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[论文] 潜叶虫潜道图像分析 Image Analysis of Leaf Mines

已有 6220 次阅读 2012-2-29 16:18 |个人分类:My Work 我的研究|系统分类:论文交流| 图像分析, 数字化, 潜叶昆虫


潜叶虫潜道图像分析 Image Analysis of Leaf Mines (PDF)

2012年18卷01期 页码:134-138
摘要:为通过潜叶虫潜食叶片所留下的潜道分析其分类、行为和生态,应用Getdata 图形数字化软件和R语言,提取线形潜道的数字化图像,并获得各种图像形状参数,如平均转角、转角集中度、分维D、直线度ST、蜿蜒度SN等. 结果发现:大多数潜道的平均转角较小(不超过±25.0°),转角集中度较高(> 0.600),说明潜食方向大多保持为前进方向;多数潜道的ST在0.010到0.300之间,数值极小,而SN一般都超过0.600,表明多数潜叶昆虫潜道的蜿蜒程度非常大;米楮上两种潜叶蛾的潜道形状参数如D和ST存在显著差异. 图2 表2 参14

Abstract:In order to analyze the taxonomy, behavior and ecology of leaf mining insects by means of leaf mines which are the marks caused by larva miners’ mining in leaves, the methods of GetData Graph Digitizer and R language were used to get the data of digitalized images of linear leaf mines and their shape parameters, including mean turn angle, concentration of turn angles, fractal dimension D, straightness ST, sinuosity SN, and so on. The results were as follows: Mean turn angles of most leaf mines were small (between ± 25.0°), and the concentrations of turn angles were high ( > 0.600), suggesting that most leaf miners kept the direction of mining forward. The ST values of leaf mines were small, between 0.010 and 0.300, however, the SN values were above 0.600, indicating most leaf mines with very high path sinuosity. The shape parameters of leaf mines (D and ST) were significantly different between two leaf-mining moths on Castanopsis carlesii. Fig 2, Tab 2, Ref 14

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备注/Memo:国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 31070341)、2010年人力资源和社会保障部留学人员科技活动项目和赣州市果业基金科技支撑计划项目(No. 7)资助

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