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244 principles of instructional design

已有 1275 次阅读 2019-6-6 20:34 |系统分类:科研笔记

Principles of Instructional Design

Fourth Edition

Rober M.Gagne

Leslie J.Briggs

Walter W.Wager

pages 210-

media selection procedures

narrowing the field to the few media that are capable of supporting instruction most effectively

factors in media selection

models of media selection typically include three categories of factors contributing to the narrowing of choice

1.physical attributes of the media

2.task characteristics

3.learner characteristics

physical factors

media differ from each other in terms of the physical characteristics of the communications they are able to display

visual display

verbal display


the learning task

in choosing media for instruction,the type of performance expected of learners as a result of instruction(the learning outcome) needs to be considered with some care

learners variables

characteristics of learners must be considered when selecting media

12categories of media and exercises,in a somewhat age-related fashion

12.verbal symbols

11.visual symbols-signs,stick figures

10.radio and recording

9.still pictures

8.motion pictures

7.educational television


5.study trips


3.dramatized experiences-plays,puppets,role playing

2.contrieved experiences-models,mock ups.simulation

1.direct purposeful experience

classical conditioning

hearing persuasive communications

human modeling

the assumed learning environment

size of school budget

size of class

capability for developing new materials

availability of radio,television,and other media equipment

teacher capabilities and availability for an instructional design effort

availability of modular materials for individualized,performance-based instruction

attitudes of pricipal and teachers toward innovations

school architecture

the assumed development environment

the time,budget,and personnel available will influence the probability of success in designing specified delivery systems

the economy and the culture

in designing an instructional system,one will wish to choose media that are acceptable to the users and within the budget and technology resources.attitudes toward various media may differ between urban and rural people or among ethnic or socioeconomic subgroups

cost effectiveness(除開:某些領域會不惜一切代價)

avoid selecting media that may be unacceptable or impractical

practical factors

size fo group

type of learner

response desired

type of sitmulus presentation

simplicity of physical classroom arrangements

requirements for lighting or darkness in the room 

other environmental conditions

what size of group must be accommodated in one room on a single occasion

what is the range of viewing and hearing destance for the use of the media

how easily can the media be interrupted for pupil responding or other activity and for providing feedback to the learners

is the presentation adaptive to the learners' responses

does the desired instructional stimulus require motion,color,still pictures,spoken words,or written words

is sequence fixed or flexible in the medium?is the instruction repeated in every detail?

which media provide best for incorporating most of the conditions of learning appropriate for the objective

which media provide more of the desired instructional events

do the media under consideration vary in probable affective impact for the learners

are the necessary hardware and software items obtainable,accessible,and storabel

how much disruption is caused by using the media

is a backup easily available in case of equipment failure,power failure,film breakage,and so on

will teachers need additional training

is a budget provided for spare parts,repairs,and replacement of items that become damaged

how do costs compare with probable effectiveness

a method of media selection

most prominent differences among instructional media are related to the learning situation

the choice of media for learning effectiveness comes to depend particularly on the type of learning outcome intended

a model of media selection

an example - self instrucion with nonreaders


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