The World of Water——水世界分享 ★上善若水—关注水问题★ 研究领域:农业水文水资源,干旱区水文水资源与生态用水



已有 5993 次阅读 2014-3-15 15:29 |个人分类:论著|系统分类:论文交流| 论文, GPP估算, 土壤水动态模拟, 灌溉制度优化

1. 利用MODIS ET估算非森林生态系统GPP (2014.2.11 on line):

Yang Yuting,  Guan H, Shang Songhao,  Long D, Simmons C T. Towards the use of MODIS ET product to estimate terrestrial  GPP for non-forest ecosystems. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11(9): 1624-1628.  doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2014.2302796.

Abstract: Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) gross primary production (GPP) data (MOD17), based on the light-use-efficiency algorithm, have been widely used to assess large-scale carbon budgets. However, systemic errors of this product have been reported, particularly for nonforest ecosystems. Here, we test a simple and operational way to estimate GPP in nonforest ecosystems by inverting the MODIS evapotranspiration (ET) product (MOD16) using ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE=GPP/ET). Field measurements from 17 nonforest AmeriFlux sites of GPP were used for validation. Results show that the inverted GPP from MOD16 (MOD16 GPP) agrees better with the observed GPP than MOD17 does. The overall root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean bias of MOD16 GPP are 19.63 g C/m^2/8-day and -4.06 g C/m^2/8-day, respectively, which are lower than the corresponding values of MOD17 GPP (RMSE=23.82 g C/m^2/8-day and mean bias = -9.07 g C/m^2/8-day). This finding suggests the potential to achieve a better assessment of GPP for nonforest ecosystems with a fine resolution.

2. 作物非充分灌溉制度优化的0-1规划模型及其应用(2014.3.10 on line):

毛晓敏, 尚松浩. 作物非充分灌溉制度优化的0-1规划模型及其应用. 农业机械学报, 2014, 45(10): 153-158. doi: 10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2014.10.024

摘要:以农田水量平衡模型及作物水分生产函数模型为基础,引入0-1变量描述在可能的灌溉期内是否进行灌溉,建立了非充分灌溉制度优化的0-1规划模型。模型利用Microsoft Excel的规划求解工具进行求解。将该模型应用于山西潇河灌区冬小麦灌溉制度优化,结果与现有模拟–优化模型比较接近,但求解过程更为简单。结果表明研究区冬小麦灌溉的关键期是拔节末期(5月上旬);初始土壤含水率较低时,适宜灌水时间有所提前,灌溉的增产效果也更明显;冬小麦蒸散发量及相对产量均随灌水量而增加,但边际产量却逐渐降低。

3. 模拟农田土壤水分动态的二参数指数消退模型(2014.3.14 on line):

Shang Songhao, Mao Xiaomin. A two-parameter exponential recession model for simulating cropland soil moisture dynamics. Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(5): 575-586. doi: 10.1007/s11769-014-0676-3.

Abstract: To simulate the soil moisture variation in cropland, a two-parameter exponential recession model was derived to depict the recession process of soil moisture in the root zone. The model is based on the assumption that the recession rate of soil water is proportional to the potential evapotranspiration rate and the difference of soil water content and steady soil water content. Two parameters in this model are soil texture-dependent recession constant and steady soil water content. The model was calibrated and validated with measured soil water data at two experiment sites in North China with different soil textures and cropping systems. Coefficients of determination between measured and model simulated soil water content were all greater than 0.7, indicating that both models gave satisfactory simulation results. Results showed that values of two parameters mentioned above are both larger for finer soil than those for coarser soil. At the same potential evapotranspiration rate and soil water content, the recession rate of finer soil is usually lower than that of coarser soil. The proposed model can be used in irrigation management to predict approximate date for irrigation, as well as be embedded into watershed hydrological models to estimate the antecedent precipitation index.

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