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已有 4092 次阅读 2013-10-29 07:12 |系统分类:人文社科| 创新, 挑战赛




博主按:最近受Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society 的推荐,作为一个志愿者参与Conrad Foundation 创新精神挑战赛(Spirit of Innovation Challenge)的评选工作。我的身份是裁判(Judge)。我选择的评判范畴是Life Sciences 领域,尤其是食品安全, 营养,环境和健康方面的课题。我觉得这个挑战赛很有科学和社会价值,尤其是对中学生来说是一个很好的锻炼机会。所以,利用一点业余时间, 向中国的教育部门和有关感兴趣的人士简单地介绍一下这个挑战赛的信息。

下面是根据Conrad Foundation 官方网站的实际介绍抄录下来的,加上我的翻译。由于水平问题, 翻译如果不当,请高手指正, 不胜感激。


Spirit of Innovation Challenge provides an opportunity for teams of students to create commercially viable products or services to address issues of global sustainability for the benefit of humanity.This annual competition is free and available to students, ages 13-18,from around the world. The Spirit of Innovation Challenge offers teachers, parents and afterschool coordinators a relevant and dynamic way to teach science, technology, engineering and math. Along the way, world renowned scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs are available as virtual mentors. This is the competition where Geek isChic™

[翻译]创新精神挑战赛为学生团队提供一个研发有利人类可持续发展的商业产品和服务措施的机会。这个每年一度的挑战赛对全球13-18岁的学生是免费开放的。创新精神挑战赛为老师,家长, 课后辅导员们提供了一个相关和机动的科学,技术, 工程和数学的教育途径。 在此过程中,世界知名的科学家, 工程师和企业家们将担当实际的辅导员。这是一个将小丑变成明星的比赛。

  • Conrad Foundation Announces 2013-2014 Spirit of Innovation Challenge Launch Date

Conrad Foundation 宣布2013-2014季度创新精神挑战赛的开始日期

Students worldwide invited to create innovative products to benefit humanity;winning ideas receive more than $50K in prizes


 HOUSTON— Beginning Aug. 22, teens are invited to “Get Your Genius On”in the Conrad Foundation’s Spirit of Innovation Challenge. The annual program is a multi-phase, business and technical plan competition,free and open to students ages 13 - 18 from around the world.

休斯顿—从八月22日开始,Conrad Foundation 创新精神挑战赛诚邀青少年们参与“激活您的天才”的比赛。这个每年一度的项目是一个多阶段,商业和技术类的比赛,全球13-18岁的学生可免费参与。

 The Spirit of Innovation Challenge celebrates the life and entrepreneurial spirit of astronaut Pete Conrad, third man to walk on the Moon. The program challenges teens to work in teams of 2-5 students and use science, technology, engineering and math skills along with creativity, collaboration and entrepreneurship to develop innovative products and services to benefit humanity and address global sustainability.

创新精神挑战赛是为庆祝第三位登上月球的宇航员PeteConrad 的生命和创业精神而设立的。这个课题鼓励学生组成2-5人的团队,应用科学, 技术, 工程和数学的知识技术, 配以创造性,合作性和企业家创业的思维来研发对人类有益和全球可持续发展的创新产品和服务措施。

 The 2013-2014 categories include: Aerospace and Aviation, Cybertechnology and Security, Energy and Environment, and Health and Nutrition. Past projects developed by teams include unique water filtration devices, shielding technology for space vehicles and NASA-approved nutrition bars. In the last six years, more than 600 products have been conceptualized by students in the Spirit of Innovation Challenge.

2013-2014年度的科目包括:航空航天和航空学, 电子网络技术和安全,能源和环境,以及健康和营养。被以前的团队研发成的产品包括独特的水过滤装置,空间运载工具的包膜技术和美国航空航天局批准的营养棒。在过去的六年中,参与创新精神挑战赛的学生们已经将超过600种的产品概念化。

 Participation is free and begins by creating a profile at www.conradawards.org.Teams from afterschool programs, science clubs, homeschool organizations and charter schools are also encouraged to participate. Each team must have a teacher, parent or afterschool program coordinator serve as their coach.  Deadline for the 2013-2014 one-page abstract qualification round is Oct. 24.

参与是免费的,只要在 www.conradawards.org网页开创一个文挡。希望课后辅导班,科学俱乐部,家教组织和特教学校也能积极参与。每个团队必须有一位老师,家长和课后班辅导员作为他们的教练。提交2013-2014季度一页参赛摘要的期限是10月24日。


 Selectedsemi-finalists in each challenge category advance to develop a business plan, technical plan and graphical representation of the team’s product or service. The top five teams from each category will travel to the Conrad Foundation’s annual Innovation Summit, hosted at NASA Johnson Space Center and Space Center Houston, April 10 – 12, 2014, where they present their innovations and vie for $10,000 awards and commercialization opportunities.


博主按:2013-2014年的投稿已经在2013年的1024日结束。我特此声明, 不要误解。 我这篇博文的用意是让中国的教育部门,中国的中学生,和中国的公众对这样一个全球性的科技比赛项目有一个了解。我自己从1025日开始担任这个比赛的评审员,并可能以科学家的身份担任某个初选胜出团队的辅导员。 我接下来准备提供一些具体的细节。



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