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已有 3083 次阅读 2015-10-23 07:04 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记



毛磊  再议滥用青蒿素与抗药性   http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2220991-930116.html

A-query: drug resistance
C-query: artemisinin

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 1780 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 11418 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 650 terms on the current B-list (230 are predicted to be relevant发现与基因相关的问题、知识点230个), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.



job id # 11418 started Thu Oct 22 18:05:29 2015
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: drug resistance Thu Oct 22 18:05:35 2015

A query = drug resistance started Thu Oct 22 18:05:36 2015
A query resulted in 50000 titles
C_query_raw: artemisinin Thu Oct 22 18:05:58 2015

C: artemisinin 6066

A: drug resistance 400424

AC: ( drug resistance ) AND ( artemisinin ) 1780

C_query_raw: artemisinin Thu Oct 22 18:06:01 2015

C: artemisinin 6066

A: drug resistance 400424

AC: ( drug resistance ) AND ( artemisinin ) 1780

C query = artemisinin started Thu Oct 22 18:06:02 2015
C query resulted in 6066 titles
A AND C query resulted in 1780 titles
10793 B-terms ready on Thu Oct 22 18:06:24 2015

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
650 B-terms left after filter executed Thu Oct 22 18:08:37 2015

B-list on Thu Oct 22 18:09:20 2015
1 cyp2c19
2 akt
3 toll receptor
4 jnk
5 wnt
6 tlr4
7 vegf
8 caspase-8
9 cox-2
10 single nucleotide polymorphism
11 p38 mapk
12 beta catenin
13 pfmdr1
14 caspase
15 hepcidin
16 target rapamycin
17 cyp2b6
18 survivin
19 mrsa
20 apo2l
21 microrna
22 c myc
23 e2f1
24 bcr abl
25 myd88
26 transporter gene
27 bax
28 foxp3
29 pfcrt gene
30 pxr
31 cdk4
32 bcl-2
33 nod2
34 p38
35 bak
36 nf kappab
37 bcr
38 emmprin
39 estrogen receptor alpha
40 mek
41 caspase-3
42 statin
43 abl
44 tnf alpha
45 cyp3a4
46 sp1
47 myc
48 bmi-1
49 th1
50 bim
51 comfa
52 anka
53 peroxiredoxin
54 autophagy
55 erk
56 cbp
57 serca
58 toll
59 ppar
60 rkip
61 tlr2
62 ltq
63 c ebp
64 cll
65 cyp2c8
66 lc
67 vegfr2
68 differentially expressed gene
69 nrf2
70 rapd
71 genome wide
72 caspase-9
73 cyp3a
74 smad7
75 tlr9
76 c jun
77 casp3
78 kdr
79 ampk
80 cyp2d6
81 nod scid
82 tnf
83 p glycoprotein
84 p450
85 promyelocytic leukemia
86 sod1 gene
87 cyp1a2
88 rac1
89 transcription factor
90 histone deacetylase
91 signal regulated kinase
92 bcr abl fusion
93 hiv
94 c jun nh2-terminal
95 p53
96 glutathione transferase
97 pi3 kinase
98 synergistic anticancer
99 gene promoter
100 trail
101 1b1
102 cdna
103 matrix metalloproteinase
104 cytochrome p450
105 lps
106 hsp90
107 transporter
108 tlr
109 nephrin
110 gene involved
111 nf kappa b
112 collagen induced arthritis
113 synergistic cytotoxicity
114 g6pd
115 cxcl10
116 tctp
117 activation c jun
118 genomic
119 ests
120 gene silencing
121 farnesyl diphosphate synthase
122 g2
123 cd14
124 prostate cancer
125 nf
126 esi
127 nf kb
128 allele
129 estrogen receptor
130 synergistic induction apoptosis
131 glucocorticoid receptor
132 adam17
133 expression gene
134 epidermal growth factor
135 transferrin receptor
136 e cadherin
137 atm
138 photosystem
139 dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
140 cyclin
141 ms
142 mmp-9
143 cd34
144 resistance gene
145 glioma
146 nf1
147 thioredoxin
148 ro
149 glutathione s transferase
150 gene overexpression
151 cell cycle progression
152 udp glucuronosyltransferase
153 asia
154 expression bcr abl
155 iga nephropathy
156 monooxygenase
157 ret
158 sms
159 cd25
160 cd4
161 pkc
162 p300
163 cadherin
164 ledgf
165 melt
166 raf
167 l selectin
168 inflammatory bowel disease
169 s1p
170 bcr abl chronic
171 gh3
172 tea
173 meta
174 calmodulin
175 pcr
176 gene association
177 heat shock protein
178 reductase gene
179 protease
180 pkc alpha
181 mali
182 trait
183 related gene
184 tata
185 connexin
186 cytokine production
187 endoplasmic reticulum
188 protein kinase
189 ca atpase
190 tu
191 gene transgenic
192 carba
193 pi3
194 kinase
195 icam-1
196 3d
197 breast cancer
198 mcp-1
199 e6
200 sp c
201 genome
202 heme
203 hmg coa reductase
204 synergistic anti tumor
205 endothelin
206 mitochondrial
207 thrombopoietin
208 resistant allele
209 tof
210 jun
211 body weight
212 blind
213 raw
214 lao
215 phosphoglycerate mutase
216 novel gene
217 box
218 mrl
219 cell cycle gene
220 nano
221 atr
222 th2
223 luciferase
224 kit
225 leaf
226 gene encoding
227 1a1
228 cytokine
229 weight
230 sar





CYP2C19是CYP450酶第二亚家族中的重要成员,是人体重要的药物代谢酶,在肝脏中有很多表达。CYP2C19基因座位于染色体区10q24.2上,都由9个外显子构成。CYP2C19与CYP2C9有92%的序列同源性。CYP2C19具有很多SNP位点,在人类细胞色素P450等位基因命名法委员会(HumanCYPAllele NomenclatureCommittee)有详尽的总结。最常见的是CYP2C19*2CYP2C19*3CYP2C19*2会导致转录蛋白的剪切突变失活,而CYP2C19*3能构成一个终止子,破坏转录蛋白的活性。据统计,CYP2C19*2CYP2C19*3两个突变位点能解释几乎100%的东亚人和85%的高加索人种的相关弱代谢遗传缺陷,而其他两种等位基因CYP2C19*4CYP2C19*5主要在高加索人种中分布。大量证据证实,不同人种在CYP2C19的底物的代谢能力有很大差异;2–5%高加索人是弱代谢者,而13–23%的亚洲人是弱代谢者。这是一由于在亚洲人口中CYP2C19*2CYP2C19*3等位基因的高频率造成的。[1]



AB literature




BC literature


drug resistance cyp2c19artemisinin
1: Allele frequency distribution of CYP2C19*2 allelic variants associated with clopidogrel resistance in cardiac patients. 2015
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2: Association of CYP2C19, CYP3A5 and GPIIb/IIIa gene polymorphisms with Aspirin and Clopidogrel Resistance in a cohort of Indian patients with Coronary Artery Disease. 2015
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3: Factors affecting first-line triple therapy of Helicobacter pylori including CYP2C19 genotype and antibiotic resistance. 2014
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4:CYP2C19 polymorphisms and coronary heart disease risk factors synergistically impact clopidogrel response variety after percutaneous coronary intervention. 2014
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5: Efficacy of tailored Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy based on antibiotic susceptibility and CYP2C19 genotype. 2014
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6:CYP2C19 polymorphism influences Helicobacter pylori eradication. 2014
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7: Effects of CYP2C19 and P2Y12 Gene Polymorphisms on Clinical Results of Patients Using Clopidogrel after Acute Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease. 2014
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8:CYP2C19 Polymorphisms and Antiplatelet Effects of Clopidogrel in Acute Ischemic Stroke in China. 2013
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9: Impact of the proton pump inhibitors and CYP2C19*2 polymorphism on platelet response to clopidogrel as assessed by four platelet function assays. 2013
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10: Cytochrome CYP2C19 polymorphism and risk of adverse clinical events in clopidogrel-treated patients: A meta-analysis based on 23,035 subjects. 2013
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11: The Effect of Genetic Polymorphisms of Cytochrome P450 CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2D6 on Drug-Resistant Epilepsy in Turkish Children. 2013
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1: A model based assessment of the CYP2B6 and CYP2C19 inductive properties by artemisinin antimalarials: implications for combination regimens. 2008
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2: Stereospecific analysis of omeprazole supports artemisinin as a potent inducer of CYP2C19. 1999
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3: The contribution of the enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 in the demethylation of artemether in healthy subjects. 1998
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