

中世纪植物学的代表人物Albert Magnus(c.1200—1280)

已有 5642 次阅读 2016-4-14 11:10 |个人分类:Structure: Neobotany & Paleobotany|系统分类:人物纪事| Albert, figure, Magnus

中世纪植物学的代表人物Albert Magnus(c.1200—1280)

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 欧洲历史一般分为3个阶段,即:“古典时代”(classical antiquity 、“中世纪”(Middle Ages / medieval period)和“近现代”(modern period)。其中,“中世纪”是指欧洲历史上自公元后5世纪到15世纪的1000年。在如此漫长且充满恐怖的千年岁月里,欧洲经历了罗马帝国的崩溃到文艺复兴(Renaissance)的开始。

 中世纪整个欧洲植物学研究进展甚缓,似乎停留在古希腊学者--亚里斯多德(Aristotle,384—322 BC) 和提奥弗拉斯托斯Theophrastus (c.371—c.287 BC)的认识水平上。不过,13世纪有一位德国著名学者Albert Magnus (c.1200--1280)曾努力复兴或振兴古希腊人的植物学。虽然Albert Magnus是哲学家和神学家,但他在植物形态学领域也有较大学术贡献。感兴趣的读者,请阅读有关专业文献,在此不作赘述。


Albert Magnus (born c.1200—died 1280) is a great figure of the botany in the Middle Ages


∮1 A brief introduction to the Middle Ages

∮2 A sketchy biography of Albert Magnus (born c.1200—died in1280)

3 De plantis [here, authored by Nicolaus Damscenus (64 BC--??) ]

4 Albert Magnus and plant morphology

--Botanical observations, such as the relation of thorns and spines;

--Methodical analysis, such as the forms of flowers...



Lecture of Evolutionary Biology of Plants (7)

Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.7)

中世纪植物学的代表人物Albert Magnus(c.1200—died 1280)

Albert Magnus (c.1200—1280) is a great figure of the botany in the Middle Ages  (Outline)

Qigao Sun (孙启高 2016412日初步整理)

Further readings:

The Middle Ages

In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or medievalperiod lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began withthe fall of theWestern Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The Middle Ages is the middleperiod of the three traditional divisions of Western history: classical antiquity, themedieval period, and the modern period. The Medieval period is itselfsubdivided into the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages.




欧洲黑暗時代英语Dark AgesDark Age)在编史工作上是指在西欧历史上,从罗马帝国的灭亡到文艺复兴开始,一段文化层次下降或者社会崩溃的时期。 [1] [2] [3] 19世纪,随着对中世纪更多的了解,整个时代都被描述成黑暗的说法受到了挑战。又因为整个时期都是中世纪的一部分——称为中世纪前期,所以这个说法一直在一些现代学者中受争议,他们倾向于避免使用该词。[1] [4]  

黑暗时代的概念是由意大利学者彼特拉克1330年代提出的,原本是为了大力批评当时的拉丁语文学 [5] 之后的史学家把这个名词的适用范围扩大到古典罗马时期中世纪盛期之间,这段时间表现为拉丁语文学的式微,同时代可靠历史的缺乏,人口的统计结果普遍下降,以及普遍的建筑工程以及物质文化成就都相当少。通俗文化更扩大这个名词用来描述中世纪时期的退步,并夸大其贬义的一面


Albert Magnus (born c.1200—died in1280)

Dominicanbishop and philosopher best knownas a teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas and as a proponent of Aristotelianism at the University of Paris. He establishedthe study of nature as a legitimate science within the Christian tradition. Bypapal decree in 1941, he was declared the patron saint of all who cultivate the natural sciences. Hewas the most prolific writer of his century and was the only scholar of his ageto be called “the Great”; this title was used even before his death.


Albertthe Great

Firstpublished Mon Mar 20, 2006; substantive revision Tue Feb 25, 2014

AlbertusMagnus, also known as Albert the Great, was one of the most universal thinkers to appear during the Middle Ages. Even more so than his most famous student,St. Thomas of Aquinas, Albert's interests ranged from natural science all theway to theology. He made contributions to logic, psychology, metaphysics,meteorology, mineralogy, and zoology. He was an avid commentator on nearly allthe great authorities read during the 13th Century. He was deeplyinvolved in an attempt to understand the import of the thought of Aristotle insome orderly fashion that was distinct from the Arab commentators who hadincorporated their own ideas into the study of Aristotle. Yet he was not averseto using some of the outstanding Arab philosophers in developing his own ideasin philosophy. His superior understanding of a diversity of philosophical textsallowed him to construct one of the most remarkable syntheses in medievalculture.


Nicolaus of Damascus


上一篇:献身于科学的苏格兰富二代Robert Kidston (FRS, 1852--1924)
下一篇:文艺复兴时期的植物学家(1)Andrea Cesalpino (1519--1603)
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