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已有 26447 次阅读 2011-11-29 10:35 |个人分类:科学观点|系统分类:论文交流| 发表论文, 个人简介


陈凯敏,男,汉族,1984529 日出生于江苏省启东市。20029月进入华东理工大学理工优秀生部,高分子系,高分子材料科学与工程专业。本科毕业论文为“炭黑/HDPE导电复合材料的制备和表征”,师从徐世爱教授。学位论文被评为校优秀毕业论文,20066月获工学学士学位。同年保送华东理工大学材料科学与工程学院材料学专业,为硕博连读研究生,师从徐世爱教授。其后参与了一系列研究项目,200712月完成硕士阶段课程并通过开题报告答辩,开始进入博士研究生阶段的学习。20083月转入华东理工大学化工学院,材料化学工程专业,师从郭旭虹特聘教授。在20083月到20089月期间,开展一种新型表面活性剂TMDD的工业化研发。从20089月开始进行博士阶段的课题研究,研究方向为“球形聚电解质刷的磁功能化”,为期1年。20099月申请国家公派出国留学项目,在美国麻省大学阿姆斯特分校,进行为期18个月的联合培养,师从化学系Paul L. Dubin教授和Vincent M. Rotello教授。研究方向为功能化金纳米粒子与不同蛋白质的选择性吸附,于20113月回国。20119月通过博士学位论文答辩,同年11月获得华东理工大学工学博士学位。博士学位论文被评为校优秀博士学位论文。20121月开始在上海交通大学Med-X研究院从事博士后研究,师从古宏晨教授。2014年6月开始在上海工程技术大学化学化工学院工作,担任讲师职务。


  1. Chen, Kaimin*; Cao, Lan; Zhang, Ying; Li, Kai; Qin, Xue; Guo, Xuhong*. Conformation study of dual stimuli-responsive core-shell diblock polymer brushes. Polymers 2018, 10, 1084. (影响因子2.9)


  2. Hu, Fenglin; Chen, Kaimin; Xu, Hong; Gu*, Hongchen*. Design and preparation of bi-functionalized short-chain modified zwitterionic nanoparticles. Acta Biomaterialia 201872, 239-247. (影响因子6.4)


  3. Yang, yang; Li, Weizhen; Chen, Kaimin; Gan, Wenjun*; Wang, Cheng*. Epoxy terminated polysiloxane blended with diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A. 1: Curing behavior and compatibility. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2018 (online). (影响因子1.9)

  4. Cao, Lan; Chen, Kaimin*; Qin, Xue; Zhang, Ying; Li, Kai; Guo, Xuhong*. Effect of block sequence on responsive behavior of core-shell diblock polymer brushes. Materials Letters 2018, 223, 116-119. (影响因子2.6)

  5. Qin, Xue; Chen, Kaimin*; Cao, Lan; Zhang, Ying; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong*. Antifouling performance of nano-sized spherical poly(N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide) brush. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2017, 155, 408-414. (影响因子3.9)

  6. Chen, Kaimin; Hu, Fenglin; Gu, Hongchen; Xu, Hong*. Tuning of surface protein adsorption by spherical mixed charged silica brushes (MCB) with zwitterionic carboxybetaine component. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5, 435-443. (封面文章,影响因子4.9)

  7. 王思怿; 郭旭虹*; 陈凯敏*. 聚合物刷与生物分子相互作用的研究进展. 功能高分子学报 2016,29(4),359–376. (综述,封面文章)

  8. Qin, Li; Xu, Yisheng*; Han, Haoya; Liu Miaomiao; Chen, Kaimin; Wang, Siyi; Wang, Jie; Xu, Jun; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong*. β-Lactoglobulin (BLG) Binding to Highly Charged Cationic Polymer-grafted Magnetic Nanoparticles: Effect of Ionic Strength. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2015, 460, 221229. (影响因子3.4)

  9. Wen, Yicun; Zhang, Rui*; Li, Qingsong; Chen, Kaimin; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong*. Viscosity Modulation by Magnetic Field for Colloidal Polyelectrolyte Brushes. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2015, 9, 15881593. (影响因子1.3)

  10. Yu, Xuanji; Huang, Shibin; Chen, Kaimin*; Zhou, Zhiming; Guo, Xuhong; Li, Li*. Preparation of Functional Janus Particles with Response to Magnetic Force. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2015, 54, 2690–2696. (影响因子2.2)

  11. Huang, Jing; Xu, Jun; Chen, Kaimin; Wang, Tongshuai; Cui, Chao; Wei, Xiaoming; Zhang, Rui; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Synthesis of Triblock Copolymers via RAFT Polymerization and Their Application as Surfactants for Crude Oil in Water Emulsion. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2015, 54, 1564–1575. (影响因子2.2)

  12. Hu, Fenglin; Chen, Kaimin; Xu, Hong; Gu, Hongchen. Functional Short-chain Zwitterion Coated Silica Nanoparticles with Antifouling Properties in Protein Solutions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2015, 126, 251–256. (影响因子4.3).

  13. Wang, Mi; Gao, Yanfeng; Cao, Chuanxiang; Chen, Kaimin*; Wen, Yicun; Fang, Dingye; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Binary Solvent Colloids of Thermosensitive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgel for Smart Window. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53, 18462–18472. (影响因子2.2)

  14. Zhu, Ying; Xu, Hong; Chen, Kaimin; Fu, Jianping; Gu, Hongchen. Encoding through the Host–Guest Structure: Construction of Multiplexed Fluorescent Beads. Chemical Communications 2014, 50, 14041–14044. (影响因子6.7)

  15. Qu, Zhenyuan; Xu, Hong; Xu, Ping; Chen, Kaimin; Mu, Rong; Fu, Jianping; Gu, Hongchen. Ultrasensitive ELISA Using Enzyme-loaded Nanospherical Brushes as Labels. Analytical Chemistry 2014, 86, 9367–9371. (影响因子5.8)

  16. Xu, Yisheng; Wang, Siyi; Han, Haoya; Chen, Kaimin; Qi, Li; Xu, Jun; Wang, Jie; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Enhancement of Enzymatic Activity by Magnetic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes: A Potential Recycling Strategy for Enzymes. Langmuir 2014, 30, 11156–11164. (影响因子4.4)

  17. Chen, Kaimin; Rana, Subinoy; Moyano, Daniel F.; Xu, Yisheng; Guo, Xuhong, Rotello, Vincent M. Optimizing the Selective Recognition of Protein Isoforms through Tuning of Nanoparticle Hydrophobicity. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 6492–6495. (影响因子6.7)

  18. Qu, Zhenyuan; Chen, Kaimin; Gu, Hongchen; Xu, Hong. Covalent Immobilization of Proteins on 3D Poly (acrylic acid) Brushes: Mechanism Study and a More Effective and Controllable Process. Bioconjugate Chemistry 2014, 25, 370–378. (封面文章,影响因子4.8)

  19. Wang, Siyi; Chen, Kaimin; Xu, Yisheng; Yu, Xuanji; Wang, Weihua; Li, Li; Xuhong Guo. Protein Immobilization and Separation by Anionic/Cationic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes Based on Charge Anisotropy. Soft Matter 2013, 9, 11276–11287. (影响因子4.2)

  20. Chen, Qingchuan; Wang, Jie; Chen, Kaimin; Zhang, Rui; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Heavy Metal Ions Removal by Nano-SizedSpherical Polymer Brushes. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 2014, 32, 432–438. (影响因子1.4)

  21. Zhao, Tao; Chen, Kaimin; Gu, Hongchen. Investigations on the Interactions of Proteins with Polyampholyte-coated Magnetite Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013, 117, 14129–14135. (影响因子3.4)

  22. Xu, Y.; Engel, Y.; Yan, Y.; Chen, Kaimin; Moyano, D. F.; Dubin, P. L.; Rotello, V. M., Enhanced Electrostatic Discrimination of Proteins at Nanoparticle Functionalized Surfaces. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013, 1, 5230–5234. (2013 hot articles in JMCB)

  23. Chen, Kaimin; Xu,Yisheng; Rana, Subinoy; Miranda, Oscar R.; Dubin, Paul L.; Rotello, Vincent M.;Sun, Lianhong; Guo, Xuhong. Electrostatic Selectivity in Protein–Nanoparticle Interactions. Biomacromolecules 2011, 12, 2552–2561. (影响因子5.8)

  24. Chen, Kaimin; Zhu, Yan; Zhang, Yifei; Li, Li; Lu, Yan;Guo, Xuhong. Synthesis of Magnetic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes. Macromolecules 2011, 43, 632639. (大分子杂志2011年第一季度最受欢迎十篇论文之一,影响因子5.9)

  25. Chen, Kaimin; Zhu, Yan; Li, Li; Lu, Yan; Guo, Xuhong. Recyclable Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes Containing Magnetic Nanoparticles in Core. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2010, 31, 1440–1443. ( MaterialsViews网站作为新闻报道,影响因子4.6)

  26. Wang,Siyi; Chen, Kaimin; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Binding between Proteins and Cationic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes: Effect of pH, Ionic Strength, and Stoichiometry. Biomacromolecules 2013, 14, 818–827. (共同一作,影响因子5.8)

  27. Wang, Siyi; Chen, Kaimin; Kayitmazer, A. Basak; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Tunable Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin by Annealed Cationic Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2013, 107, 251–256. (共同一作,影响因子4.3)

  28. Zhu, Yan; Chen, Kaimin; Wang, Xiang; Guo, Xuhong. Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes as Nanoreactor for Synthesis of Ultrafine Magnetic Nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 2012, 23, 265601/1–265601/9. (共同一作,影响因子3.7)

  29. Qu, Zhenyuan; Hu, Fenglin; Chen, Kaimin; Duan, Zongqiang; Gu, Hongchen; Xu, Hong. A Facile Route to the Synthesis of Spherical Poly(acrylic acid) Brushes via RAFT Polymerization for High-capacity Protein Immobilization. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2013, 398, 82–87. (影响因子3.6)

  30. Xu,Yisheng; Mazzawi, Malek; Chen, Kaimin;Sun, Lianhong; Dubin, Paul. Protein Purification by Polyelectrolyte Coacervation: Influence of Protein Charge Anisotropy on Selectivity. Biomacromolecules 2011, 12(5), 15121522. (影响因子5.8)

  31. 赵丹丹; 王林; 陈凯敏; 徐世爱; 吴驰飞; 刘涛; 赵玲. 超临界条件制备有机小分子接枝纳米炭黑及其对橡胶的补强作用. 特种橡胶制品 2009, 30(2), 5155,63.

  32. 姚俊琦; 金国呈; 陈凯敏; 蔡天琪; 徐世爱; 吴驰飞. 原位聚合尼龙6/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的结晶行为. 中国材料科技与设备 2008, 5(2), 6166.


  1. Zhu, Yan; Chen, Kaimin; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushas Robust Scaffold for Size-controlled Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles. PMSE preprints 2011, 104,428–429.

  2. Wang, Siyi; Zhu, Yuanqing; Chen, Kaimin; Li, Li; Guo, Xuhong. Immobilization of Bovine Serum Albumin onto Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes in Aqueous Solution. 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing & 4th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics 2011, 3, 1232–1236.

  3. Yu, Ruobing; Huang, Ren; Shi, Qingfeng; Chen, Kaimin; Xu, Shiai. Structure Characterization and Relaxation Processes of CB/HDPE Composites. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer Materials 2007, 12, 277–278.


  1. 操凤文; 陈凯敏; 麻玉雯; 等. 一种单分散聚合物荧光微球的制备方法及其应用. 申请号: 201711365021.

  2. 郭旭虹; 朱雁; 李莉; 陈凯敏; 房鼎业. 以纳米球形聚电解质刷为微反应器制备磁性粒子的方法. 申请号: 200910053204.0, 申请日: 2009-06-17, 授权公告号: CN 101630555B, 授权公告日: 2011-11-23.(已授权)

  3. 郭旭虹; 陈凯敏; 李莉; 朱雁; 房鼎业. 具有磁性内核的纳米球形聚电解质刷的制备方法. 申请号: 200910049103.6,申请日: 2009-04-10, 授权公告号: CN 101544730B, 授权公告日:2012-01-11.(已授权)

  4. 徐世爱; 施庆锋; 贺明; 陈凯敏; 余启斯; 吴驰飞. 单组份固态环氧乙烯基树脂. 申请号: 200610118975.X, 申请日: 2006-12-01, 授权公告号: CN 100497431C, 授权公告日: 2009-06-10.(已授权)




  1. 陈凯敏, 一位“青椒”工作周年的感悟. 中国科学报 2015, 2015-07-23.

  2. 陈凯敏, 读者之声:选择做博士后的动机. 科技导报 2012, 30(32), 82.



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