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已有 4358 次阅读 2021-2-26 21:28 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




据物理学家组织网(Phys.org2021225日(当地时间)提供的消息,一个大型的国际研究团队包括来自法国、挪威、英国、德国、波兰、西班牙、匈牙利、意大利、日本、比利时、加拿大、罗马尼亚和保加利亚的研究人员已经证明,在核裂变过程中,原子核分裂后的碎片开始自旋。相关研究结果于2021年2月24日已经在《自然》(Nature)网站发表——J. N. WilsonD. ThisseM. LeboisN. JovančevićD. GjestvangR. CanavanM. Rudigier, D. étasseR-B. GerstL. GaudefroyE. AdamskaP. AdsleyA. AlgoraM. BaboK. Belvedere, J. BenitoG. BenzoniA. BlazhevA. BosoS. BottoniM. BunceR. ChakmaN. Cieplicka-OryńczakS. CourtinM. L. CortésP. DaviesC. DelafosseM. FallotB. FornalL. Fraile, A. GottardoV. GuadillaG. HäfnerK. HauschildM. HeineC. HenrichI. HommF. Ibrahim, Ł. W. IskraP. IvanovS. JazrawiA. KorgulP. KoseoglouT. KröllT. Kurtukian-NietoL. Le MeurS. LeoniJ. LjungvallA. Lopez-MartensR. LozevaI. MateaK. MiernikJ. Nemer, S. OberstedtW. PaulsenM. PiersaY. PopovitchC. PorzioL. QiD. RaletP. H. Regan, K. RezynkinaV. Sánchez-TemblequeS. SiemC. SchmittP.-A. SöderströmC. SürderG. TocabensV. VediaD. VerneyN. WarrB. WasilewskaJ. WiederholdM. YavahchovaF. Zeiser, S. Ziliani. Angular momentum generation in nuclear fissionNature, 2021, 590, 566–570. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03304-w Published: 24 February 2021





这项工作包括研究几种不稳定元素裂变产生的碎片,如铀238238U)和钍232232Th)。作为研究的一部分,他们专注于裂变后释放的伽马射线(gamma rays)。他们注意到,这些射线传递了有关他们正在研究的碎片自旋的信息。他们进一步预测,如果裂变产生的自旋先于分裂产生,那么给定区域内的所有碎片几乎肯定会有相同的自旋,但彼此相反。而且他们发现事实并非如此。相反,它们的自旋完全独立于彼此。这一发现有力地表明,自旋是在分裂后开始的。


Solving a mystery: A new model for understanding how certain nuclei split


When a heavy atomic nucleus splits (fission), the resulting fragments are observed to emerge spinning1; this phenomenon has been a mystery in nuclear physics for over 40 years2,3. The internal generation of typically six or seven units of angular momentum in each fragment is particularly puzzling for systems that start with zero, or almost zero, spin. There are currently no experimental observations that enable decisive discrimination between the many competing theories for the mechanism that generates the angular momentum4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Nevertheless, the consensus is that excitation of collective vibrational modes generates the intrinsic spin before the nucleus splits (pre-scission). Here we show that there is no significant correlation between the spins of the fragment partners, which leads us to conclude that angular momentum in fission is actually generated after the nucleus splits (post-scission). We present comprehensive data showing that the average spin is strongly mass-dependent, varying in saw-tooth distributions. We observe no notable dependence of fragment spin on the mass or charge of the partner nucleus, confirming the uncorrelated post-scission nature of the spin mechanism. To explain these observations, we propose that the collective motion of nucleons in the ruptured neck of the fissioning system generates two independent torques, analogous to the snapping of an elastic band. A parameterization based on occupation of angular momentum states according to statistical theory describes the full range of experimental data well. This insight into the role of spin in nuclear fission is not only important for the fundamental understanding and theoretical description of fission, but also has consequences for the γ-ray heating problem in nuclear reactors13,14, for the study of the structure of neutron-rich isotopes15,16, and for the synthesis and stability of super-heavy elements17,18.


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