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黄安年文  黄安年2023315日发布(第32338篇)



    移民局的电话一直不通,下午好不容易打通,回答还是“We cant find the receipt number”,真实怪事一桩,移民局还在2月15日已经通知我们收到申请,并说我们的 receipt number是EAC-00-088-50347,既然如此,怎么会没有这个号码呢。我一直怀疑移民局的工作出现故障,而且这种故障一旦出现难以通过电话排除,从而更加增加移民局的复查工作量,更重要的是给申请人带来极大的不便。


2000年4月11日 (星期二)  阴历三月初七,White Plains,雨加雪,C1-C6


    收到邵雁发来的E-Mail, 她下月初结束学期,而苏庄则要找工作,可能要离开芝加哥。我回了她一个E-Mail,她的E-Mail如下:From: Yan Shao <yshao2@uic.edu> To: annianhuang@ hotmail.com Save Address Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:24:48 -0500 (CDT) Hello, Prof.Huang: How are your going? I'll finish the last final exam on May 5. When will your folks come to Chicago? Welcome to visit Chicago. We will move out this summer, but donnot know when so far because we changed another landlord who wants to raise rent and Shu needs to find job. Finding job is unpredictable now. Maybe in Chicago, maybe not. Moving will be dependent on where and when Shu find the job. Oh, how was your trip in California, wonderful, isn't it? Hope to hear your again. Yan,我回了她E-Mail,全文如下:On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Annian Huang wrote:  Hi, Shao Yan:  we tour CA From 26th Feb. and came back White Plains at 26th March .It is fine tour northern CA and Southern CA, We also tour Grand Canyon and  Las Vegas. We are tour Washington D. C. 1st to 2nd April. I hope visit Chicago, but not sure that is trouble live in Chicago. Thanks your e-mail, and  hope Shu get good job. Annian Huang”。

午饭后继续看Space Age. 介绍说:3>  The Unexplained Universe, 4> To the moon and beyond  Our first trip to the moon was as a Cold War competition in the space race. Now we are considering it as a place to colonize in peace, our minds captured by the potential another world. Will we go back and reclaim it developing outposts, and then whole cities? How can we use the ‘stuff’ of the moon to build shelter, provide air and water, and even provide the energy to support those who might eventually live there? Blast off where the Appllo missions ended, and explore where mankind’s ‘one giant leap’ could take us next. 5> Mission to Planet Earth. 6> What’s a Heaven for?  When military aims inspired the rockets, did anyone foresee that the space race would give way to peaceful collaboration? How did teecommunication advances hasten the breakup of the Soviet Union? From Sputnik and Gagarin to Challenger and ‘Star Wars’ ,space exploration has contributed to international political change, including helping to bring about the end of the Cold War . Today, the Space Age has entered an ear of new motivations and challenges. Satellites for? Delve into this fascinating question and learn where the Space Age is taking us.

3:00-3:25pm, 我和L去附近散步,遇雨中途返回。从网上看到最近美国的的大事如下:

Event             Date           Days  NHL Playoffs     Wed, Apr 12       1

U.S. Taxes due    Mon, Apr 17       6    NBA Playoffs     Sat, Apr 22       11

Kentucky Derby   Sat, May 6       25

傍晚Y告诉我J和往常一样7:40pm赶到White Plains火车站,Y说她会早些时候回家,谁知7:15pm J来电话说,要改为8:00pm离开NYC,8:44pm到White Plains火车站而他和Y已经联系不上。于是我跑到车站去迎Y,以免她在那里等候过长,结果在路上我和Y擦过没有照面,7:45pm,我离开车站回家,Y的汽车已经停在家门口了。

    移民局的电话一直不通,下午好不容易打通,回答还是“We cant find the receipt number”,真实怪事一桩,移民局还在2月15日已经通知我们收到申请,并说我们的 receipt number是EAC-00-088-50347,既然如此,怎么会没有这个号码呢。我一直怀疑移民局的工作出现故障,而且这种故障一旦出现难以通过电话排除,从而更加增加移民局的复查工作量,更重要的是给申请人带来极大的不便。




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