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已有 20821 次阅读 2011-6-23 15:59 |系统分类:海外观察

如果顺利的话还有1年半毕业,昨天和导师见面他说:可以开始准备毕业论文了。那一刻我就突然很紧张了,我说:这么早就开始写了吗? 一旦开始就意味着马上就结束了。他笑笑,表示赞同和无奈。之后收到他的邮件,介绍了整个博士阶段从申请到毕业的过程,剪贴过来给需要的人作为参考,原文如下:

1. Apply for the right for doctoral studies at TUT.

2. Prepare a study plan and get it approved at the Faculty meeting.

3. Prepare a research plan and present it to your supervisor.

4. Carry out your studies (courses and book exams for main subject and supporting studies).

5. Write and publish your articles and write the lead part.

6. The Faculty appoints two reviewers for your work.

7. Based on the evaluation by the reviewers, the faculty gives permission for printing your thesis.

8. The Faculty appoints the opponents.

9. Public defense of the thesis.


The lead part usually consists of theoretical analysis and analysis of other research on the topic. The lead part should further highlight the objectives of the research, methodology, results and what new scientific information has been produced. The importance and significance of research results should also be presented and discussed. The articles should be discussed regarding how they are connected to the topic of the thesis.

 The articles are normally published in peer reviewed publications. In certain cases conference papers can also be included if they are peer reviewed and published in the conference proceedings. The conference must also be of high scientific level. The articles must be approved for publishing, even though they are not yet published.

 The thesis should normally contain 4‑8 scientific articles, but the number of articles is not essential. More important is that the articles and the lead part contribute new knowledge to science. The author of the thesis should be the first author for most of the articles. In other cases the author must point out which part of the articles she/he has written. A written approval for printing the articles in the thesis must be obtained from the publishers prior printing the thesis.




1.       第一,请博士本身就是一件很难的事情,除非是机遇很好,否则funding这块是需要你自己去找的,所以基本上在芬兰读博士的人都是有一定的工作经验的,而由于工作需要又返回到学术界。所以在芬兰很少能出现20多岁的博士。

2.       第二,就是论文发表的数量,48篇期刊论文需要在4年时间内完成并发表或者至少取得发表权并不是一件简单的事情,每一篇论文都需要大量的理论和时间作为依据,所以即使是1年一篇也算是件不容易的事情,更何况最后是否可以答辩,论文是否可以出版都需要文章,也就是说在第三年内所有的文章必须投稿出去,并且大部分得到同意发表的认可。在瑞典大多数高校,论文不限于期刊或者会议,一半以上发表就可以,剩下的只要submit出去就行了,相比之下,芬兰的要苛刻的多。

3.       第三,Opponents 基本是国际上相关研究方向的专家,这个完全没有走关系或者早捷径的可能性。好就是好,不好就是不好。科研必须如此严肃!

而之所以我觉得一分为二的是对论文和lead part的评判标准,这里主要想参考国内的博士学位要求做比较。

1.      首先,论文需要发表在peer reviewed 的期刊上,而并不是一味要求是SCI检索的,这件事是我认为最明智的。SCI收录固然重要,但对于很多专业,比如textile,比如甚至是fashion design,这些学科并没有多少期刊被SCIEI收录,因为它们并不完全属于science也不完全属于engineering,但只要是研究就应该是有贡献的,所以“the articles and the lead part contribute new knowledge to science 是一个非常明智的评判标准。

2.       其次,论文并不一定需要建模,我听过很多国内的同行博士们抱怨,博士论文一定要写到没有人看得懂,数学模型越多越好,公式用的越离越好。这一点我非常不认可,也非常庆幸自己不需要写这样一本要了命的论文。这个世界上不是只有数学才是叫科学的。



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