每年一次的国际激光陶瓷会议( Laser Ceramics Symposium)是激光陶瓷界最顶尖的学术会议,第一会议在波兰(2005)召开,第二次和第三次会议分别在日本(2006)和法国(2007)召开。很遗憾,前三次会议因种种原因而未能参加。第四次国际激光陶瓷会议(4th Laser Ceramics Symposium (LCS): International Symposium on Transparent Ceramics for Laser)将于2008年11月在中国上海国际会议中心(Shanghai International Convention Center)召开,举办方正是本人所在的中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所(SICCAS),所以我也很荣幸能够参加。
本次激光陶瓷会议(LCS 2008)的执行主席是我所结构陶瓷中心主任王士维研究员,副主席是俄罗斯晶体研究所的A. A. Kaminskii,中科院上海光机所的楼淇洪研究员,美国宾西法尼亚州立大学的G. L. Messing教授(前美国陶瓷协会主席),波兰国家科学院低温结构研究所的W. Strek教授,罗马尼亚原子物理研究所的V. Lupei教授和法国CEA CESTA的B. L. Garrec教授。会议讨论的主题包括:
1)Synthesis of optical transparent ceramics
2)Oxide and non-oxide laser ceramics
3)Optical spectroscopy
4)Characterization of physical properties
5)Composite structural laser ceramics
6)Ceramic lasers and amplifiers
7)Femtosecond ceramic lasers
8)Applications of ceramic lasers (high power, high energy ...)
9)New materials and novel fabrication method
10)Round table discussion
昨天我终于收到了Tentative Shedule for LCS 2008,看到一个个牛人的报告,心中一阵莫名的兴奋,但同时感觉到自己在这些牛人面前是如此的渺小。先向大家展示一下邀请报告究竟是激光陶瓷界哪些牛人:
K. Ueda, | Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications, Japan |
S.B. Mirov, | University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
G. Boulon, | Physical Chemistry of Luminescent Materials, Claude bermard/Lyon1 University, France |
R.L. Byer, | Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, USA |
G. Quarles, | VLOC Incorporated, Subsidiary of II-VI Incorporated, USA |
A. Ikesue, | World- Lab Company, Japan |
D. Y. Tang, | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Q. H. Lou, | Shanghai Institute of Optics and fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
T. Taira, | Institute for Molecular Science, Japan |
M. Mortier, | LCMCP, Paris, France |
H. Yagi, | Konoshima Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan |
T. F. Soules, | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) |
G. Messing, | Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University |
V. Lupei, | Institute of Atomic Physics-INFLPR |
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