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今日临床证据 EvidenceUpdates for: 1/25/2011

已有 1711 次阅读 2011-1-26 12:04 |个人分类:循证医学|系统分类:论文交流

Dear Prof. Peiyang:

New articles: colleagues in your discipline have identified the following article(s) as being of interest:

Article Title Discipline Rele-
Bivalirudin versus unfractionated heparin for prevention of hemofilter occlusion during continuous renal replacement therapy.
Nephrology 6 6
Hematology/Thrombosis 3 3
Inhaled nitric oxide for respiratory failure in preterm infants.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
Pediatric Neonatology 6 4
Effects of traditional swaddling on development: a randomized controlled trial.
Pediatrics (General) 4 4
Pediatric Neonatology 3 4
Linagliptin (BI 1356), a potent and selective DPP-4 inhibitor, is safe and efficacious in combination with metformin in patients with inadequately controlled Type 2 diabetes.
Diabet Med
Endocrine 5 5
Position and duration of immobilization after primary anterior shoulder dislocation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature.
J Bone Joint Surg Am
Surgery - Orthopaedics 6 5
Emergency physician ultrasonography for evaluating patients at risk for ectopic pregnancy: a meta-analysis.
Ann Emerg Med
Emergency Medicine 6 5
Gynecology 5 4
Adding monounsaturated fatty acids to a dietary portfolio of cholesterol-lowering foods in hypercholesterolemia.
Cardiology 5 4
Cost-effectiveness of lumbar supports for home care workers with recurrent low back pain: an economic evaluation alongside a randomized-controlled trial.
Rheumatology 5 3
General Practice(GP)/Family Practice(FP) 4 4
General Internal Medicine-Primary Care(US) 4 4
A diagnostic and therapeutic scheme for a solitary cysticercus granuloma.
Neurology 5 5
Infectious Disease 5 4
A randomized trial comparing radiofrequency ablation and surgical resection for HCC conforming to the Milan criteria.
Ann Surg
Surgery - Oncology 7 6
A systematic review of the clinical evidence to guide treatment recommendations in breast reconstruction based on patient-reported outcome measures and health-related quality of life.
Ann Surg
Oncology - Breast 6 6
A postoperative shoulder exercise program improves function and decreases pain following open thoracotomy: a randomised trial.
J Physiother
Special Interest - Pain -- Physician 5 6
Accuracy of tympanic and infrared skin thermometers in children.
Arch Dis Child
Pediatric Neonatology 5 4
Can actigraphy measure sleep fragmentation in children?.
Arch Dis Child
Pediatrics (General) 4 5
Safety of formoterol in children and adolescents: experience from asthma clinical trials.
Arch Dis Child
General Practice(GP)/Family Practice(FP) 6 4
A systematic review of therapeutic interventions for poststroke depression and the role of nurses.
J Clin Nurs
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 5 4
Psychiatry 5 4
Problem-solving therapy and supportive therapy in older adults with major depression and executive dysfunction: effect on disability.
Arch Gen Psychiatry
Psychiatry 5 5
Use of twice-daily exenatide in Basal insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial.
Ann Intern Med
Internal Medicine 5 5


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