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冷冻电镜技术会不会获得诺贝尔化学奖?Sjors Scheres vs 施一公

已有 9107 次阅读 2015-8-23 11:20 |个人分类:Science in action|系统分类:科研笔记



我个人认为,冷冻电镜技术终将有一天或获得诺贝尔奖,但必须其分辨率在1.3 angstrom以下,更含糊地说,其分辨率应该高于X-射线衍射...


Sjors Scheres 、Jacques Dubochet、DDD照相技术发明者 vs 施一公



A seminal paper in 1984, the group led by Jacques Dubochet at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory showed images of adenovirus embedded in a vitrified layer of water.



Nature308, 32 - 36 (01 March 1984); doi:10.1038/308032a0

Cryo-electron microscopy of viruses

Marc Adrian, Jacques Dubochet, Jean Lepault & Alasdair W. McDowall


European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Postfach 10.2209, D-6900 Heidelberg, FRG

Thin vitrified layers of unfixed, unstained and unsupported virus suspensions can be prepared for observation by cryo-electron microscopy in easily controlled conditions. The viral particles appear free from the kind of damage caused by dehydration, freezing or adsorption to a support that is encountered in preparing biological samples for conventional electron microscopy. Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified specimens offers possibilities for high resolution observations that compare favourably with any other electron microscopical method.



This paper is generally considered to mark the origin of cryoelectron microscopy, and the technique has been developed to the point of becoming routine at several laboratories throughout the world.



Dubochet 、Sjors Scheres  这些人发明了冷冻电镜技术



 Martin T. J. Smith, John L. Rubinstein. Beyond blob-ology. Science 8 August 2014; DOI: 10.1126/science.1256358




发明者: Robert B. Bilhorn

Direct Detection Device (DDD): the evolution of direct electron detection for low dose Cryo-EM”




2013年 Nature  Liao etal

分辨率 3.4A


Nature. 2013 Dec 5;504(7478):107-12. doi: 10.1038/nature12822.

Structure of the TRPV1 ion channel determined by electron cryo-microscopy.

Liao M(1), Cao E, Julius D, Cheng Y.

Author information:
(1)1] Keck Advanced Microscopy Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry and
Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California 94158-2517, USA

Comment in
   Nature. 2013 Dec 5;504(7478):93-4.

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are sensors for a wide range of
cellular and environmental signals, but elucidating how these channels respond to
physical and chemical stimuli has been hampered by a lack of detailed structural
information. Here we exploit advances in electron cryo-microscopy to determine
the structure of a mammalian TRP channel, TRPV1, at 3.4 Å resolution, breaking
the side-chain resolution barrier for membrane proteins without crystallization.
Like voltage-gated channels, TRPV1 exhibits four-fold symmetry around a central
ion pathway formed by transmembrane segments 5-6 (S5-S6) and the intervening pore
loop, which is flanked by S1-S4 voltage-sensor-like domains. TRPV1 has a wide
extracellular 'mouth' with a short selectivity filter. The conserved 'TRP domain'
interacts with the S4-S5 linker, consistent with its contribution to allosteric
modulation. Subunit organization is facilitated by interactions among cytoplasmic
domains, including amino-terminal ankyrin repeats. These observations provide a
structural blueprint for understanding unique aspects of TRP channel function.

PMCID: PMC4078027
PMID: 24305160  [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



2015年 Science  分辨率 3.6A


Science. 2015 Aug 20. pii: aac8159. [Epub ahead of print]

Structural basis of pre-mRNA splicing.

Hang J(1), Wan R(1), Yan C(1), Shi Y(2).

Author information:
(1)Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Protein Science, Tsinghua-Peking Joint
Center for Life Sciences, Center for Structural Biology, School of Life Sciences,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. (2)Ministry of Education Key
Laboratory of Protein Science, Tsinghua-Peking Joint Center for Life Sciences,
Center for Structural Biology, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University,
Beijing 100084, China. shi-lab@tsinghua.edu.cn.

Splicing of pre-mRNA is performed by the spliceosome. In the cryo-EM structure of
the yeast spliceosome, U5 snRNP acts as a central scaffold onto which U6 and U2
snRNAs are intertwined to form a catalytic center next to Loop I of U5 snRNA.
Magnesium ions are coordinated by conserved nucleotides in U6 snRNA. The intron
lariat is held in place through base pairing interactions with both U2 and U6
snRNAs, leaving the variable-length middle portion on the solvent-accessible
surface of the catalytic center. The protein components of the spliceosome anchor
both 5'- and 3'-ends of the U2 and U6 snRNAs away from the active site, direct
the RNA sequences, and allow sufficient flexibility between the ends and the
catalytic center. Thus, the spliceosome is in essence a protein-directed
ribozyme, with the protein components essential for the delivery of critical RNA
molecules into close proximity of one another at the right time for the splicing





结构解析获诺贝尔奖是有历史的,从X射线衍射蛋白质、DNA等生物大分子纷纷获得诺贝尔奖,到PCR, 体内示踪相关技术的诺奖...显然对于生物分子结构的解析是最有望授予诺贝尔奖的。










20世纪80年代,Dubochet等人报道了一种单粒子电子显微镜技术革新成果,将该技术引向了高分辨率成像之路。他们在低温条件(cryogenic conditions)下将待检样品放在一层薄薄的、透明的冰上用单粒子电子显微镜进行成像观察。这种方法就是所谓的“低温冷冻电镜技术(cryo–electron microscopy, cryo-EM)”,他能够对含水的粒子(hydrated particles)进行直接成像。低温除了具有这些优势之外,还能够减少电子束对样品产生的放射性损害。不过电子束的照射量还是不能够太大,只有这样才能够清晰地反映出分子结构的细节,获得高质量的、低信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio, SNR)的三维结构图像。由于将每个分子的多张图像信息组合在一起能够更进一步地降低图像的信噪比,所以,对数万、乃至数百万个蛋白质复合体进行分析就会产生数十万张图像。


在过去的三十年,低温冷冻电镜设备取得了长足的进展,在样品制备、成像、计算机处理等实验技术方面有了一定的提升,这些使低温冷冻电镜成像技术的分辨率有了极大的提高。高度连贯的场发射电子枪(Highly coherent feld-emission electron guns)也使保留焦点以外的图像的高分辨率信息成为可能,这对于单粒子低温冷冻电镜非常有帮助。这种技术创新帮助科研人员获得了20面体病毒粒子(icosahedral virus particles)的图像,而且清楚地看到了其中的α螺旋结构。由于这种病毒是高度对称的,所以比较容易生成高质量的、最佳分辨率的低温冷冻电镜图像。


  最近在低温冷冻电镜设备领域取得的最大进展就是引入了直接检测设备(direct detector device, DDD)照相机。这种DDD设备能够直接在传感器上记录图像,从而绕过了传统的、需要闪烁设备和光纤的电荷耦合装置(charge-coupled device, CCD)探测器,以及其他一些在用摄影胶片(photographic film)记录图像时必须要经过的繁杂的处理过程。因此,图像的信噪比也得到了极大的提升。在分辨率方面的提升也与之前的一些革新手段相当。在使用了DDD设备之后,还有可能在电镜图像中直接构建原子模型,甚至能够在最具挑战性的检测工作中进行α螺旋和β折叠的解析工作。

  DDD设备的引入还在另外一个方面对低温冷冻电镜的图像起到了改善作用,凭借的就是该设备极快的读出速度(readout rate),该读出速度能够发现被冰包裹的被观测粒子在电子束中的运动情况。使用DDD设备不仅能够发现这种问题,还能够解决这种问题,因为现在的电镜就好像是一台摄像机,可以拍摄一段录影,记录整个过程,而不再像以前那样,只是一台照相机,只能够拍摄出一张张固定的图像。

  有了高质量的图像,又有可以借助计算机对因为电子束而移位的粒子进行矫正的工具,我们就可以获得大量高质量的低温冷冻电镜图像,比如本文开头展示的那张分辨率高达3.2埃的线粒体核糖体亚单位图像,以及下图那张分辨率达到3.3埃的20S蛋白酶体图像和哺乳动物感受器通道TRPV1的图像。 TRPV1的图像尤其值得一提,因为TRPV1蛋白是一种膜蛋白,只有四级对称性(four-fold symmetry),比核糖体要小一个数量级。所以之前大家一直都认为很难用低温冷冻电镜对该蛋白进行结构解析的研究工作。有了 DDD成像技术、更好的计算机辅助和生物化学技术之后,Liao等人终于在某些区域获得了分辨率高达3.4埃的图像,从而有机会开展原子建模工作,在整个结构生物学(structural biology)发展历史上写下了重重的一笔。




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