

因为真爱来临 精选

已有 8196 次阅读 2012-12-28 12:48 |个人分类:英诗译|系统分类:诗词雅集| office, 真爱


鲍海飞 2012-12-28


人们都在等待,等待希望、等待幸运,企盼幸福。有一个母亲,她在等待?她在那里等待什么?从Celine Dion的《A new day has come(中文译作《因为真爱来临》)这首歌里面,我们是否发现了这个答案?


A new day has come 因为真爱来临


黎明曙光至,A new day has come 

长盼心凄迷,I was waiting for so long 

指望奇迹现,For a miracle to come 

人言要坚毅,Everyone told me to be strong

莫流泪一滴。Hold on and don't shed a tear 


穿越天与地,So through darkness and good times

滴水能穿石,I knew I'd make it through

世人谁都晓,And the world thought I had it all 

我在等待你。But I was waiting for you


一瞬无声息,Hush now

一道霞光寄,I see a light in the sky

耀我眼迷离,Oh it's almost blinding me

谁人能相信,心诚感天使。I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love


茫茫雨倾下,Let the rain come down 

洗去我泪滴,And wash away my tears

流入我心底,Let it fill my soul

恐惧尽驱离;And drown my fears

澎湃无可阻,Let it shatter the walls

只因红日升,For a new sun

黎明曙光至,A new day has come

缕缕霞光,冲破黑暗,Where it was dark now there is light 

昨日痛苦,今日欢喜,Where there was pain, now there's joy

不再怯弱,自信自立。Where there was weakness, I found my strength 

一切尽在男孩眼里。  All in the eyes of a boy

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