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“环状RNA”不稀奇! 精选

已有 14795 次阅读 2014-9-25 10:44 |个人分类:期刊论文|系统分类:论文交流| Cell, 环状RNA

本月19日,以中国科学院杨力、陈玲玲夫妇为通讯作者的研究团队在Cell在线发表了一篇“外显子环化”的研究论文——“互补序列介导外显子环化”(Complementary Sequence-Mediated Exon Circularization),其研究水平之高,研究意义之重大,不言而喻,可喜可贺!


其实,只要看看原文摘要中的第一句话,就知道作者是如何评价自己的“创新点”的:外显子环化现象从哺乳动物的许多基因位点被鉴定出来,但其产生的详细机理仍旧扑朔迷离(Exon circularization has been identified from many loci in mammals, but the detailed mechanism of its biogenesis has remained elusive),即该文的创新点并非首次发现外显子环化现象,而是阐明了环状RNA形成的机理——内含子互补序列介导外显子环化。



早在1976年,两次诺奖获得者Sanger就描述了类病毒的环状RNA结构。我当学生的时候,就已经知道外显子-内含子“剪接”过程中会形成“套环”(lariat)结构或“套索”状结构。去年2月27日,Nature在线发表了一篇关于环状RNA普遍存在并具有基因表达调控作用的论文(Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency)。环状RNA的概念深入人心,它哪里是创新呢?

更能说明环状RNA是老生常谈的是,Wikipedia早就有Circular RNA的词条,并且有非常详尽的描述(。Wikipedia的Circular RNA词条介绍可知,仅2012-2013年,就有3个关于环状RNA的重大发现:

Salzman et al 2012[edit]

  • Originally wanted to identify cancer-specific exon scrambling events

  • Ended up finding scrambled exons in a large number of both normal and cancer cells

  • Scrambled exon isoforms: ~10% of total transcript isoforms in leukocytes

  • Identified 2,748 scrambled isoforms in HeLa and H9 embryonic stem cells

  • About 1 in 50 expressed genes produced scrambled transcript isoforms at least 10% of the time

  • Some tests for circularity: (1) Treated samples with RNase R, an enzyme which degrades linear RNAs but not circular RNAs, and (2) Tested for the presence of poly-A tails (shouldn’t be present in a circular molecule)

    • Conclusion – 98% of scrambled isoforms represented circRNAs [1]

Jeck et al 2013[edit]

  • Treated human fibroblast RNA with RNase R to enrich for circular RNAs

  • Used three "stringency" categories (low, medium, high) to classify circular transcripts based on their levels of abundance

  • Including the "low" category, ~1 in 8 expressed genes produced detectable levels of circRNA

  • Significantly higher than Salzman’s number (above)

  • May be due to greater sequencing depth [6]

Memczak et al 2013[edit]

  • Developed a computational method to detect circRNAs

  • de novo detected circRNAs in humans, mouse and C. elegans and extensively validated them

  • Found that circRNAs are often expressed tissue/developmental stage specific

  • Described that circRNAs can act as antagonists of miRNAs as exemplified by the circRNA CDR1as (see below)

根据现有理论,解释环状RNA的形成有两种模型,一是“套索驱动环化”(lariat-driven circularization)模型,另一种是“内含子配对驱动环化”(intron-pair-driven circularization)模型。这篇Cell最新论文的研究结果支持后一种模型,并解释了外显子环状RNA的来源,它将理论变成实际,用实验验证模型,这才是该文的意义所在,而它的价值偏重于理论而非实际应用。

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