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已有 1993 次阅读 2022-12-10 10:23 |个人分类:读书|系统分类:生活其它


又到了年底,亲友之间互相交换礼物的季节。最近一期的Hidden Brain播客的题目是送礼的秘诀The Secret to Gift Giving),请卡内基甜瓜大学(Carnegie Mellon University)营销学教授Jeffrey Galak讲怎样送礼,特别是送什么礼物,强烈推荐。我们准备尝试一下Galak提到的方法,在交换礼物的朋友之间分享一个Google Doc,里面列上自己喜欢的一些礼物,让对方从里面选一件送。 

我们是用播客手机应用Pocket Casts)听的,你也可以直接去它网站听。它网站上还贴了相关书籍和研究成果,播客的文字记录(Transcripts)整理好后也会贴上去(通常隔几天会贴出来)。 


Hidden Brain博客网站上贴的相关书籍和研究论文:


  • Scroogenomics: Why You Shouldn’t Buy Presents for the Holidays, by Joel Waldfogel, Princeton University Press, 2009. 


  • An Integrative Review of Gift-Giving Research in Consumer Behavior and Marketing, by Julian Givi et al., Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2022.

  • The Thought That Counts is the One we Ignore: How Givers Overestimate the Importance of Relative Gift Value, by Julian Givi, Jeff Galak, and Christopher Y. Olivola, Journal of Business Research, 2021.

  • Gift Recipients’ Beliefs About Occasion-Based and Nonoccasion-Based Gifts: The Importance of Signaling Care and Meeting Expectations in Gift Giving, by Julian Givi and Jeff Galak, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2021.

  • Selfish Prosocial Behavior: Gift-Giving to Feel Unique, by Julian Givi and Jeff Galak, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2020.

  • (Not) Giving the Same Old Song and Dance: Givers’ Misguided Concerns About Thoughtfulness and Boringness Keep Them from Repeating Gifts, by Julian Givi, Journal of Business Research, 2020.

  • The Smile-Seeking Hypothesis: How Immediate Affective Reactions Motivate and Reward Gift Giving, by Adelle X. Yang and Oleg Urminsky, Psychological Science, 2018.

  • Sometimes It’s Okay to Give a Blender: Giver and Recipient Preferences for Hedonic and Utilitarian Gifts, by Elanor F. Williams and Emily Rosenzweig, NA – Advances in Consumer Research, 2017.

  • Sentimental Value and Gift Giving: Givers’ Fears of Getting It Wrong Prevents Them From Getting It Right, by Julian Givi and Jeff Galak, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2017.

  • Experiential Gifts Foster Stronger Social Relationships Than Material Gifts, by Cindy Chan and Cassie Mogilner, Journal of Consumer Research, 2017.

  • Why Certain Gifts Are Great to Give but Not to Get: A Framework for Understanding Errors in Gift Giving, by Jeff Galak, Julian Givi, and Elanor F. Williams, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2016.

  • When Doing Good is Bad in Gift Giving: Mis-Predicting Appreciation of Socially Responsible Gifts, by Lisa A. Cavanaugh, Francesca Gino, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2015.

  • Give Them What They Want: The Benefits of Explicitness in Gift Exchange, by Francesca Gino and Francis J. Flynn, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2011.

  • The Deadweight Loss of Christmas, by Joel Waldfogel, The American Economic Review, 1993.

  • Grab Bag: The Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry, New York Sunday World, 1905.


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