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The 1990 Institute of Silicon Valley 精选

已有 8528 次阅读 2011-5-31 03:30 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察| div, quot, amp, clas


(For new reader and those who request 好友请求, please read my 公告栏 first) At my age, the most frequent social events for me are attendances at retirement parties and memorial/funeral services. For the past ten days I was at two coasts of the US (San Francisco and New York) for both type of events. But here I want to talk about the retirement parties of two old friends from the above named institute.


We are all familiar with high tech start up in the Silicon Valley. But I doubt too many people have heard of nonprofit start up there. In 1990, the US-China relation was at it's low point. Two far sighted and well known Chinese Americans, C.B. Sung (http://www.cctv.com/program/upclose/20070108/104379_1.shtml see CCTV interview about the man who has a sixth sense about China) and Hang Sheng Cheng (VP of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) founded the 1990 Institute with the idea of positive engagement and help to improve US-China relationships. The Institute played key roles in the macro economic modernization of  China (see explanation below) during the 1990 decade. As Chinese economy blossomed and matured, the Institute gradually morphed her role into more microeconomic and humanistic tasks for the 21st century. Another co-founder and director and my old friend, William (Billy) M.S. Lee, together with his wife, Lucille initiated projects such as Children's art, student exchanges, and micro finance loans ( http://1990institute.org/microfinance/intro ) which now occupy significant portion of the activities of the Institute.

Both Sung and Lee are my oldest friends in the US. I first met them in 1950.  Sung is like a big brother who guided and advised me during the crucial formative years of my youth. Lee is the first Chinese friend I made in the US and our friendship stretches over more than half a century (http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&id=263414) . Both of them are retiring from their duties at the 1990 Institute after almost a generation of volunteer service. The 21st Annual Institute Dinner on May 25th honors both C.B. Sung and Billy Lee as they retire from Chairman of the board and co-founder and director of the Institute respectively. The acceptance speech by Billy Lee on behalf of the honorees says and explains more and far better about what the Institute did and does than I can. This is reproduces with permission from Billy below:



May 25, 2011


Hang Sheng and C.B. asked me to express  their deep appreciation and gratitude for honoring them this evening. I too thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We want to extend our best wishes to those who will continue the Mission and  Spirit of The 1990 Institute, and we wish to thank all the Past and Present 1990 Board Members, the Institute’s Honorable Co-Chairs, Volunteers, Friends, and Supporters who have helped us directly and indirectly to do what we loved to do the past 20 years.

I personally have learned so much from everyone but particularly from CB, Hang Sheng, and Roz Koo. Tonight, however, I especially wish to thank CB and Hang Sheng - my 2 Big Brothers and Mentors at The 1990 Institute.

Almost 65 years ago, when I was leaving China for schooling in the United

States, my father gave me his parting advice: DiDi, now you will be on your own. Behave well and stay close to people who are Good and people who want to do Good. Also, follow those who are bright and preferably who are much smarter than you. Yes, I have followed my Dad’s advice. You see,  I married Lucille who is a good person, and who is - as many of you know - much much smarter than I. Yes, I also joined The 1990 Institute, because I trusted CB and I was impressed by HangSheng’s warmth and sincerity. I regarded them as Good people who clearly wanted to do Good, and they were unquestionably many times more capable and accomplished than I.

Tonight, I like to take this opportunity to thank them personally.

Hang Sheng !  I like to share with you what I heard at Stanford University’s Lecture Series last year – titled “ SIX DECADES OF THE PRC from 1950 to 2010 “.Prof. Barry Naughton, a renowned scholar on Chinese Economy and Chair of International Affairs at UCSD covered the  Decade 1990 to 2000.  He emphatically pointed out that the 1990 Decade was indeed the TURNING POINT in China’s Fiscal Reform which brought about the country’s impressive development of today. He particularly pointed out that Premier Zhu Rongji China’s Economic Tsar based much of his economic policies on the new knowledge brought back to China by a group of young Chinese scholars who had spent time and did in-depth research in the United States. 

Hang Sheng, I think Prof. Naughton was indeed referring to the impact and contribution made by you and The 1990 Institute at that critical period.

As V.P. of the Federal Reserve Bank, you were instrumental in placing the very first group of bright Chinese Research Scholars who came to the U.S. to learn the Market–Oriented Economic System at various key institutions, and you came up with this visionary concept to pair up the brightest of the bright young PRC Economists with selected U.S. Experts to do Joint Research on China’s Economic Reform. That in fact gave birth to our 1990 Institute . You, My Good Friend, truly deserve tremendous accolade !

CB ! You have been my Big Brother since my college days. You have always given me encouragement, fresh ideas, critical comments, and often very inspirational words. I still remember vividly one lunch gathering we had, and I was babbling about The 1990 Institute’s Children, Art, and Environment Projects and about Xin Xin Jiao the Heart to Heart Bridging of Children from different cultures.  You quietly wrote 8 Chinese characters on a slip of paper and showed them to me.              Xin Xin Tse Whor, Ker Yee Liao Yuan . It was a metaphor saying: Little Sparks of Fire  Can Inflame a Vast Terrain . I think, CB, you have been someone who can spot potential Sparks while others may not. You can visualize the Vast Terrain not imaginable to most other people. You can analyze what fuels are necessary to induce, maintain and expand the flame.  You would most surely check the weather and the wind, and make sure that the blaze is carefully managed and directed.

Most importantly, however, you would first start by asking Why !  Why this action, effort, time, and involvement ? What is the Good in Purpose ? Then you would want to know the potential impact and result.  You always aim for maximum value and benefit. I have carefully observed and analyzed how you led The 1990 Institute.  To me, you were an admirable Orchestrator and a really smart Optimizer!  I learned a lot from you, Dear Bro.  I thank you and love you !

Again, Good Friends and Supporters of The 1990 Institute, on behalf on C.B., Hang Sheng and myself, thank You All for coming this evening !

(I note here that Billy is far too modest about his own role in the speech here. But reader should go to the 1990 website to see the details of the micro-economic and humanistic work he did during the past ten years.)

Note added 8/13/2012. The 1990 Insitute website today featured several articles about US-China relations well worth reading. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-449810.html, http://www.1990institute.org/



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