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2006-2016诺贝尔生理医学奖论文所发表的杂志 精选

已有 16652 次阅读 2017-7-8 09:17 |系统分类:观点评述

有关诺贝尔奖获奖关键论文(Key publications)发表在了哪些杂志?大家众说纷纭。本博文对此进行了总结。由于数量庞大,本博文仅仅总结2006-2016年生理医学的论文。希望起到抛砖引玉作用,以便同行总结其他诺贝尔奖相关论文发表的杂志。

总数64篇之中,nature 22篇,占34%science 12篇,占19%cell 9篇,占14%CNS一共占67%。简单的统计结果是:2006-2016年生理医学诺贝尔奖的论文多数发表在最顶端杂志。




Andrew Fireand/Craig C. Mello

A, Fire,S.Q. Xu, M.K. Montgomery, S.A. Kostas, S. E. Driver,C.C. Mello: Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNAinCaenorhabditis elegans. In: Nature.391/1998, S.806-811


Mario Capecchi

1. Thomas, K. R.; Capecchi, M. R. (1987)."Site-directedmutagenesis by gene targeting in mouse embryo-derived stemcells". Cell. 51 (3):503–512.

2. Mansour, S. L.; Thomas, K. R.; Capecchi, M. R.(1988)."Disruption of the proto-oncogene int-2 in mouse embryo-derivedstemcells: A general strategy for targeting mutations tonon-selectablegenes". Nature. 336 (6197): 348–352.

3. Capecchi, M. R. (1980). "High efficiencytransformation bydirect microinjection of DNA into cultured mammaliancells". Cell. 22 (2 Pt 2):479–488. .

4.Chisaka, O.; Capecchi, M. R. (1991). "Regionallyrestricteddevelopmental defects resulting from targeted disruption of the mousehomeoboxgene hox-1.5".Nature. 350 (6318): 473–479.

5.Thomas,K. R.; Folger, K. R.; Capecchi, M. R. (1986)."High frequency targeting ofgenes to specific sites in the mammaliangenome". Cell. 44 (3):419–428.

Martin Evans

1.   Evans M,Kaufman M (July 1981)."Establishment in culture of pluripotential cellsfrom mouse embryos". Nature.292 (5819):154–6. .

2.   Martin G (December 1981). "Isolation of a pluripotent cellline from earlymouse embryos cultured in medium conditioned by teratocarcinomastemcells".Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 78 (12):7634–8. .

3.   Bradley A, Evans M, KaufmanMH,Robertson E (1984). "Formation of germ-line chimaeras fromembryo-derivedteratocarcinoma cell lines". Nature. 309 (5965):255–256.

4.   Robertson E; Bradley, A.;Kuehn, M.;Evans, M. (1986). "Germ-line transmission of genes introducedinto culturedpluripotential cells by retroviral vector".Nature. 323 (6087):445–448. .

5.   Kuehn MR, Bradley A, RobertsonEJ,Evans MJ (1987). "A potential animal model for Lesch-Nyhan syndromethroughintroduction of HPRT mutations into mice".Nature. 326 (5819):295–298. .

Oliver Smithies

1.DoetschmanT, Gregg R G, Maeda N, et al. Targettedcorrection of a mutant HPRT gene inmouse embryonic stem cells[J]. Nature,1987, 330(6148): 576-578.

2.SnouwaertJ N, Brigman K K, Latour A M, et al. An AnimalModel for Cystic Fibrosis Made byGene Targeting[J]. Science, 1992, 257(5073):1083-1088.

3.KregeJ H, Hodgin J B, Couse J F, et al. Generation andreproductive phenotypes ofmice lacking estrogen receptor β[J]. Proceedings ofthe National Academy ofSciences of the United States of America, 1998, 95(26):15677-15682.


Harald zur Hausen

1.  Henle,Werner (1967-09-01). "Herpes-Type Virus and Chromosome Marker in NormalLeukocytesafter Growth with Irradiated Burkitt Cells | Science" (PDF). Science. 157:1064–1065.

2.   M Dürst;L Gissmann; H Ikenberg; H zur Hausen (1983-06-01). "Apapillomavirus DNA from a cervical carcinoma andits prevalence in cancer biopsysamples from different geographic regions". PNAS. 80:3812.

3.   Boshart,M; Gissmann, L;Ikenberg, H; Kleinheinz, A; Scheurlen, W; Hausen, H (1984). "A new type ofpapillomavirus DNA, its presence ingenital cancer biopsies and in cell linesderived from cervical cancer" (PDF).EMBOJ. 3:1151–7.

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

1. Barré-Sinoussi F, Chermann JC, Rey F, Nugeyre MT, Chamaret S,Gruest J,Dauguet C, Axler-Blin C, Vézinet-Brun F, Rouzioux C, Rozenbaum W,Montagnier L(1983). "Isolation of a T-lymphotropic retrovirus from apatient at riskfor acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)". Science. 220 (4599):868–871.

2.MossA R, Osmond D, Bacchetti P, et al. RISK FACTORS FORAIDS AND HIV SEROPOSITIVITYIN HOMOSEXUAL MEN[J]. American Journal ofEpidemiology, 1987, 125(6): 1035-1047.

3.BarresinoussiF. HIV as the cause of AIDS[J]. The Lancet,1996, 348(9019): 31-35.

Luc Montagnier

BarresinoussiF, Chermann J C, Rey F, et al.Isolation of a T-lymphotropic retrovirus from apatient at risk for acquiredimmune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).[J]. Science,1983, 220(4599): 868-871.


Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W.Szostak

1.ShampayJ, Szostak J W, Blackburn E H, et al. DNA sequencesof telomeres maintained inyeast[J]. Nature, 1984, 310(5973): 154-157.

2.Greider, C. W.; Blackburn, E. H. (1985)."Identification of aspecific telomere terminal transferase activity inTetrahymena extracts". Cell.43 (2Pt1): 405–413.

3.BudarfM L, Blackburn E H. Chromatin structure of thetelomeric region and3'-nontranscribed spacer of Tetrahymena ribosomal RNAgenes.[J]. Journal ofBiological Chemistry, 1986, 261(1): 363-369.

4.GreiderC W, Blackburn E H. A telomeric sequence in the RNAof Tetrahymena telomeraserequired for telomere repeat synthesis[J]. Nature,1989, 337(6205): 331-337.

5.DunnB W, Szauter P, Pardue M L, et al. Transfer of yeasttelomeres to linearplasmids by recombination.[J]. Cell, 1984, 39(1): 191-201.


Robert Edwards

Steptoe,P. C.; Edwards, R. G. (1978)."Birth After the Reimplantation of a HumanEmbryo". The Lancet. 312 (8085):366


Bruce Beutler

Poltorak, A., et al. Defective LPS signaling inC3H/HeJ andC57BL/10ScCr mice: mutations in Tlr4 gene. Science282(5396):2085-8, 1998

Jules A. Hoffmann

1.Song,W.Y.; et al. (1995). "A receptor kinase-likeprotein encoded by the ricedisease resistance gene, XA21". Science.270(5243): 1804–1806.

2.Lemaitre,B.; Nicolas, E.; Michaut, L.; Reichhart, J. M.;Hoffmann, J. A. (1996)."The dorsoventral regulatory gene cassettespätzle/Toll/cactus controls thepotent antifungal response in Drosophilaadults". Cell. 86 (6):973–983.

Ralph M. Steinman

1.SteinmanRM, Cohn ZA (1973). "Identification of anovel cell type in peripheral lymphoidorgans of mice. I. Morphology,quantitation, tissue distribution". J. Exp. Med. 137 (5):1142–62.

2.SteinmanR M, Nussenzweig M C. Dendritic cells: featuresand functions.[J]. ImmunologicalReviews, 1980, 53(1): 127-147.


John Gurdon

1.Gurdon,J. B.; Elsdale, T. R.; Fischberg, M. (1958). "SexuallyMature Individualsof Xenopus laevis from the Transplantation of SingleSomaticNuclei".Nature. 182 (4627):64–65.

2.Gurdon,J. B. (1962). "The developmental capacity ofnuclei taken from intestinalepithelium cells of feeding tadpoles". Journal ofembryology andexperimental morphology. 10: 622–640.

3.Gurdon,J. B.; Lane, C. D.; Woodland, H. R.; Marbaix, G.(1971). "Use of Frog Eggsand Oocytes for the Study of Messenger RNA andits Translation in LivingCells". Nature. 233 (5316):177–182.

4.Simonsson,S.; Gurdon, J. (2004). "DNA demethylationis necessary for the epigeneticreprogramming of somatic cell nuclei". Nature Cell Biology. 6 (10):984–990.

Shinya Yamanaka

1.  Takahashi, K.;Yamanaka,S. (2006). "Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from MouseEmbryonic andAdult Fibroblast Cultures by Defined Factors".Cell. 126 (4):663–76.

2.  Takahashi,K.; Tanabe, K.;Ohnuki, M.; Narita, M.; Ichisaka, T.; Tomoda, K.; Yamanaka, S.(2007)."Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Adult Human FibroblastsbyDefined Factors". Cell. 131 (5):861–872.

3.   Okita,K.; Ichisaka, T.;Yamanaka, S. (2007). "Generation of germline-competentinduced pluripotentstem cells".Nature. 448 (7151):313–317.


James Rothman

1.    Miesenböck, G.; Rothman, J. E.(1997). "Patterns of synaptic activity inneural networksrecorded by light emission from synaptolucins". Proceedingsof the National Academy ofSciences of the United States of America. 94(7):3402–3407.

2.   Miesenböck,G.; De Angelis, D. A.; Rothman, J.E. (1998). "Visualizing secretion andsynaptic transmission withpH-sensitive green fluorescent proteins". Nature. 394 (6689):192–195.

Randy Schekman

1.Deshaies,R.J.; Koch, B. D.; Werner-Washburne, M.; Craig, E. A.; Schekman, R.(1988)."A subfamily of stress proteins facilitates translocation ofsecretory andmitochondrial precursor polypeptides". Nature. 332 (6167):800–805.

2.Novick,P.;Field, C.; Schekman, R. (1980). "Identification of 23complementationgroups required for post-translational events in the yeastsecretorypathway". Cell. 21 (1):205–215.

3.Schekman,R.; Orci, L. (1996). "Coat Proteins andVesicle Budding". Science.271 (5255): 1526–1533.

Thomas C. Südhof

1.SudhofT C, Czernik A J, Kao H T, et al. Synapsins: mosaicsof shared and individualdomains in a family of synaptic vesiclephosphoproteins[J]. Science, 1989,245(4925): 1474-1480.

2.SudhofT C, Jahn R. Proteins of synaptic vesicles involvedin exocytosis and membranerecycling[J]. Neuron, 1991, 6(5): 665-677.


John O'Keefe

1.O'Keefej, D. J. (1971). "The hippocampus as a spatialmap. Preliminary evidencefrom unit activity in the freely-moving rat".Brain Research. 34 (1):171–175.

2.O'Keefe,J (1976). "Place units in the hippocampus ofthe freely moving rat".Experimental neurology. 51 (1):78–109.

3.O'Keefe,J.; Burgess, N. (1996). "Geometricdeterminants of the place fields ofhippocampal neurons". Nature. 381(6581):425–428.

May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser

1.Brun, V.H., Otnæss, M.K.,Molden, S., Steffenach, H.-A., Witter, M.P., Moser,M.- ., Moser, E.I. (2002).Place cells and place representation maintained bydirectentorhinal-hippocampal circuitry. Science, 296,2089-2284

2.Sargolini, F., Fyhn, M.,Hafting, T., McNaughton, B.L., Witter, M.P., Moser,M.-B., and Moser, E.I.(2006). Conjunctive representation of position, directionand velocity inentorhinal cortex. Science, 312,754-758.

3.Fyhn, M., Hafting, T., Treves,A., Moser, M.-B. and Moser, E.I. (2007).Hippocampal remapping and gridrealignment in entorhinal cortex. Nature, 446,190-194.

4.Hafting, T., Fyhn, M.,Bonnevie, T., Moser, M.-B. and Moser, E.I. (2008).Hippocampus-independentphase precession in entorhinal grid cells. Nature 453, 1248-1252.





3.青蒿研究协作组.抗疟新药青蒿素的研究.药学通报197914 2):49-53.

Satoshi ōmura

1.Burg,R. W.; Miller, B.M.; Baker, E. E.; Birnbaum, J.; Currie, S. A.; Hartman, R.;Kong, Y.-L.;Monaghan, R.; Olson, G.; Putter, I.; Tunac, J. B.; Wallick, H.;Stapley, E. O.;Oiwa, R.; ōmura, S. (1979). "Avermectins, new family of potent anthelminticagents:producing organism and fermentation". Antimicrob. Agents andChemother. 15: 61–367.

2.Hopwood,D.A.;Malphatida, F.; Kieser, H.M.; Ikeda, J.; Juncan, J.; Fujii, B.A.M.; Rudd,H.;Floss, G.; ōmura, S. (1984)."Productionof 'hybrid' antibiotics by geneticengineering". Nature. 314 (6012):642–644.

3.Ikeda, H.; Nonomiya, T.; Usami, M.; Ohta, T; ōmura, S. (1999). "Organizationof the biosynthetic gene cluster forthe polyketide anthelmintic macrolideavermectin in Streptomycesavermitilis". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.96: 9509–9514.

William C. Campbell

Campbell W C, Fisher M H, Stapley E O, et al.Ivermectin: apotent new antiparasitic agent.[J]. Science, 1983, 221(4613):823.


Yoshinori Ohsumi

1.Takeshige,K.,Baba, M., Tsuboi, S., Noda, T. and Ohsumi, Y. (1992). Autophagy inyeastdemonstrated with proteinase-deficient mutants and conditions foritsinduction. Journal of Cell Biology 119, 301-311

2.Tsukada,M.and Ohsumi, Y. (1993). Isolation and characterization of autophagy-defectivemutantsofSaccharomycescervisiae. FEBS Letters 333, 169-174

3.Mizushima,N.,Noda, T., Yoshimori, T., Tanaka, Y., Ishii, T., George, M.D., Klionsky,D.J.,Ohsumi, 3.M. and Ohsumi, Y. (1998). A protein conjugation systemessential forautophagy. Nature 395, 395-398

4.Ichimura,Y.,Kirisako T., Takao, T., Satomi, Y., Shimonishi, Y., Ishihara, N.,Mizushima, N.,Tanida, I., Kominami, E., Ohsumi, M., Noda, T. and Ohsumi, Y.(2000). Aubiquitin-like system mediates protein lipidation. Nature, 408,488-492


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