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Chinese Medicinomics: 罗马之路并非一日所成

已有 3850 次阅读 2015-12-24 14:46 |系统分类:科研笔记

Chinese Medicinomics: 罗马之路并非一日所成

题记:王德华兄让我谈谈组学的概念,还说我是专家 (实在不敢自认为是组学领域的专家),我给严谨有加的德华兄带来了误解,深表歉意!然,熟悉我的一些科学网博主知道,德华兄是我非常敬重的一位虽未谋面的踏实做事的学者。德华兄交代的任务,我是再忙也要第一时间内完成的。由此,有了下面这篇短短的博文,也有了 “Chinese Medicinomics” 这个新概念。希望能由此引发国内外同仁的深入讨论并为中医药注入新鲜血液、为现代医学拓宽视野,更好地服务于人类的健康!我希望此文能被科学网编辑部置顶,用以鼓励辛勤劳动的知识创新者。谢谢德华兄给我布置的任务!

现在,生命科学领域里尤其是分子生物学界的同仁,即便是一片已经发表在国际同行认可的期刊上的小小的论文,如果文中没有诸如 Genome、Proteome、Metabolome 或者与此相对应的 Genomics、Proteomics、Metabolics的这样的词汇,作者恐怕都是很不好意思的。它们所分别对应的中文概念是:基因组、蛋白组、代谢组或者基因组学、蛋白组学、代谢组学。

《自然》出版集团还开辟有专门的组学通道(Omics Gateway)网页 http://www.nature.com/omics/index.html,并对为何要使用 Omics (组学)给出了理由:

Why “Omics”?

Ever since the rise of genomics, the suffix ‘-omics’ has been added to the names of many fields to denote studies undertaken on a large or genome-wide scale. While not everyone agrees with this change, we feel that the terms are sufficiently widely used to serve as pointers to our published papers in the area. Although we might not yet be able to precisely define the metabolome, we can all appreciate that studies in this area should yield novel insight into the processes that drive cellular metabolism and the detailed interactions between them.

The following definition of ‘omics’ can be found on The Omics Wiki: "Omics is a general term for a broad discipline of science and engineering for analyzing the interactions of biological information objects in various ‘omes’. […] The main focus is on: 1) mapping information objects such as genes, proteins, and ligands; 2) finding interaction relationships among the objects; 3) engineering the networks and objects to understand and manipulate the regulatory mechanisms; and 4) integrating various omes and omics subfields."

We have therefore included subject areas for both well-known and up-and-coming areas in large-scale biology; in many cases, papers are can be found in several subject areas, as befits their interdisciplinary nature. For ease of use, we have also categorized the papers by the organism(s) that they primarily focus on.

We hope that you will find NPG’s Omics Gateway interesting and informative, and we welcome your feedback. These pages are updated with new content on a regular basis.

大家都有很高的英文水平,我用不着在此专门的翻译这段话。Omics 缘于英文单词里的后缀”-omics”, 如果我说于今它已成生命科学领域里方兴未艾最为活跃的领域,行当里的人应该不会认为这是过头的话。



我倒是认为医学,对于国人,我们可以造一个新词 “Chinese Medicinomics (中医组学)”, 用以调和中西医差别上的观念之争,用以吸收一切中外医学之长,用以最大限度地更好地解决人类的健康问题。求支持、求推广、求传播、求点赞!哦,这是我的原创!


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