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已有 4260 次阅读 2013-2-27 18:55 |个人分类:专论—应急管理|系统分类:科研笔记| 危机, 国际会议, 大连, 应急





June 22 - 23, 2013  Dalian, China 中国大连



• 2013 Pacific Asia Symposium on Crisis and Emergency Management (PASCEM 2013)亚太危机与应急管理论坛

• 6th SKSCEM: 2013 Sino-Korea Symposium on Crisis and Emergency Management第六届中韩危机与应急管理双边研讨会


  The PASCEM 2013 and 6th SKSCEM are serial international symposiums that cover all domains related to the theory development, empirical studies, best practices of crisis and emergency management within Asia-Pacific areas.  Those premium events aim to create an international platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners from colleges and universities, research institutes, government agencies and other related organizations to exchange ideas, share knowledge, build networks, and explore future potentials in the field of crisis and emergency management.

  The proceedings will be published by Dalian University of Technology Press with the name of CITY, CRISIS, and INCLUSION: Proceedings of PASCEM 2013 and SKSCEM 2013 and then will be submitted for inclusion into CPI-SSH. Selected papers will be included as revised articles in International Review of Crisis and Emergency, and Bulletin of Emergency Management. For more details, please visit the conference website at http:/spal.dlut.edu.cn/cem.


Important Dates

- Date of Main Conference: June 22 - 23, 2013
- Paper Submission: due to Apr. 1, 2013

- Paper Review: Apr. 1 - Apr. 15, 2013
- Review Results(Acceptance/Reject) Notification: Apr. 15 - Apr. 20, 2013
- Registration/Final Camera-ready Submission: Apr. 20 - Apr. 30, 2013


Scope and Topics
  The following topics are enthusiastically encouraged but not limited to:

TOPIC 1: Urban crisis management and innovation under the inclusive development
- Crisis, emergency, Inclusive development and new urbanization
- Inclusive development and crisis management innovation
- Inclusive development and urban infrastructure emergency
- Inclusive development and social crisis
- urban infrastructure development and PPP
- Urban infrastructure integrated system to sustain regional development
- Urban land management modes and space distribution of emergencies and crisis
- Human mobility, crisis management, and infrastructure supplement


TOPIC 2: Urban governance and disaster mitigation in post-crisis-era
- Trans-boundary crisis management
- Trans-boundary crisis transfer and synergistic response
- Crisis recovery and innovation
- Public leadership under emergency pressure
- Interactive influence between infrastructure service interruption and emergency response
- Urban infrastructure development and disaster mitigation policies
- Disaster prevention and emergency response technologies in urbanization
- Urban natural disaster risk analysis
- Urban emergency response capabilities measurement
- The vulnerability of metropolitan
- The synergistic emergency response for regional crisis
- Network theory and crisis management


TOPIC 3: Critical infrastructures policy and management
- Critical infrastructure protection and public security
- Vulnerability analysis and mitigation for infrastructures
- Modeling and simulation for interdependent security of infrastructures
- Joint capacity management and optimization for infrastructures
- Resilient engineering of infrastructure
- Risk management of infrastructure under life cycle perspective
- Infrastructure policy in the setting of disaster mitigation and emission mitigation
- Safety management and accident analysis of mega infrastructure project


Contact Us

  If you have any further questions on PASCEM 2013 & SKSCEM 2013, please feel free to contact us at Tel: +86-411-84707479

Dr. Peng Li  (+86-133 2225 4522, Dalian) 

Dr. Huanming Wang  (+86-186 4282 1064, Dalian)

Dr. Fei CHI(+86-10-59358825, Beijing)

** Please kindly forward this e-mail to your colleagues or students who may be interested.


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