


已有 7205 次阅读 2014-11-16 10:29 |个人分类:美文摘要|系统分类:科普集锦| 选择性, 高尔基体, 囊泡运输, 卷曲螺旋蛋白, golgin





结果:我们证明golgins蛋白的亚类(subsets)能将特定的内源性或外源性“货物”重新等位:从运往高尔基体变成运往线粒体。具体的讲,golgin-97, golgin-245和GCC88用于捕获由内体运往高尔基体的囊泡,GM130和GMAP210捕获内质网运往高尔基体的囊泡,golgin-84, TMF和GMAP210捕获高尔基体的常驻蛋白(resident proteins)。另外,电镜超微结构展现了装饰着特定golgins蛋白的囊泡膜围绕线粒体聚集的证据。这些数据表明golgins不但捕获囊泡,而且对来自内体,内质网和高尔基体等不同来源的囊泡具有捕获特异性。









文题:The specificity of vesicle traffic to the Golgi is encoded in the golgin coiled-coil proteins


The eukaryotic cell contains membrane-bound organelles with distinct functionality and composition. Preservation of organelle identity depends on the highly selective transfer of proteins and lipids between compartments. Central to this are transport carriers called vesicles. Mechanisms are required not only for the selective incorporation of specific cargos into vesicles as they bud off a donor organelle, but also for the correct delivery to an acceptor organelle. SNARE proteins on the vesicle and destination organelle drive membrane fusion after arrival and have been implicated in contributing to specificity in choice of organelle. However, upstream of the fusion step, a process called tethering is thought to initially attach the vesicle to the destination organelle and then bring it close to allow the SNARE proteins on opposite membranes to interact. The importance of tethering in conferring specificity to membrane traffic is currently unclear. Golgins are sufficient to capture specific classes of vesicle. We hypothesized that if the golgins tether vesicles destined for the Golgi, then their relocation to mitochondria should result in ectopic capture of specific classes of vesicle. Immunofluorescence demonstrates that the presence of a single golgin on mitochondria results in the ectopic capture of a specific cargo. Electron microscopy reveals that vesicle s accumulate around these mitochondria.


To study the contribution of tethering to specificity in membrane trafficking, we focused on the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi complex is a multicompartment organelle at the intersection of secretory and endocytic trafficking pathways and so receives vesicles from a range of destinations. A family of well-conserved large coiled-coil proteins on the Golgi, the golgins, have been suggested to function as vesicle tethers at the Golgi. However, mild phenotypes of golgin mutants have presented a challenge for elucidating their in vivo roles. We thus used a relocation strategy to test for their sufficiency rather than necessity in vesicle tethering. Ten mammalian golgins that are conserved outside of vertebrates and found on different regions of the Golgi were ectopically expressed at the mitochondria through attachment to a mitochondrial transmembrane domain in place of their C-terminal Golgi targeting domain. We then used the distribution of cargo-laden vesicles originating from different locations as a readout for the golgins’ tethering activity.


We demonstrate that subsets of golgins are capable of redirecting particular endogenous or exogenous cargo destined for the Golgi to an ectopic site, the mitochondria. Specifically, golgin-97, golgin-245, and GCC88 were able to capture endosome-to- Golgi cargos; GM130 and GMAP210 were able to capture endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–to-Golgi cargos; and golgin-84, TMF, and GMAP210 were able to capture Golgi resident proteins. Furthermore, electron microscopy yielded ultrastructural evidence for the accumulation of vesicular membranes around mitochondria decorated with specific golgins. These data suggest that not only do the golgins capture vesicles, but they also exhibit specificity toward vesicles of different origins-from the endosomes, from the ER, or from within the Golgi itself.


We have been able to demonstrate that relocation of specific golgins is sufficient to reroute specific classes of transport vesicles to an ectopic site. Thus, most golgins are sufficient to nucleate a specific tethering process, and hence they are likely to make a major contribution to the specificity of vesicle traffic arriving at the Golgi. In addition, this relocation system may be a useful tool for isolating specific transport vesicles that are normally short-lived, hence providing a route to further understanding of specificity in membrane traffic.

You've got to pick a Golgi tether or two

The inside of the cell contains a large variety of different membrane transport vesicles, each of which needs to find and fuse with its correct target destination. The detailed mechanism specifying which vesicle can fuse with which target membrane has been the subject of an enormous amount of research. An additional layer of specificity in intracellular membrane trafficking across the Golgi complex is thought to involve particular membrane “tethers.” However, the importance of these tethers has been unclear. Wong and Munro used a clever trick to reveal how specific tethers can indeed ensure correct vesicle destination. Tether proteins experimentally expressed on mitochondria hijacked different transport vesicles and diverted them from their normal destination to the mitochondria.



The Golgi apparatus is a multicompartment central sorting station at the intersection of secretory and endocytic vesicular traffic. The mechanisms that permit cargo-loaded transport vesicles from different origins to selectively access different Golgi compartments are incompletely understood. We developed a rerouting and capture assay to investigate systematically the vesicle-tethering activities of 10 widely conserved golgin coiled-coil proteins. We find that subsets of golgins with distinct localizations on the Golgi surface have capture activities toward vesicles of different origins. These findings demonstrate that golgins act as tethers in vivo, and hence the specificity we find to be encoded in this tethering is likely to make a major contribution to the organization of membrane traffic at the Golgi apparatus.






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