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Tracing scientist’s research trends realtimely

已有 3364 次阅读 2013-5-5 13:12 |个人分类:科学计量学|系统分类:科研笔记| 学术趋势

Tracing scientist’s research trends realtimely

Xianwen Wang,Zhi Wang, Shenmeng Xu  

   Abstract In this research, we propose a method to trace scientist’s research trends realtimely. By monitoring the downloads of scientific articles in the journal of Scientometrics for 744 h, namely one month, we investigate the download statistics. Then we aggregate the keywords in these downloaded research papers, and analyze the trends of article downloading and keyword downloading. Furthermore, taking both the downloads of keywords and articles into consideration, we design a method to detect the emerging research trends. We find that in scientometrics field, social media, new indices to quantify scientific productivity (g-index), webometrics, semantic, text mining, and open access areemerging fields that scientometrics researchers are focusing on.


Keywords:Research trend Altmetrics Springer Realtime Scientometrics Download



About is a service that aggregates together downloads of Springer journal articles and book chapters in real time and displays them in a variety of visualizations. The goal of this service is to provide the scientific community with valuable information about how the literature is being used "right now".

 Having access to information about how content is being used right now can yield valuable insight into what topics are trending at the moment, what areas of the world are currently looking at what type of content, and what overall keywords are popular at the moment. Realtime's ability to alter the reporting window from "last 7 days" to "last 30" or "last 90" days gives you added insight into how these patterns are changing over time.

 Realtime currently receives feeds from: SpringerLink, SpringerImages, and SpringerProtocols. For SpringerLink and SpringerProtocols, any time a user downloads the PDF or HTML version of an article, chapter, or protocol, a message is sent in real time from those sites to For images, a "download" is counted when a user is shown the full version of an Image Details page. In this case, we register a "download" from SpringerImages of the article or chapter that the image came from.

 It's important to note that historical data is not stored on, and because there is some processing of logs done before COUNTER reports are generated (to do things like filter out robotic activity and ensure consistent session definitions), the statistics on this service will not match exactly with statistics provided in final, processed COUNTER reports. The data on this site is not intended to be used for reporting purposes, but intended to give you an overall picture of all the usage that is being generated by Springer's online products.


By now, many publishing groups offer evaluated tools for altmetrics. Realtime tool inSpringer, Altmetric APP and Mostdownloaded APP in Elsevier are good examples. Inaddition, some journals and organizations provide instant analysis results of altmetrics,such as Article-Level Metrics ( in Journal of MedicalInternet Research, Top Downloaded Articles ( in Stem Cells, Download statistics ( in UCL Discovery, and PLoS Impact Explorer in PloS(, etc.(摘自上面提及的论文)

上一篇:Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
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