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It is general knowledge that the earth is getting warmer by a few degrees over the past decades. This is an un-disputed fact called Global Warming known to everyone. However, while the eventual effect of this warming can be devastating, both the politician and the general public are not doing much about it. Human nature being what it is, people do not get excited about eventualities that only effect their grandchildren or great grandchildren. To get attention, the language of Global Warming (GW) has subtly and gradually changed to that of Climate Change (CC). While GW is slow and often not noticeable (i.e., the average temperature increase), CC is much more immediate and inescapable. We have not only seen record hot temperature in the past few years, but also more severe winter storms, hurricanes, floods, and other extreme weather events http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-1105261.html . What are we doing about it?
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