爱小蜜的人(The Bee-Lover)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/beepro 没有小蜜, 人类只有谷物吃了。



已有 4339 次阅读 2012-3-6 01:59 |个人分类:小蜜|系统分类:图片百科| 小蜜, 北卡

还剩下几个那里拍的。 发到这吧。
1.  Acrobatic mating between two wasps.这蜂好黑, 当时应该把一个花作为背景!

2. A bee foraging on a type of amaranth.鸡冠花

3. A bee on a type a verbena (my guess). Notice that this bee is "robbing" the nectar near the base. The flower has such long corolla that any bees are unable to reach the nectar normally.  Robbing typically bypasses the pollination mechanism so the plant loses its crop while gains no benefit.小蜜在花都基部盗蜜。 花估计是马鞭草科的。

4. A bumble bee foraging inside a sunrose (purslane, Portulacaceae).熊蜂采马齿苋花。

5.  A bee foraging on a white spiderwort (Commelinaceae).  I have seen blue and red ones also.蜜蜂采白色的鸭跖草花。

6.  One o'clock!   A day flying moth on a lantana (Verbenaceae).一点钟! 这个ailanthus web worm moth在花钟上指向1点。


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