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245 principles of instructional design

已有 1352 次阅读 2019-6-7 20:28 |系统分类:科研笔记

Principles of Instructional Design

Fourth Edition

Rober M.Gagne

Leslie J.Briggs

Walter W.Wager

pages 240-

media selection by learning outcomes

implication for media exclusion and media selection of type of learning outcome

intellectual skills

exclude media having no interactive feature

exclude printed discourse for nonreaders

select media providing feedback to learner responses

select audio and visual features for nonreaders

cognitive strategies

exclusion same as for intellectual skills

select media with same features as those for intellectual skills

verbal information

exclude only real equipment or simulator with no verbal accompaniments

exclude complex prose for nonreaders

select media able to present verbal messages and elaborations

select audio and pictonal features for nonreaders


exclusions same as for verbal information

select media able to present realistic pictures of human model and the model's message

motor skills 

exclude media having no provision for learner response and feedback

select media making possible direct practice of skill with informative feedback

practical consideration in media selection

ensure suitable attention to learning effectiveness

adapting the model to design circumstances

making media decision aimed at ensuring learning effectiveness based upon identification of the type of learning outcomes represented by the lesson objectives

the skilled design team leader must not only adopt,adapt,or design a specific model to fit the project budget and personnel available,but must also develop time periods for specific tasks,make personnel assignments,and monitor the entire management plan

designing the individual lesson

the ultimate goal of instructional design is to produce effective instruction

a lesson or module is generally planned to be a particular length in minutes,which usually means that any significant instructional curriculum is going to require more than a single lesson

in designing a lesson,one needs first to ensure that the events of instruction are provided for,additionally,it is necessary to classify the lesson objectives and arrange that specific events are placed in an appropriate sequence for the attainment of these objectives,the content of the events,or instructional prescriptions,is then written as the lesson content

lesson planning and module design

frequently,teachers select rather than develop instructional material

individualized,self-paced,and adaptive instructional materials

we define individualized instruction as that which takes into consideration the needs of students

self-paced instruction is a phrase implying instructional management by the learner as well as the mediation of instruction

adaptive instruction usually refers to materials and management systems that constantly monitor the progress of the student and change the instructional content based on that student's progress,adaptive instruction involves complex record keeping and decision making and is facilitated by the use of computers

the object of instructional design is to produce a lesson or series of lesson that include consideration of the delivery system being used as well as the needs of the learners

the nature of the lesson will depend a great deal on how it is to be used

classifying objectives by the use of a taxonomy of learning outcomes

sequencing objectives to take account of prerequisites

including the appropriate events of instruction that apply to all domains of outcomes

incorporating into the events of instruction the particular conditions of learning relevant to the domains of the objectives in the lesson

establishing a sequence of objectives

planning a sequence for intellectual skill objectives

learning hierarchy

determing a starting point

one needs to begin the instruction where each student is 

a review of earlier skills may be needed at the beginning of each lessono to be sure where is ready recall when the new learning is undertaken

specifying a sequence of lesson

a teacher must decide how much should be included in each lesson,as well as the sequencing of the lesson,following the implications for sequencing discussed earlier,it might often be convenient to teach some boxes as single lesson,other boxes may be combined within one lesson

achievement of skills in sequence

each student will display mastery of prerequisite skills before being asked to learn the next higher skill

the lesson must be so designed that each prerequisite skill can be performed with perfect confidence by the learner before attempting to learn more complex skills in the hierarchy

provisions for diagnosis and relearning

lesson planning which utilizes the hierarchy of intellectual skills may also provide for diagnosis of learning difficulties

if a student has difficulty learning any given skill,the most probabel diagnostic indication is that the student cannot recall how to perform one or more prerequisite skills

if one or more cannot be recalled,then relearning of these prerequisites should be undertaken

sequence in relation to cognitive strategies

the prerequisite skills essential for the learning of cognitive startegies are often simple skills established by prior learning

when cognitive strategies become the target of instruction,they often take the form of a sequence of steps or activities to be performed by the learner in order to help the learner process information in a new way

planning a sequence for verbal information learning

the most important prerequisite for the learning of information is the provision of meaningful context within which the newly learned information can be subsumed or with which it can be,in some meaningful sense,associated

names of labels

the learning of a set of names is facilitated by the use of previously learned organized structures,which the learner has in memory

the learning of new names or labels calls upon previously learned entities stored in the learner's memory

individual facts


the use of questions or statements to identify the major categories of facts for which learning is desired

organized information

most frequently,an objective in the category of verbal information is the expection that the learner will be able to state a set of facts and priciples in a meaningful,organized manner

planning a sequence for motor skill learning

the capabilities that constitute prerequisites for the learning of a motor skill are the part skills that may compose the skill to be learned and the executive subroutine(the complex rule)that serves to control their execution in the proper order

the particular part skills may themselves have important prerequisites

planning a sequence for attitude learning

the basis for an instructional sequence aimed at establishing an attitude is to be found in the particular verbal information and intellectual skills that become a part of the personal action that the teacher expects the learner to choose as a result of instruction


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