a result of DNA damage2. MICA/B serve as ligands for the activating NKG2D receptor on T cells and NK cells, but tumours evade immune recognition by proteolytic MICA/B cleavage3,4. Vaccine-induced antibodies increase the density of MICA/B proteins on the surface of tumour cells by inhibiting proteolytic shedding, enhance presentation of tumour antigens by dendritic cells to T cells and augment the cytotoxic function of NK cells. Notably, this vaccine maintains efficacy against MHC class I-deficient tumours resistant to cytotoxic T cells through the coordinated action of NK cells and CD4+ T cells. The vaccine is also efficacious in a clinically important setting: immunization following surgical removal of primary, highly metastatic tumours inhibits the later outgrowth of metastases. This vaccine design enables protective immunity even against tumours with common escape mutations.
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