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已有 2415 次阅读 2021-4-26 10:22 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Todd Miller, PhD (left), and Nicole Traphagen, a PhD candidate in the Miller Laboratory, have found a method for long-term control of drug-resistant breast cancer growth in preclinical models by switching between estrogen and anti-estrogen therapies. The strategy is now in human clinical trials at Dartmouth's and Dartmouth-Hitchcock's Norris Cotton Cancer Center.

达特茅斯-希区柯克医疗中心(Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center2021423日提供的研究新闻(Research News)报道,达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)的研究人员通过在雌激素和抗雌激素疗法之间进行切换,可以更好地长期控制小鼠中耐药性乳腺癌的生长。一项新的临床试验将告知哪些抗药性乳腺癌患者可以从该策略中受益。

上述照片中左边的是托德·米勒(Todd Miller)博士,另一位是托德·米勒实验室的尼科尔·特拉法根(Nicole Traphagen)博士研究生,他们已经找到了一种在临床前模型中,通过在雌激素和抗雌激素疗法之间切换来长期控制耐药性乳腺癌生长的方法。该策略目前已在达特茅斯学院和达特茅斯-希区柯克的诺里斯·可顿癌症中心(Dartmouth's and Dartmouth-Hitchcock's Norris Cotton Cancer Center)进行了人体临床试验。

达特茅斯和达特茅斯-希区柯克的诺里斯·科顿癌症中心(Norris Cotton Cancer Center简称NCCC)的研究人员希望使雌激素治疗,成为可能从中受益的乳腺癌患者更容易接受的治疗选择。抗雌激素治疗可阻断肿瘤中雌激素受体(Estrogen Receptors简称ER)的生长信号,抗雌激素疗法是治疗ER+乳腺癌的有效方法。但是随着时间的流逝,乳腺肿瘤对抗雌激素治疗产生抗药性是很常见的。由分子生物学家托德·米勒(Todd Miller)博士和其实验室的博士研究生妮科尔·特拉法根(Nicole Traphagen)领导的研究小组发现,在小鼠实验中,在特定时间点在雌激素治疗和抗雌激素治疗之间循环,可显著增加肿瘤消退的持续时间。

该团队的非常规方法对乳腺癌患者具有令人兴奋的意义,因为它建议在抗雌激素治疗耐药性发生之前用雌激素进行短期治疗,然后再改用更标准的抗雌激素治疗可以更好地长期控制肿瘤的生长。妮科尔·特拉法根和托德·米勒最近在《致癌基因》(Oncogene)杂志网站发表了题为高雌激素受体α激活赋予对雌激素剥夺的抵抗力,并且是乳腺癌对雌激素的治疗​​反应所必需的研究论文——Nicole A. TraphagenSarah R. HosfordAmanda JiangJonathan D. MarottiBrooke L. BrauerEugene DemidenkoTodd W. Miller. High estrogen receptor alpha activation confers resistance to estrogen deprivation and is required for therapeutic response to estrogen in breast cancer. OncogenePublished: 19 April 2021, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41388-021-01782-w

托德·米勒说:尽管我们通常认为雌激素可以促进乳腺癌的发展,但是在一些抗雌激素抵抗性乳腺肿瘤的患者中,雌激素的治疗​​实际上可以诱导肿瘤消退。” 尽管雌激素治疗对某些患者有效,但很少使用雌激素治疗。NCCC正在进行的一项临床试验(POLLY NCT0218875)将确定雌激素治疗和抗雌激素治疗之间的循环策略,对晚期乳腺癌患者是否有效。

妮科尔·特拉法根说:最初对雌激素疗法起反应的肿瘤最终会通过减少肿瘤细胞中雌激素受体的数量而产生抗药性。一旦这些肿瘤对雌激素疗法产生抗药性,就可以成功地用抗雌激素疗法对其进行治疗。” “这项发现表明,即使这些肿瘤先前已经获得了抗雌激素治疗的抗性,用雌激素进行治疗仍可以使患者的肿瘤对抗雌激素治疗重新敏感。



Estrogen receptor alpha (ER)-positive breast cancer is commonly treated with endocrine therapies, including antiestrogens that bind and inhibit ER activity, and aromatase inhibitors that suppress estrogen biosynthesis to inhibit estrogen-dependent ER activity. Paradoxically, treatment with estrogens such as 17b-estradiol can also be effective against ER+ breast cancer. Despite the known efficacy of estrogen therapy, the lack of a predictive biomarker of response and understanding of the mechanism of action have contributed to its limited clinical use. Herein, we demonstrate that ER overexpression confers resistance to estrogen deprivation through ER activation in human ER+ breast cancer cells and xenografts grown in mice. However, ER overexpression and the associated high levels of ER transcriptional activation converted 17b-estradiol from a growth-promoter to a growth-suppressor, offering a targetable therapeutic vulnerability and a potential means of identifying patients likely to benefit from estrogen therapy. Since ER+ breast cancer cells and tumors ultimately developed resistance to continuous estrogen deprivation or continuous 17b-estradiol treatment, we tested schedules of alternating treatments. Oscillation of ER activity through cycling of 17b-estradiol and estrogen deprivation provided long-term control of patient-derived xenografts, offering a novel endocrine-only strategy to manage ER+ breast cancer.


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