(For new reader and those who request 好友请求, please read my 公告栏 first)
A series of family obligations and professional meetings took me traveling since June13 from Boston to Connecticut to New York City back to Boston and to Beijing. I am currently in Beijing but fulltime working at Tsinghuabut suffering froim jet jag . However, my travels are only half over. There are additional meetings in Chongqing from 6/24-28 and in Seoul Korea before I return to Boston on July 11th.
I mentioned the above as an explanation as to why I have not been blogging since 6/13 except for briefly answering comments posted by readers of my blog. Even there my responses were hurried and not adequate. The truth is that I realized for the first time that at my relatively advanced age, I am no longer capable of dealing with the stress of extensive and continuous professional involvement, travel, and jet lag. What I used to handle as part of working life are now becoming a burden. I should not over schedule myself in retirement.
Thus, for readers who have been waiting for my second installment on “why is science conservative?” and more detailed responses to their comments, please have patience. I’ll deals with these tasks when I return to Boston and had a proper rest.