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科学网为媒,我与《Nature》结缘 精选

已有 10969 次阅读 2017-10-12 08:30 |系统分类:科研笔记




该文发表后,引起《Nature》亚太记者David Cyranoski的关注。David Cyranoski通过邮件与我联系,交流有关问题及看法,都是他问我答。估计David Cyranoski此段时间也采访了国家自然基金委主任杨卫。DavidCyranoski写了一篇报道《China cracks down on fake peer reviews:Funding agencies announce harsh penalties and stronger policingefforts.》,发表在2017年6月20日出版的《Nature》上。




附件一:《Nature》 报道原文

China cracksdown on fake peer reviews

Funding agencies announce harshpenalties and stronger policing efforts.

·       DavidCyranoski

20 June 2017

The Chinesegovernment is going on the offensive against scientists who dupe journals bycreating fraudulent reviews of submitted papers. A coalition of agencies led bythe science ministry announced on 14 June that the government wouldsuspend the grants of researchers involved in such fraud, which surfacedearlier this year when a cancer journal retracted 107 research papers fromChinese authors. And funding agencies in China promised to increase policing ofthe scientific community to prevent similar deceptions.

The harshpenalties and stricter enforcement were decided earlier this month at a meetingof representatives of the science ministry, the health ministry, the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and other agencies.

“To have so manyagencies and so much personnel work together on the problem of manuscriptfabrication is, to my knowledge, unprecedented,” says Jiang Wenlai, awater-resources researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Resources andRegional Planning in Beijing, part of the Chinese Academy of AgriculturalSciences.

The meeting wasa response to retractions made in April by the journal Tumor Biology,after its publisher, Springer Nature, found that reviews submitted in supportof 107 papers had been fabricated. (Springer Nature no longerpublishes Tumor Biology. Nature is published by Springer Nature,and Nature’s News and Comment team is editorially independent of thepublisher.)

Fraud in peerreview is a global problem. It occurs when researchers — or companiesacting on their behalf — suggest scientists as potential peer reviewers,but the e-mails supplied for the reviewers route back to the authors or thecompanies, who then write spurious reviews supporting publication.

Online companiesthat orchestrate fake peer review are among the main targets of the crackdown.The coalition hopes to enlist the government’s Cyberspace Administration ofChina, the agency that censors the Internet in China. It could identify theculprits behind the companies, says Yang Wei, head of the NSFC. “If you shutone [website] down, they  will just open three others,” he says. “Our goalis to find the person behind them.”

The problemextends well beyond cancer research. “You can go online and see lots of them.Different fields are served by different companies,” says Yang.

Surprisingly,only 17 of the 107 retracted papers were funded by the NSFC, even though theagency supports more than 60% of Chinese scientific research. Yang says thatmany of the scientists involved are at the start of their careers, trying toget a foot in the door. They are desperate to have a first publication so thatthey can then apply for better grants. The NSFC found that more than 30 of itspending grant applications were based on the retracted papers. Thoseapplications have been cancelled.

Some observerson social media are sympathetic towards clinical researchers caught up in thescandal. Physicians in China are often pressured to publish, but are givenlittle time or resources to do so. Jiang, too, is sympathetic, but says thatsuch publications are aimed at personal advancement, rather than making acontribution to science. He says that although the authors cannot be excused,other factors are to blame, including an unreasonable evaluation system andacademic journals that show insufficient diligence over peer review. “It is notjust the problem of the author, it is a societal problem,” says Jiang. “Justpunishing the author will not eradicate the problem.”

The success ofthe government’s crackdown will depend on whether it can link strictimplementation to a fairer system of evaluation for doctors and researchers,says Jiang.

Nature 546,464(22 June 2017) doi:10.1038/546464a

附件二:《Nature》报道 中文译文



此次会议旨在回应4月份《肿瘤生物学》杂志撤稿事件,杂志出版商Springer Nature发现支持107篇论文通过的评审结果存在造假问题。此后Springer Nature停止出版了《肿瘤生物学》杂志。








1.David Cyranoski. Chinacracks down on fake peer reviews,Nature,June 20,2017. doi:10.1038/546464a

2. 徐志杰,Nature发文,评论“虚假同行评审”致论文撤稿事件,




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