据瑞典于默奥大学(Umeå University, Umeå, SWEDEN)2024年9月26日提供的消息,科学家们解决了一个50年的难题:石墨的振荡舞蹈(Scientists Solve a 50-Year Puzzle: The Oscillating Dance of Graphite Explained)。
于默奥大学的研究人员解释了一种困扰科学家50年的反应。快速结构快照捕捉了石墨(graphite)在电化学氧化过程中如何转变为石墨氧化物(graphite oxide),揭示了循环出现和消失的中间结构。根据研究人员的说法,这是一种全新的振荡反应(oscillating reaction)。
理解振荡化学反应(Understanding Oscillating Chemical Reactions)
石墨氧化的新发现(New Findings in Graphite Oxidation)
2024年8月22日在德国《应用化学国际版》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)杂志网站在线发表的一项新研究中,研究人员报告了石墨电化学氧化过程中出现的一种新型振荡反应。原文详见:Bartosz Gurzęda, Paweł Jeżowski, Nicolas Boulanger, Alexandr V Talyzin. Oscillating Structural Transformations in the Electrochemical Synthesis of Graphene Oxide from Graphite. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024 Aug 22: e202411673. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202411673. First published: 22 August 2024. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202411673
参与此项研究的有来自波兰波兹南工业大学化学技术学院(Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznań, Poland)和瑞典于默奥大学(Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden)的研究人员。
于默奥大学物理系教授亚历山大·塔雷津(Alexandr Talyzin)解释说:“50年前人们就已经知道,当浸入硫酸溶液的石墨电极上充电时,会自发地发生一些电压振荡。这个反应的最终产物是氧化石墨,一种由氧化石墨烯层组成的材料。然而,在每一个振荡周期的反应中,材料的结构发生了什么变化,仍然是一个完全未解之谜。”
有一段视频展示了一种原本是石墨的材料的表面,以及它的外观是如何在波浪中变化的。画面上方显示的是电压的变化。当电压高时,材料发生许多快速变化,而在低电压下几乎没有变化。详见:The video shows the surface of a material that was originally graphite, and how its appearance changes in waves. Above the footage, changes in voltage are displayed. When the voltage is high, many rapid changes occur in the material, while almost no changes happen at low voltage. Credit: Bartosz Gurzęda
先进的同步加速器方法揭示的见解(Advanced Synchrotron Methods Reveal Insights)
由于新的同步加速器方法(new synchrotron methods),研究人员可以在几秒钟内记录X射线衍射扫描,从而提供材料在氧化过程中结构变化的快照。令人惊讶的是,实验揭示了一个具有特定结构的中间阶段,它出现在循环的一部分,在下一阶段消失,然后重新出现,重复这个循环。
亚历山大·塔雷津说:“很快我们就意识到,我们观察到的是一种据我们所知的新型振荡反应。从基础化学的角度来看,一开始只是对某一特定化学反应的详细研究突然变得有趣多了。但这项研究的第一作者Bartosz Gurzeda录制了一段漂亮的视频,每隔几分钟就会显示样品外观的周期性变化。”
对化学动力学的影响(Implications for Chemical Kinetics)
未来理论发展的潜力(Potential for Future Theoretical Advances)
第一个解释振荡反应的理论为伊利亚·普里高津(Ilya Prigogine)赢得了1977年的诺贝尔奖,并成为非平衡热力学的基本组成部分,展示了秩序如何从混沌中产生。
Electrochemical synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) is known to occur with potential oscillations, but the structural changes underlying these oscillations have remained unclear. In situ time-resolved synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction demonstrates that the electrochemical synthesis of GO in aqueous H2SO4 can be described as an oscillating reaction. The transformation from graphite to GO proceeds through periodic structural oscillations that correlate with potential cycles. Stage-1 graphite intercalation compound (GIC) is found only at the peak of the potential cycle, but not at the bottom of the cycle. Stage-1 GIC is formed in the first half-cycle from stage-2 GIC and then transforms into “pristine graphite oxide” (PGO) on the lower side of the potential cycle, after which the cycle restarts with the formation of a new portion of stage-1 GIC. Water-washing results in the transformation of PGO into water-swollen GO with d(001) ~11 Å. These periodic structural changes can be considered a new type of oscillating reaction. The presented results provide broad insights into the oscillating structural changes occurring during the anodic graphite oxidation in aqueous H2SO4 and allow for an update of the mechanism of GO electrochemical formation.
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