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好女孩上天堂,坏女孩走四方 精选

已有 18202 次阅读 2007-9-23 01:31 |个人分类:大众评论|系统分类:观点评述










所以,现在如果有学生告诉我他/她不读下去了,我大概只会告诉他/她我认为这对他/她个人目前很可能是一个不好的选择,劝他/她三思而行。如果他/她再提出来,我就只能告诉他/她good luck and bye bye了。

其实,很多时候有学生要念下去的时候,我们反而应该劝他/她仔细想一想,是否应该念下去。生活中有很多道路可以选择,将来从事科学、研究和教育并不一定是对每个人来讲最好的和最适合的。不肯全心全意专注于知识的人,还不如到社会上去胡混。所谓good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere, 就是这个道理。”


前不久在香港和吴奇学兄讨论研究生问题时,他就对我说:现在的学生做某位老师的研究生,是叫做“work for”XX教授,而不像以前是叫做“work with”XX教授。前者是应付差事,后者是学习本事,差别太大。




Meat Loaf有一首歌叫做Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everytwhere,也就是“好女孩上天堂,坏女孩走四方”。其实这跟我小时候我父亲告诉我他的长辈告诉他:“你成龙就上天,成蛇就钻草。”是一个道理。这个世界上,既有龙,也有蛇,又是候蛇也叫小龙,没有什么不光荣的。不过成龙成蛇都是你自己的选择,自己承担上天或钻草的后果。

YouTube上Meat Loaf的Good girls go to heaven but bad girls go everywere音乐及动画视屏:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hCdobQ6rBE





Margaret Mitchell的小说《Gone with the wind》(飘)中的郝思佳和梅兰妮,就分别是坏女孩和好女孩的典型。也许,最理想的性格是二者得兼,不过那一定会是个精神分裂的疯女人。不管怎么说,不管是好女孩还是坏女孩,关键是要弄清楚自己是哪一种,不要非去做自己不适合和玩不转的那一种。

《飘》是我全文阅读的第一本英文小说,所以也是我读得最仔细的一本英文小说。我去年去亚特兰大开会时,就住在桃树街附近Margaret Mitchell的旧居,即现在的Margaret Mitchell博物馆,旁边的旅馆中,所以还专门去那里参观了一下。这是题外话。


Good Girls Go To Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere) 歌词

Artist(Band): Meat Loaf

Good girls go to heaven
But the bad girls go everywhere

When the wind is howling through your window pane
It's not the only pain of the night
You're burning up in your bed, you got a fever of love
And there's not an anti-body in sight

Hey Jenny, Jenny, why are you crying?
There's a beauty of a moon in the sky
But I guess when you've been leading such a sheltered life
You never lift your head and look so high

You don't have a lot, but it's all that you've got
And you can turn it into more than it seems
Just give it a shot,
Fantasize every movement
And imagine every inch of your dream

No one said it had to be real
But it's gotta be something you can reach out and feel now
It ain't right, it ain't fair
Castles fall in the sand and we fade in the air
And the good girls go to heaven,
But the bad girls go everywhere
Good girls go to heaven,
But the bad girls go everywhere

Somebody told me so,
Somebody told me now I know
Every night in my prayer,
I'll be praying that the
Good girls go to heaven,
But the bad girls go everywhere

When the sweat is sizzling on your skin in the dark
And you're desperate now for somewhere to turn
Every muscle in rebellion, every nerve is on edge
And every limb has been erotically burned

Hey Johnny, Johnny, why are you shaking?
When a boy should do whatever he can
You've been nothing but an angel every day of your life
And now you wonder what it's like to be damned

You don't have a lot, but it's all that you've got
And you can turn it into more than it seems
Just give it a shot,
Fantasize every movement
And imagine every inch of your dream

No one said it had to be real
But it's gotta be something you've been wanting to feel now
It ain't right, it ain't fair
Castles fall in the sand and we fade in the air
And the good boys go to heaven,
But the bad boys go everywhere
Good boys go to heaven,
But the bad boys go everywhere

Somebody told me so,
Somebody told me now I know
Every night in my prayer,
I'll be praying that the
Good boys go to heaven,
But the bad boys go everywhere

Every time I try and dream you,
I can't believe how hard it's been to
Conjure up your face
And trace your body in the air
All the seconds go on forever,
But the thirds and fourth ones are even better
Everytime I do it just a little bit longer
Everytime I dream,
It's just a little bit stronger than real life

No one said it had to be real
But it's gotta be something you can reach out and feel, now!
It ain't right, it ain't fair
Castles fall in the sand and we fade in the air
And the good girls go to heaven,
But the bad girls go everywhere
Good girls go to heaven,
But the bad girls go everywhere

Somebody told me so,
Somebody told me now I know
Every night in my prayer,
I'll be praying that the
Good girls go to heaven,
But the bad girls go everywhere(fade out)


上一篇:《我的爱情日记》和Think of Me
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1 张晓锋

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