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When 'Given' is a noun...

已有 1583 次阅读 2011-1-19 10:41 |系统分类:科研笔记

“His description of China took it as a given that China is a leading global power and a central member of the international system,” Mr. Kennedy wrote of Mr. Hu, “and such standing is not conditional on U.S. approval.”

given = assumption, something assumed or taken for granted.

quid pro quo = An equal exchange or substitution;something for something

a little 8g from an interesting blog article (Source: http://www.thechinabeat.org/?p=3059)
"I’m particularly interested to see: 1) Whether Chinese first lady Liu Yongqing will eat the standard fare put on the table as everyone else. She typically travels with her own chef and food; and 2) Whether the American media will get a good photo of the back of Hu Jintao’s head to determine once and for all if he has a bald spot. Chinese media are forbidden to ever shoot him from behind. CNN, please…"

You could even imagine a place where a culture hero claimed “I transmit, I do not invent (or create).” (This saying is attributed to Kongzi, known as Confucius, in The Analects.)
孔子说过这句话吗:I transmit, I do not invent?原文是怎么说的?难怪浙大张主编会说传统教育宣扬拷贝粘贴。

“There are some traditional practices that may endure in China, such as having novices quote from authorities as part of their education, and there is a tendency to regard communication as effective based on the results it produces.”


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