附件是我们最近被JAS (J. Atmos. Sci.)接受的理论文章。这篇文章曾被QJ拒稿,后经我半年时间的重写,于今年3月投稿JAS.一个多 月后审稿意见出来了,都是小修改。审稿人的评价都很高,认为这篇文章的方法不仅可以用于NAO的动力学研究,而且还可以用于解释其他现象。这个理论研究实际上是我以前所建立的理论框架的延伸和扩展。
在这篇文章中,我们的结果再次否定了国际上主流学者所提出的wave breaking激发NAO的机制,尽管我这篇文章说得比较委婉。我们的结果是Wave breaking 只是NAO产生时同时相伴发生的现象,而不能说成是NAO产生的原因。
In this paper, based on a new wave eddy interaction framework the interaction mechanism between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and synoptic scale eddies is revealed by using the analytical solutions of a two-scale model as a description of the inverse energy cascade from non-uniform synoptic-scale eddies to the large scale NAO flow. It is found that the spatial shape of the eddy-induced large-scale streamfunction tendency prior to the NAO onset determines the direction of eddy energy transfer as well as the phase and growth of the NAO. However, the feedback of the intensified NAO anomaly on synoptic eddies can affect significantly the asymmetry of the NAO between negative (NAO- ) and positive (NAO+ ) phases in amplitude and persistence through the presence or absence of the eddy straining related to cyclonic wave breaking (CWB).
For the NAO+ , the stretching deformation role of the NAO+ field seems dominant in the eddy variation. Because the eddy energy generation rate (EGR) weakens and tends to be negative in the downstream side of the NAO+ region, the synoptic eddies lose their energy to the NAO -type zonal flow, thus leading to the weakening of synoptic-scale eddies. However, for the NAO- , the EGR variation shows that synoptic eddies grow over the upstream two sides of the NAO- region by extracting energy from the NAO- shearing deformation field, while lose energy to the mean flow over the middle upstream region through the stretching deformation. This process results in the eddy straining (splitting and strengthening) associated with the CWB.
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