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参加Hyman Kuritz教授75寿辰晚会小记

已有 5613 次阅读 2007-7-16 07:36 |个人分类:美国纪行见闻(A)|系统分类:海外观察

参加Hyman Kuritz教授75寿辰晚会小记


黄安年文  2007年7月16


Hyman KuritzSUNYA的著名教授,1985年退休,他担任纽约州议会美国退休人员协会主席多年,在组织退休人员从事学术教育事业中发挥重要作用。1991年在他75岁寿辰之际,1026,在奥伯尼一家蒙古餐馆举行了祝贺他寿辰的晚会。晚会从1850分一直持续到1159分,有40人参加了晚会活动,令人感动的是Hyman Kuritz教授亲自开车来接我参加他的寿辰晚会。像这样的活动不仅学院领导十分重视,而且退休人员协会也积极组织,不仅为著名教授组织这类祝寿晚会,而且一般对于一般教师的寿辰活动也同样关注,其实举行这样的活动不仅出于对从事教育工作多年教师的尊重,而且也是一次难道的学术和教育交流的好机会.在我国这样的对教师的一视同仁并不多见。




Kuritz named this year's Outstanding Active Retiree


Hyman Kuritz has been named Outstanding Active Retiree for 2000 by the union's statewide Committee on Active Retired Member-ship (COARM).


Kuritz, who retired from SUNY Albany in 1985 after nearly two decades as a member of the academic faculty, continues to be active in union and community affairs.

He is chair of the union's Retiree Legislative Action Group and is a member of COARM and of the statewide Legislation Committee. He also helped to organize the union's Albany-Capital District retiree group, which he chaired for six years.

Kuritz is a vital and energetic lobbyist for retiree concerns. He took over in June as chair of the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) State Legislative Committee and is a member of the organization's National Legislative Council, which recommends national policy issues to the AARP Executive Board.

On behalf of AARP and UUP, Kuritz has spoken before a variety of community and labor groups, and he has testified before state Assembly and Senate committees on electric utility deregulation for the AARP.

"Hyman is constantly working for our retirees," COARM Chair Pearl Brod said. "He has been an outstanding advocate for VOTE/COPE, for a cost-of-living adjustment for state pension-plan participants, for all our causes. We can always depend on him -- he never says 'no.'"

His interests and efforts go beyond retiree concerns. Kuritz served as the statewide coordinator for Amnesty International on the issue of capital punishment. He also worked closely with the Cuomo administration to block the state Legislature from overriding the governor's veto of death-penalty legislation.

Kuritz received a one-year Ford Foundation grant to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and has earned several travel grants to England and California, among other places.

A graduate of Milwaukee Teachers College and the University of Wisconsin, Kuritz went on to earn his master's degree and Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Kuritz is only the third recipient of the retiree award. Past winners were Helen Lees of Buffalo HSC and former COARM Chair Norma Klayman of Buffalo State.




1Hyman Kuritzhttp://www.uupinfo.org/voice/sep/sept00.html))



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519911026晚和Hyman Kuritz教授夫妇合影。











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