


已有 2756 次阅读 2014-11-16 10:23 |个人分类:美文摘要|系统分类:科普集锦| Science, 基因突变, 鸡尾酒疗法, 肿瘤药物抗性



药物抗性是一个长期困惑着肿瘤研究人员的问题,包括来自波士顿麻省总医院的医生Jeffrey Engelman。为了更多的了解肿瘤如何产生抗性,他的研究团队设计了一种患者肺癌细胞的培养方法,并在此基础上用76种不同的抗癌药物组合来检测它们对培养肿瘤细胞的杀伤效果。

将药物联合应用对付那些产生药物抵抗的肿瘤细胞产生了意想不到的效果。加州大学个性化肿瘤治疗中心(Center for Personalized Cancer Therapy) Razelle Kurzrock主任说,她没有参与这项工作,“这种方法确实很有潜能,但它是否在病人体内依旧有作用?体内与体外细胞培养差别很大”。









DOI: doi:10.1038/nature.2014.16334



文题:Patient-derived models of acquired resistance can identify effective drug combinations for cancer




Personalized cocktails vanquish resistant cancers

Tailored approach uses cultured tumour samples to find effective drug combinations.

Doctors may be able to overcome drug resistance in cancer by growing cells from a patient's own tumour and then blasting the cells with an array of compounds to see which ones work.

A study published on 13 November in Science heralds this ultra-personalized future of cancer therapy. International efforts to sequence cancer genomes have yielded a weighty catalogue of mutations that drive tumour growth and provide tantalizing drug targets. But attempts to develop therapies that hit those targets have been frustrating: many of these drugs initially shrink tumours, but the cancer often resurges. A seemingly miraculous cure can give way to heartbreak in only a matter of months, with tumours growing back as vigorously as before.

It is a problem that has long dogged cancer researcher and physician Jeffrey Engelman of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. To learn more about how cancer becomes resistant to therapy, Engelman and his colleagues devised a way to culture lung cancer cells from patient samples and then test those cells against a battery of 76 different drugs.

The results yielded unexpected and promising drug combinations for treating resistant cancers, but the approach has not yet been used to guide patient treatment, notes Razelle Kurzrock, director of the Center for Personalized Cancer Therapy at the University of California in San Diego, who was not involved with the work.

“The potential for the assay is really there,” she says. “But does it work in the patient? That’s a more difficult reality.”

Right combination

Cells grown in culture have long been a mainstay of cancer research. Although they do not perfectly mimic tumour growth in the body, they are amenable to studies requiring large numbers of samples, such as drug screening.

But patient biopsies are difficult to culture because they are often tiny, and yield few cancer cells to work with. Engelman’s team built on recent advances in cell-culture techniques to develop ways to coax these cells into growing in the laboratory. The team then used the technique to culture cells from 20 patients whose cancers had become resistant to therapy, and tested those cell lines for sensitivity to 76 cancer drugs, alone and in combinations.

For most of the cell lines, the researchers were able to find a cocktail that worked. The approach sometimes yielded unexpected results: for example, more than half of the cell samples that were resistant to therapies targeting a protein called ALK were felled by different drugs that inhibited another protein called SRC. “There were no genetic results that would have pointed to that combination,” says Engelman.

Others have proposed using mice to model human cancers, and several companies now offer the possibility of transplanting tumours from patients into mice to test treatments. But Engelman says that the cell-culture approach may be faster and more versatile for large drug screens.

Even so, many of the biopsies used in the study failed to yield enough cancer cells for culturing in the lab, and even those that did required up to six months before they were ready to be screened for drug sensitivity. “Our patients really need to know how to treat their cancers as soon as possible,” says Engelman, who is now working to reduce the culture time to a matter of weeks.


“We’re making good progress,” he adds. “I think we have a decent shot of getting there.”

Nature DOI: doi:10.1038/nature.2014.16334

Patient-derived models of acquired resistance can identify effective drug combinations for cancer

Targeted cancer therapies have produced substantial clinical responses, but most tumors develop resistance to these drugs. Here, we describe a pharmacogenomic platform that facilitates rapid discovery of drug combinations that can overcome resistance. We established cell culture models derived from biopsy samples of lung cancer patients whose disease had progressed while on treatment with EGFR or ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors and then subjected these cells to genetic analyses and a pharmacological screen. Multiple effective drug combinations were identified. For example, the combination of ALK and MEK inhibitors was active in an ALK-positive resistant tumor that had developed a MAP2K1 activating mutation, and the combination of EGFR and FGFR inhibitors was active in an EGFR mutant resistant cancer with a novel mutation in FGFR3. Combined ALK and SRC inhibition was effective in several ALK-driven patient-derived models, a result not predicted by genetic analysis alone. With further refinements, this strategy could help direct therapeutic choices for individual patients.





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