

忆起过往事,满是辛酸泪——JACS接收前的心路历程 精选

已有 19778 次阅读 2011-1-22 21:25 |个人分类:科研交流|系统分类:科研笔记| 审稿人, JACS, 接收, 美国化学会志, 反应机理



写在前面的话:文章刚刚被化学领域最重要最有影响力的期刊JACS(Journal of the American Chemical Society,美国化学会志)接收,欣慰之余,将其中的心路历程撰写如下,以此作为开通科学网博客暨正式融入科学大家庭的卷首语,但有一二对同行们有益者,也不枉此辛!当然我没有忘记,我仍然是个小菜鸟,仍然需要向同行们学习,欢迎朋友们跟我交流,让我们共同进步吧!


















2010.7.29  投稿到JACS

2010.8.19 第一次修改意见返回,四个审稿人,其中前两个审稿人建议小修改发表,后两个大修改后再审




2011.1.6 第三次修改意见返回,(在经历了一个漫长的焦虑等待后忐忑的心总算有了点慰藉了,全是TOP5)







Reviewer: 1
Significance: High
Novelty: Moderate
Broad interest: High
Scholarly presentation: High
Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: Yes
Are the literature references appropriate and correct?: Yes
Do the contents justify the length of this manuscript?: Yes


Reviewer: 2
Significance: High
Novelty: High
Broad interest: High
Scholarly presentation: High
Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: Yes
Are the literature references appropriate and correct?: In Part
Do the contents justify the length of this manuscript?: Yes 
Reviewer: 3(第三次评审结论)
Significance: Top 5
Novelty: Highest (top 5)
Broad interest: Highest (top 5)
Scholarly presentation: Highest (top 5)
Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: Yes
Are the literature references appropriate and correct?: Yes
Do the contents justify the length of this manuscript?: Yes 
Reviewer: 4(第二次评审结论)
Significance: High
Novelty: High
Broad interest: High
Scholarly presentation: High
Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: Yes
Are the literature references appropriate and correct?: Yes
Do the contents justify the length of this manuscript?: Yes




This paper reports the results of a density functional computational study of the mechanism of phosphate diester cleavage catalyzed by a dinuclear Zn(II) complex. These calculations use a polarizable continuum model to estimate solvation energies for the charged catalyst and reactants. I am not qualified to comment on the quality of the calculations. However, the computational modeling of this metal-ion complex catalyzed reaction presents a very difficult challenge, and I suspect that the author's apparent success is a significant achievement. In addition, the authors have an excellent understanding of earlier experimental studies on these metal ion complexcatalyzed reactions. The agreement between the calculated and observed barrier for the catalyzed cleavage of 2-hydroxypropyl-4-nitrophenyl phosphate is evidence that these calculations provide a true structure for the reaction transition state. In addition, the computational results provide an interesting structure for the Michaelis complex and insight into the reaction mechanism not obtained in experimental studies. This work will attract the attention of computational, organic and inorganic chemists interested in reaction mechanisms.

Publication in JACS is recommended, subject to the author's considerations of the following comments and questions.


This manuscript reports a DFT computational study of the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester HpPNP by a binuclear zinc catalyst for which a series of physical organic experimental studies provided data suggestive of a concerted mechanism. The authors’ calculations support that conclusion, as well as the proposals regarding the protonation state of the active species. The abundance of experimental data make this a good system for a computational analysis, and the calculations reproduce the experimental results reasonably well. New insight comes from the nucleophile 18O KIE, which supports the idea that HpPNP binds to the catalyst with the nucleophile hydroxyl group coordinated to one of the zinc ions, and is subsequently deprotonated. This study thus gives a more concrete picture of the binding mode of the substrate to the catalyst than could be determined from experimental results. The binding mode of substrates to dinuclear metallophosphatases, and even to their small molecule model systems, remains an area of considerable uncertainty.

Publication is recommended after minor revisions are made.




In this MS the authors describe a DFT study on the cleavage of 2-hydroxypropyl pnitrophenyl phosphate (HpPNP) promoted by a dinuclear Zn(II) catalyst which wasexperimentally studied extensively by Richard and Morrow. The main findings of thiscomputational study are that the lowest energy computed pathway for cleavage ofHpPNP involves double activation of the phosphate by binding to the complex in a Zn(II)—O-P-O—Zn(II) motif, followed by an equilibrium deprotonation of the hydroxypropyl group to form a Zn(II) associated 2-oxypropyl nucleophile which thennucleophilically attacks the phosphoryl unit in a concerted displacement of the pnitrophenoxy group. This pathway fits the mechanism favoured by Richard and Morrow, and supports additional heavy atom kinetic isotope effect studies by Hengge and Richard and Morrow. In addition the authors have computed a less favoured pathway for a stepwise reaction whereby additional waters coordinated to the catalyst displace the phosphate binding from two Zn(II) ions to one Zn(II) ion, with a H-bonding network to the other. This pathway has a general catalysis for the proton transfer with concurrent attack of the 2-oxypropyl group on the P to form a 5-coordinate phosphorane intermediate with subsequent fast departure of the phenoxide leaving group. Overall this is has the makings of a good paper where the computational results on a fairly well-defined system fit with what is known experimentally, and the computation does add to what we know about that system. I have some points that would make the MS clearer and more precise with the presentation. 
Fan and Gao的那篇物理化学的报道的路径的比较
This is a vastly improved presentation of what is certainly an important contribution to the literature pertaining to a two metal ion catalyzed cleavage reactions of phosphodiesters as models for metallonuclease catalyzed processes. I read this version with interest, in particular the nice presentation of the effects of the various additional calculation parameterization which clearly lead to important energy differences between the methods. I am now happy with the conclusions made, and in particular a more careful comparison of the general-base process of Fan and Gao with the concerted process here, when calculated by methods with the same parameterization. The ms can be published essentially as is, but the authors might like to consider the following three points.
The authors use DFT calculations to investigate the mechanism for the cleavage of an RNA analogue HpPNP catalyzed by a dinuclear Zn(II) complex Zn2(L2O). The authors identify a plausible cleavage mechanism, which is a fairly routine task with quantum chemical methods. Meanwhile, the authors fall short when characterizing the role of the catalyst, which would have a significant impact in the context of catalyst design. As such, the study is not suitable for publication in JACS in its present form, but may be suitable for other ACS journals. That being said, if a more thorough analysis of the role of the catalyst was performed, and the manuscript was modified accordingly, the study may become suitable for publication in JACS. I would encourage the authors to attempt this route, and provide the following comments regarding the analysis of the mechanism and role of the catalyst. 
The authors have addressed main point of my previous comments regarding the need for a detailed discussion of the role of the catalyst (comment 1 in my previous report) by adding a section devoted to this purpose. As such, I believe the manuscript is now in sufficient form for publication in JACS.


收藏 IP: 113.108.133.*| 热度|

13 梁建华 王力 曹成 薛长国 唐小卿 王靖琰 盛弘强 王孝养 桂耀荣 李学宽 徐耀 xqhuang niubizationl

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