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简介多类逻辑(Many-Sorted Logic)

已有 1709 次阅读 2023-3-2 00:50 |个人分类:解读哥德尔不完全性定理|系统分类:科研笔记


尽管增加了这种表达资源,多类逻辑还是属于一阶逻辑,所以主要的元定理(completeness, interpolation等)都可以被证明。多类逻辑还可以作为翻译各种逻辑系统的统一框架;例如,一些扩展逻辑和高阶逻辑都可以自然地翻译成多类逻辑。多类一阶逻辑在语法上和语义上都可以被还原为单类一阶逻辑。多类一阶逻辑也可以扩展为多类二阶逻辑,称为类逻辑

王浩在Wang1952)中介绍了多类逻辑的公理计算,他在其中对单类和多类的理论进行了比较。1967年,Solomon Feferman给出了多类逻辑的序列计算,不仅证明了其完备性,还证明了cut eliminationinterpolation theoremsFeferman 1968)。Feferman2008)总结了多类theorems 在模型理论中的一些应用。



在有两个类的一阶逻辑中,人们可以用X,Y,...作为类l(直线)的变量, x,y,… 作为类p(点)的变量。为了表述欧几里德原理,我们写道:



Join(Yxy):=Y joins x and y


为了说明多类语言的语法和相关结构,我们把 Sort={s1,…,sn}作为一个n类语言的类集。


字母表:多类语言L的字母表包括一个叫做OperSym的集合中的所有关系、函数和常数符号,以及每个类siSort的无限多的变量,相应的变量集是不相交的。一个n元关系符号R可以是严格的,也可以是自由的,在第一种情下,我们必须提供有关什么是所涉及的类的信息。为了达到这个要求,我们定义一个函数Rank,其域是OperSym集,其值是0以外的自然数(自由选项)或Sort{0}的有限字符串(严格选项)。对于任何严格的fOperSym,其值Rank(f)总是具有i1,…,im,i0的形式,其中i0,i1,...,imSort{0}。当fm-ary谓词时,i0=0i0≠0m-ary函数符号;个别常数被认为是零元函数符号,有 Rank(f)=i0,简化为i0











理论:给定语言L的一组句子Γ,我们说Γ是一个理论,当且仅当它在推导下是封闭的;也就是说,对于每个φSent(L),如果 Γφ φΓ





Many-Sorted Logic

Classical logic is the appropriate formal language for describing mathematical structures containing a single universe or domain of discourse. By contrast, many-sorted logic (MSL) allows quantification over a variety of domains (called sorts). For this reason, it is a suitable vehicle for dealing with statements concerning different types of objects, which are ubiquitous in mathematics, philosophy, computer science, and formal semantics. Each sort groups a unique category of objects (for example, points and straight lines are different types of objects in a 2-sorted structure).

Despite the addition of this expressive resource, many-sorted logic “stays inside” first-order logic, so the main metatheorems (completeness, interpolation, and so on) can be proved. Many-sorted logic also serves as a unifying framework for translating various logical systems; for instance, some intensional and higher-order logics have natural translations into many-sorted logic. Many-sorted first-order logic can be reduced to one-sorted first-order logic, both syntactically and semantically. Many-sorted first-order logic can also be extended to a many-sorted second-order logic called “sort logic”.

An axiomatic calculus for many-sorted logic was introduced by Hao Wang in Wang (1952), where he made a comparison between one-sorted and many-sorted theories. In 1967, Solomon Feferman gave a sequent calculus for many-sorted logic, proving not only its completeness but also the cut elimination and interpolation theorems (Feferman 1968). Feferman (2008) summarizes some applications of the many-sorted interpolation theorems to model theory. (See the supplement on early history for more information.)

  1. Syntax and Semantics

1.1 Examples

We start with a few examples to illustrate how common statements concerning different types of data can be formalized in many-sorted first-order logic.

Example: Euclid’s first principle

Let us begin with geometry, by talking about straight lines and points. According to Euclid’s first principle:

A straight line can be drawn joining any two points.

In two sorted first-order logic one can use X, Y,… as variables for sort l (straight lines) and x,y,… as variables for sort p (points). To formulate Euclid’s principle we write:


In this example, Join is a 3-place predicate symbol relating a straight line and two points,

Join(Yxy):=Y joins x and y

Literally our formalization reads: “For any two points there is a unique straight line joining them”.

1.2 Fundamental Ideas

To specify the syntax of a many-sorted language and associated structures we need first to say what our (countable) set of sorts is. We take 

Sort={s1,…,sn} as the sorts of an n-sorted language.

Structures: A many-sorted structure has several non-empty domains, one for each sort, and variables of a given sort take values over the corresponding domain. An n-ary relation could be freely established between elements of different domains or only between certain ones. These two options are called liberal and strict. A liberal relation may relate objects of arbitrary domains and only the arity (a natural number) has to be stated. For a strict relation, the sorts involved have to be specified as well as the arity.

Alphabet: The alphabet of a many-sorted language L   includes all the relation, function, and constant symbols in a set called OperSym, as well as an infinite number of variables for each sort si Sort, and the corresponding sets of variables are disjoint. An n-ary relation symbol R could be strict or liberal and, in the first case, we must provide information about what are the involved sorts. To achieve this requirement, we define a function Rank having as domain the set OperSym and whose values are either natural numbers other than zero (liberal option) or finite strings of Sort {0} (strict option). For any strict fOperSym, its value Rank(f) always has the form i1,…,im,i0, with i0,i1,…,imSort{0}. When f is an m-ary predicate, i0=0, and i0≠0 for m-ary function symbols; individual constants are considered as zero-ary function symbols with 

Rank(f)=i0, simplified as i0.

Signature: By a signature Σ we mean the ordered triple


Equality is a binary symbol that  could be strict or liberal. In our language, the equality symbol ≈ with Rank(≈)=2 is liberal (having arity 2 and being allowed to work between terms of any sort). The quantifier xi is used for variables xi of any sort i.

In Euclid’s example we have two sorts, l (lines) and p (points) and a 3-place predicate Join with Rank(Join)=l,p,p,0. 

Terms and Formulas

As we do in classical first-order logic, from the set of finite strings of elements of the alphabet we select the expressions of L: terms and formulas. The only difference is that in many-sorted logic terms have sorts and we have to specify it.

In consequence, the terms of many-sorted logic are defined recursively as follows: Each variable or individual constant of sort si is a term of the same sort si. If f

OperSym is such that Rank(f)=i1,…,im,i0 with i0≠0 and τ1,…,τm are terms of sorts i1,…,im, then f τ1…τm is a term of sort i0.

Atomic formulas are defined by means of predicates and terms: If ROperSym is such that Rank(R)=i1,…,im,0, and τ1,…,τm are terms of sorts i1,…, im, then Rτ1…τm is a formula (when R is a liberal predicate, we drop the sort requirement for terms). For any terms τ1 and τ2, the expression τ1≈τ2 is a formula. Notice that the sorts of τ1 and τ2 do not matter, because our choice of equality symbol is the liberal one.

Complex well-formed formulas (wffs) are defined as usual in first-order languages (see the entry on classical logic), except for quantified expressions. The new rule says: If φ is a formula and xi is a variable of sort i, then xiφ is a formula as well.

Free and bound variables

As in classical first-order logic, occurrences of variables in a formula can be free or bound; they are bound when they are under the scope of a quantifier, otherwise free. A variable is free in a formula if it has at least one free occurrence therein. A formula with no free variables is called a sentence. We use 

Sent(L) to denote the set of sentences of language L.

Theory: Given a set of sentences Γ of a language L we say that Γ is a theory[6] if and only if it is closed under consequence; that is, for every φSent(L): If Γφ

then φΓ.


下一篇:简介Hilbert and Ackermann’s Principles of Theoretical Logic
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