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已有 2237 次阅读 2018-5-6 09:46 |个人分类:生态科普|系统分类:科研笔记| 国土开发, 生态文明建设, 连载, 土地整理




本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明


4.2.1 Territorial development system



For many years, due to the blind pursuit of GDP, the country has been engulfed by construction fever. The whole country has been turned into a “huge construction site”, causing serious environmental pollution and waste of resources. Until now, many local governments still rely on selling land for revenue. Much land originally planted with crops is now piled up with buildings. If allowed to continue, China will soon face a shortage of arable land, run into a food supply crisis, and in the end reap nothing but a bubble economy. To this end, the Chinese government has launched a territorial development plan. In March 2003, according to the Law of Land Administration and other related policies, the Ministry of Land and Resources formulated the National Land Development and Consolidation Plan.



What is territorial development and consolidation?



It means proper management of lands, and methodical exploitation of various types according to the nature of lands. Top-quality land is for agricultural production to produce more food; lands with fragile ecology, endangered species or of far-reaching importance are not for development, and must remain in its natural state as an ecological barrier; and lands with better transportation, marketing and personnel conditions can be arranged for concentrated project development.



Territorial consolidation work in China comprises three aspects: land consolidation, land reclamation and land exploitation.



Land consolidation means comprehensive improvement of lands, water, roads, forests, and villages through projects or by growing plants, to make them convenient for farming and to raise cropland productivity. I used to be engaged in this kind of project. I helped 6 villages near our research base in Pingyi County successfully apply for a fund of 8 million Yuan for consolidation of land covering 10,000 mu around the base. Some of the projects have begun to function. In the whole process, the participation of both scientists and farmers is very important.



Land reclamation is to recultivate those lands which have not been used for farming to make it suitable for growing crops again. Those lands include lands damaged or abandoned due to digging, collapsing, or pressing in the process of construction, and lands damaged or abandoned because of natural disasters.



Land development refers to the rational exploitation and utilization of unutilized land resources on the basis of protection and improvement of the ecological environment, prevention of soil erosion and desertification.



In accordance with the requirements of the territorial development system, future land use must follow rules and plans. The reclamation and utilization of lands not in use, and the consolidation of lands in use, will be institutionalized through appraisal and demonstration, so as to ensure orderly development, improve the land utilization rate, and protect arable land and the ecological environment.



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