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已有 3365 次阅读 2013-2-22 10:25 |个人分类:艺术|系统分类:人物纪事| office, style, namespace


    打开狗儿,看到新的涂鸦,原来今天是Edwards Gorey的生日(1925-2000)。我不熟悉这个名字,但看那些画有趣,就Wiki了一下,发现他真的有趣,说自己的作品“没意思”——卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)和里尔(Edward Lear)的那种literary nonsense


    有篇文章谈Gorey,题目是“Edward Gorey and the Tao of NonsenseThe New Yorker, Nov.9, 1992),题目有趣,可惜没找到全文(也许我还有那期杂志呢,可这会儿懒得去找了),里面引Gorey自己的话说



If you’re doing nonsense it has to be rather awful, because there’d be no point. I’m trying to think if there’s sunny nonsense. Sunny, funny nonsense for children — oh, how boring, boring, boring. As Schubert said, there is no happy music. And that’s true, there really isn’t. And there’s probably no happy nonsense, either.


不过在别人看来,G的作品却有着Gothic式的惊险恐怖和神秘。20113月的纽约时报有篇文章(Nightshade Is Growing Like Weeds——又一个有趣的题目,nightshade是有毒的,而weeds没毒。这个对比应该有更多的植物学内容,我不懂),说老G在去世10年后还像幽灵一样在我们的“集体无意识”里游荡(haunting our collective unconscious):

Gorey was born to be posthumous. His poisonously funny little picture books — deadpan accounts of murder, disaster and discreet depravity, narrated in a voice that affects the world-weary tone of British novelists like Ronald Firbank and Ivy Compton-Burnett — established him as the master of high-camp macabre.


受老G刺激的艺术家很多,他们都从他的作品中找自己共鸣的东西。而老G早就警告过大家,When people are finding meaning in things — beware!不过,从他的绘画里,我也感觉不到Carroll式的nonsense,也没有Lear式的无聊。也许从意义里发现没意义,是更难的事情吧。






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