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已有 14904 次阅读 2013-9-14 01:56 |个人分类:研究|系统分类:科研笔记| Award, 据稿, Lasker, JCI

   被拒稿了,甚至没有送审,很难过,不过也认了,编辑说的很客观也很公平。不过如果想达到他所期待的研究(免去下次投稿费用),将是又一个三年的项目,因为需要inducibletransgenic rat with podocyte specific gene expression. 这是一个250KD的蛋白,即便是细胞和生化的实验都费心劳力了很久,更何况到动物水平去建立工具并予以验证呢,只能说目前是一个Missionimpossible,看看将来会不会更容易些吧。会改投一个领域内的杂志,希望能被认可。其实当年选择肿瘤或者干细胞可能积累文章会相对更容易些,但还是不后悔。足细胞是一个很难研究的领域,有很多这样那样的限制,不过还是蛮有挑战性,希望将来还能坚持下去。人生如果有那么一个让你能坚持去面对的难关其实挺不错的,无论结局如何,至少自己努力过,家人很支持,日子也过得比较开心。


  Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) 最近更换了Editorial board (5年一换),从密歇根移到了Duke,据我教授的说法,在密歇根的时候,很多做足细胞的人,相对而言他们会更体谅工作的难度也更能发现我们投送的文章的闪光点,而现在领域外的编辑会要求更高一些。对我们来说是坏事,但是对这个杂志来说却是好事.感觉JCI的风头最近很盛,很多足够Nature Medicine的工作都发表在这个杂志上。这个杂志对于转化医学的贡献是值得称道的。

  最近JCI LaskerFoundation 合作公布了Lasker 奖,Genetech RichardScheller 和斯坦福大学的Thomas Südhof 教授因为在神经递质的机制研究“discoveriesconcerning the molecular machinery and regulatory mechanisms that underlie therapid release of neurotransmitters”共享了基础医学奖。不知道科学网上是不是有人会翻译或者科普介绍一下今年的这个奖。Lasker奖励被看做是诺贝尔生理医学奖的前奏,中国科学家屠呦呦教授因为青蒿素的发现和研究曾于2011年获得该奖项,也曾在科学网上引发广泛的讨论。

希望了解2013 Lasker奖的朋友可以点击下面链接:



Dear Dr. @@@@

After careful consideration by the Editorial Board, I regret to inform you that your manuscript in its current form is not appropriate for publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

However, the Editorial Board found your work of interest. A number of substantive concerns would need to be addressed to our satisfaction before we would be willing to send your manuscript for external review. These concerns are as follows:

This is a beautiful biochemical study suggesting a novel and important role for *** to modulate ### signaling and to protect podocyte viability in glomerular disease.  What is missing here is an in vivo functional study where *** function and/or expression is modulated prospectively in the intact animal, and the effects on glomerular function are determined.

The Editorial Board recognizes that addressing these concerns may necessitate considerable effort on your part and that you may elect not to pursue this direction.  However, if you are able to provide new data as outlined above, we will reconsider this manuscript to determine its suitability for the JCI and will not require you to pay a second submission fee. I must caution that this invitation to re-submit does NOT constitute a guarantee that your manuscript will be sent for external review.

Thank you for allowing us to review your work.  We welcome the opportunity to read a revised version.


Professor of Medicine
Editor in Chief
For the JCI Editorial Board


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