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已有 2241 次阅读 2016-5-4 16:55 |个人分类:答网友问|系统分类:人文社科

2013-05-10 22:46匿名 | 分类:英语翻译 | 

Themost important thing in life is the way it is lived, and there is no such thingas an abstract happiness, an abstract goodness or morality, or an abstractanything, except in terms of the person who believes and who acts. There isonly the sigle human being who lives and who, through every moment of his ownpersonal living experience, is being happy or unhappy, noble or base, wise orunwise, or simply existing.

The question is: how can these individual moments of human experience be filledwith the richness of a philosophy which can sustain the individual in his ownlife? Unless we give part of ourselves away, unless we can live with otherpeople and understand them and help them, we are missing the most essentialpart of our own human lives. The fact that the native endowment of the youngmind is one of the liberalism and confidence in the powers of man for good isthe basis of my philosophy. And if only man can be given a free chance to usehis powers, this philosophy will result in a boundless flow of vital energy anda willingness to try new things, combined with a faith in the future.

2013-05-10 23:47提问者采纳


问题是:这些人生阅历的个体瞬间,何以会充满着丰富的哲理,而这哲理竟能在个体自身的生活中支撑着他们?除非我们舍弃部分自我,除非我们与他人一道生活,理解并帮助他们,否则我们就会失去我们自己为人的根本。赤子之心天禀自然这一事实,本身就是一种自由主义,相信人类有趋善的能量是我的哲学的基础。人一旦被给予自由发挥其能量的机会,这一哲学就会激发出无边大潮般的生命力和尝试新生事物的热情, 对未来充满信心。



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