项目地块位于独墅湖科教创新区星湖街东、松涛街西、崇文路北,地块面积约83亩。按规划,本项目主要包括科研实验与平台大楼、孵化器、动物房、多功能用房等,总建筑面积约14.1万平米,其中地上面积约11.7万平米。按投资计划,本项目计划分两期建设,一期建筑面积约4.3万平米,其中地上面积3.1万平米;二期建筑面积约9.7万平米。 一期项目计划于2015年下半年动工,2017年年中完成基本建设;2017年下半年,核心研究团队与主要仪器设备到位,研究所试运行;2017年底,组织验收,研究所正式运行。
We are seeking outstanding investigators at all levels to conduct innovative research in areas of life and medicalsciences, including (but not limited to) immunology, virology, structuralbiology, bioinformatics and other disciplines related to cancer and major humandiseases.
All applicants must have an M.D. or Ph.D.degree with significant research experience, as well as a well-establishedtrack-record of outstanding scientific accomplishments in prominentinternational universities or research organizations, The applicants will beexpected to work full-time.
A very generous recruiting package will beoffered to qualified applicants commensurate with experience and academicaccomplishments, including a competitive initial research startup fund, and anattractive salary plus benefit package including housing and oversea relocationbenefits.
Interested applicantsare invited to submit their detailed CV including a complete list ofpublications, patents/inventions and other accomplishments, as well as currentand past funding support information. The applicants should also provide afuture research plan together with three letters of recommendation to the humanresources office of Center of Systems Medicine, Chinese Academic ofMedical Sciences, Suzhou Institute of Systems Medicine (ISM) at Email: hr@ism.cams.cn
Our website: www.ismsz.cn
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