Which understanding of quantum entanglement is more plausible?
We proposed a new understanding of quantum entanglement a few months ago. As many people in quantum information industry do not like it, and attack me by calling me "minke" (crank), I list the differences of the current mainstream (“spooky”) understanding and our measurement understanding here. For details of our reasoning, please refer to “understanding the spooky action at a distance” (The page is in Chinese, but the manuscript in English is available).
Difference between “spooky” understanding and our measurement understanding
“spooky”understanding | Measurement understanding | |
Theories based upon | Nonrelativistic quantum theory
| Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, Special relativity |
Theories violated | Special relativity, Copenhagen interpretation of measurement | None |
What is quantum entanglement? | Magic, “spooky”, non-local action at a distance | Long coherence range of a photon and its response to (the early involvement of) measurement |
Interpretation of the experiments | Cannot explain why different kinds of entanglement have different values, and why they decrease as the entanglement distance grows. The decoherence theory used to explain this is not a basic one, and is not applicable to low energy photons in vacuum. | Explains the experiments well quantitatively. |
The definition of a photon | Not applicable in the framework of nonrelativistic quantum theory. Actually uses stationary fixed energy photon, which does not exist in the real world. | Physical photon, with all kinds of uncertainties suggested by Copenhagen school. |
Famous proponents | J. Bell, A. Zeilinger | A. Einstein, E. Schrödinger (original concerns) |
Scientific implications | Violation of local realism (special relativity). Quantum information | Give a closure to the famous EPR controversy. Clear Einstein's name. No contradiction between Copenhagen interpretation and local realism. |
What’s wrong with the “spooky” understanding?
1、 The definition of entanglement. All entities involved are defined as constants. Over-simplified mathematical, instead of physical, expressions.
2、 Quantum electrodynamic calculation indicates that the interaction between low energy photons (LEP) is extremely low, the entanglement between separate LEPs is highly hypothetic.
3、 The energy and life-time of a physical photon is uncertain, which has important implications, but is ignored in “spooky” understanding.
4、 Completely ignored the influence of the measurement to the “entangled pairs” before the assumed moment of measurement. This is the classical concept of measurement, and violated the Copenhagen interpretation of measurement.
5、 Ignored the limitations of the nonrelativistic quantum theory, such as, the concept of photon is illegal, there is no first principle interaction, energy levels are fixed single value, etc. Heisenberg uncertainty principle is the necessary amendment to the theory, but is neglected in the interpretation of quantum entanglement.
6、 The proposed causality (measurement in one end causes the immediate collapsing of the entangled particle far away) violated the theory of special relativity, or, arbitrarily asserting causality between space-like events.
7、 Cannot explain why different kinds of entanglement have different values, and why they decrease as the entanglement distance grows. The decoherence theory used to explain this is not a basic one, and is not applicable to low energy photons in vacuum, because LEPs do not interact with each other (near vacuum environment), or we should not see the Sun, if the explanation is plausible.
8、 The primary reason for the failure of the “spooky” understanding is that it relies solely on the nonrelativisitic quantum physics, in which everything is non-local, the speed of the light is infinity, and every transition is instantaneous, which are exactly all the “spooky” features of quantum entanglement come from.
主流理解(诡异论) | 我们的平凡测量解释 | |
理论基础 | 非相对论量子力学方法 违背相对论 违背哥本哈根测量理论 | 大家都认可的基本理论,包括量子力学哥本哈根学派理论,量子场论,相对论 |
纠缠实质的理解 | 诡异,spooky 神奇的超距作用 | 光子相干范围广和测量介入的结果 |
实验解释 | 无法解释纠缠度随距离下降,以及不同纠缠种类纠缠度的差别。用到的退相干理论不是基本理论,理由不充分。 | 完美解释了实验,包括定量上的差别 |
对光子的理解 | 所用理论框架内光子概念不合法。实际采用定态单能光子。定态单能光子只有理论意义,物理上不存在。 | 物理光子 |
争论方式 | 扣帽子,指责对方是民科 理论上不能反驳对方 | 讲道理,辩论用到的理论基础是大家都认可的基本理论,逐条指出对方观点与基本理论的偏离 |
著名支持人物 | 贝尔,策林格 | 爱因斯坦,薛定谔(原始概念) |
理论意义 | 引起理论混乱。心灵感应,量子佛学,量子保健,鬼怪灵魂之论乘虚而入。 | 调和了哥本哈根学派和爱因斯坦的分歧。提出量子纠缠没有违背局域实在论。消除了量子力学基本理论中历史遗留下来的一个重要困惑。同时还很好解释了量子力学一类难以理解的实验,延迟选择实验。 |
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