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已有 4624 次阅读 2020-11-28 11:37 |个人分类:药物动态|系统分类:海外观察




美国国立卫生研究院下属的国家神经疾病和中风研究所NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeNINDS)当地时间20201124日提供的消息,研究人员使用了多种先进的药物筛选技术来测试1万多种化合物以寻求治愈寨卡病毒感染(Zika virus infections)方法。令他们惊讶的是,他们发现广泛使用的抗生素甲烯土霉素(methacycline)可有效预防脑部感染并减少寨卡病毒感染小鼠有关的神经系统问题。相关研究结果于20201123日已经在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS)上发表——Rachel P. M. Abrams, Adam Yasgar, Tadahisa Teramoto, Myoung-Hwa Lee, Dorjbal Dorjsuren, Richard T. Eastman, Nasir Malik, Alexey V. Zakharov, Wenxue Li, Muzna Bachani, Kyle Brimacombe, Joseph P. Steiner, Matthew D. Hall, Anuradha Balasubramanian, Ajit Jadhav, Radhakrishnan Padmanabhan, Anton Simeonov, Avindra Nath. Therapeutic candidates for the Zika virus identified by a high-throughput screen for Zika protease inhibitorsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020; 202005463 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2005463117

2015年,全球寨卡病毒感染爆发导致数百名儿童出生时患有脑畸形。最近,美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的研究人员使用了多种先进的药物筛选技术来测试1万多种化合物,以寻求其治愈方法。令他们惊讶的是,他们发现广泛使用的抗生素甲烯土霉素可有效预防脑部感染并减少此病毒感染小鼠有关的神经系统问题。此外,他们发现最初旨在对抗阿尔茨海默氏病(Alzheimer's disease)和炎症的药物也可能有助于抵抗寨卡病毒感染。

美国NIH’s NINDS高级研究员、PNAS论文的通讯作者阿文德拉·纳斯(Avindra Nath)说:在世界范围内,寨卡病毒爆发给许多儿童及其家庭带来了毁灭性的长期神经系统问题。尽管感染减少了,但威胁仍然存在。”“我们希望这些有希望的结果是为世界做好准备,以抗击下一次寨卡病毒感染潜在爆发,为此迈开的良好一步。

这项研究是阿文德拉·纳斯博士团队的科学家与多家实验室研究人员之间合作完成的。实验室包括由美国国立卫生研究院国家转化科学促进中心(NIH's National Center for Advancing Translational SciencesNIH's NCATS)科学主任安东·西缅诺夫(Anton Simeonov)博士领导的实验室,也有由拉达克里希南·帕德玛纳罕(Radhakrishnan Padmanabhan)博士、乔治敦大学医学中心(Georgetown University Medical Center)微生物学与免疫学教授领导的实验室。

寨卡病毒主要由蚊子——埃及伊蚊(Aedes aegypti)传播。在2015年和2016年,至少有60个国家报告了感染。这些感染国家中的一些国家还报告说,受感染的母亲生育的婴儿头部异常小的发病率很高,这是一种被称为胎儿小头畸形的发育性大脑障碍造成的。在某些成年人中,感染是几种神经系统疾病的原因,包括格林-巴利综合征(Guillain-Barré syndrome),脑炎(encephalitis)和脊髓炎(myelitis)。尽管许多科学家已经尝试过,但他们尚未发现针对该病毒的有效治疗方法或疫苗接种方法。


阿文德拉·纳斯博士实验室的有机化学家、也是这项研究的负责人雷切尔·艾布拉姆斯(Rachel Abrams)博士说:蛋白酶的作用就像剪刀一样。阻断蛋白酶的活性是抵抗许多病毒的有效策略。” “我们希望尽可能广泛地寻找能够阻止蛋白酶将寨卡病毒多蛋白剪切成活性片段的药物。


一项对2000种化合物的初步筛选表明,常用的四环素类抗生素药物,如甲烯土霉素(methacycline),可能对阻断蛋白酶有效。与此同时,对1万多种化合物进行的大规模筛选,有助于确定一种正在研究的抗炎药物MK-591和一种失败的抗阿尔茨海默氏症药物JNJ-404作为潜在候选药物。还使用了超过13万种化合物的虚拟筛选也被用来帮助确定候选化合物。为此,研究人员将其他筛选结果输入计算机,然后使用基于人工智能的程序,来了解使该化合物擅长阻断NS2B-NS3 寨卡病毒蛋白酶活性的原因。




雷切尔·艾布拉姆斯博士说:这些结果表明,基于四环素的抗生素至少可以有效预防与寨卡病毒感染有关的神经系统问题。” “鉴于它们被广泛使用,我们希望我们能够在临床试验中迅速测试其潜力。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道


Infection with Zika virus can cause severe consequences in a subset of the patient population. When infection occurs during pregnancy, congenital abnormalities can occur. Additionally, the onset of Guillain–Barré syndrome, encephalitis, and myelitis are associated with Zika virus infection. We have identified several small molecules with favorable clinical profiles, including the five-lipoxygenase–activating protein inhibitor, MK-591, and the tetracycline antibiotic, methacycline, as inhibitors of Zika virus infection, the latter of which reduced neurological deficits in a Zika virus mouse model. These compounds have the potential to be used as prophylactics or for the treatment of the neurological complications of Zika virus infection.


When Zika virus emerged as a public health emergency there were no drugs or vaccines approved for its prevention or treatment. We used a high-throughput screen for Zika virus protease inhibitors to identify several inhibitors of Zika virus infection. We expressed the NS2B-NS3 Zika virus protease and conducted a biochemical screen for small-molecule inhibitors. A quantitative structure–activity relationship model was employed to virtually screen ~138,000 compounds, which increased the identification of active compounds, while decreasing screening time and resources. Candidate inhibitors were validated in several viral infection assays. Small molecules with favorable clinical profiles, especially the five-lipoxygenase–activating protein inhibitor, MK-591, inhibited the Zika virus protease and infection in neural stem cells. Members of the tetracycline family of antibiotics were more potent inhibitors of Zika virus infection than the protease, suggesting they may have multiple mechanisms of action. The most potent tetracycline, methacycline, reduced the amount of Zika virus present in the brain and the severity of Zika virus-induced motor deficits in an immunocompetent mouse model. As Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs, the tetracyclines could be quickly translated to the clinic. The compounds identified through our screening paradigm have the potential to be used as prophylactics for patients traveling to endemic regions or for the treatment of the neurological complications of Zika virus infection.


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