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已有 7491 次阅读 2010-12-5 18:05 |个人分类:读书笔记|系统分类:论文交流

典 型 论 文  



Mapping institutions and their weak ties in a specialty: A case study of cystic fibrosis body composition research

Yang LY


Properties of Hirsch-type indices: the case of library classification categories

Liu YX


Is China also becoming a giant in social sciences?

Zhou P


Global stem cell research trend: Bibliometric analysis as a tool for mapping of trends from 1991 to 2006



Empirical series of journal h-indices: The JCR category Horticulture as a case study

Liu YX


Networks of scientific journals: An exploration of Chinese patent data

Gao X


Evaluating reliability of co-citation clustering analysis in representing the research history of subject

Zhao YY


Bibliometric characteristics of the journal Science: Pre-Koshland, Koshland and post-Koshland period

Liang LM


A bibliometric analysis of research related to ocean circulation

Zhang WW


International scientific collaboration of China with the G7 countries



Outcomes associated with ophthalmology, optometry and visual science literature in the Science Citation Index from mainland Chin

Zou F


Regional analysis on Chinese scientific output

Zhou P


The internationalization of Chinese scientific journals: A quantitative comparison of three chemical journals from China, Englan



Tracing the role of individual journals in a cross-citation network based on different indicators

Zhang L


An investigation on mathematical models of the h-index



Bibliometric analysis of biological invasions research during the period of 1991 to 2007

Qiu H


An author co-citation analysis of information science in China with Chinese Google Scholar search engine, 2004-2006



A measure of authors' centrality in co-authorship networks based on the distribution of collaborative relationships



A comparative study of the difference in research performance in biomedical fields among selected Western and Asian countries



Structural equation model with PLS path modeling for an integrated system of publicly funded basic research

Guan JC


The impact of internet resources on scholarly communication: A citation analysis

Chen CF


Design and simulation on the publication delay control system

Yu G


Bibliometric analysis of pentachlorophenol remediation methods during the period of 1994 to 2005

Huang Y


Assessment of world aerosol research trends by bibliometric analysis

Xie SD


New exploratory work of evaluating a researcher's output

Qiu JP


Betweenness centrality and Q-measures in directed valued networks

Rousseau R


Contribution of Chinese publications in computer science: A case study on LNCS

He Y


An exploratory study on substantive co-link analysis: A modification to total co-link analysis

Qiu JP


Hyperlink analysis for government websites of Chinese provincial capitals

Yan E


Scientific research competitiveness of world universities in computer science



Contribution of Chinese publications in computer science: A case study on LNCS

He Y



Record 1 of 135

Title: A longitudinal analysis of citation distribution breadth for Chinese scholars 

Author(s): Yang, SL (Yang, Siluo); Ma, F (Ma, Feng); Song, YH (Song, Yanhui); Qiu, JP (Qiu, Junping)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:85  Issue: 3  Pages: 755-765  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-010-0245-1  Published: DEC 2010  


Record 2 of 135

Title: Improvements in productivity based on co-authorship: a case study of published articles in China 

Author(s): Cho, CC (Cho, Cheng-Chung); Hu, MW (Hu, Ming-Wen); Liu, MC (Liu, Meng-Chun)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:85  Issue: 2  Pages: 463-470  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-010-0263-z  Published: NOV 2010  


Record 3 of 135

Title: A bibliometric analysis of the performance of Water Research 

Author(s): Wang, MH (Wang, Ming-Huang); Yu, TC (Yu, Te-Chen); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 3  Pages: 813-820  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0112-0  Published: SEP 2010  


Record 4 of 135

Title: A comparative study of research performance in nanotechnology for China's inventor-authors and their non-inventing peers 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, Jiancheng); Wang, GB (Wang, Gangbo)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 2  Pages: 331-343  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0140-9  Published: AUG 2010  


Record 5 of 135

Title: Establishment of paper assessment system based on academic disciplinary benchmarks 

Author(s): Zhang, L (Zhang, Ling); Zhao, HA (Zhao, Huan); Li, QS (Li, Qiushi); Wang, JA (Wang, Juan); Tan, X (Tan, Xin)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 2  Pages: 421-429  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0132-9  Published: AUG 2010  


Record 6 of 135

Title: Probing the h-core: an investigation of the tail-core ratio for rank distributions 

Author(s): Ye, FY (Ye, Fred Y.); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 2  Pages: 431-439  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0099-6  Published: AUG 2010  


Record 7 of 135

Title: An empirical study on the utilization of web academic resources in humanities and social sciences based on web citations 

Author(s): Yang, SL (Yang, Siluo); Qiu, JP (Qiu, Junping); Xiong, ZY (Xiong, Zunyan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 1  Pages: 1-19  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0142-7  Published: JUL 2010  


Record 8 of 135

Title: Modeling the growth of Indian and Chinese liquid crystals literature as reflected in Science Citation Index (1997-2006) 

Author(s): Sangam, SL (Sangam, S. L.); Liming, L (Liming, Liang); Ganjihal, GA (Ganjihal, Gireesh A.)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 1  Pages: 49-52  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0079-x  Published: JUL 2010  


Record 9 of 135

Title: Patent strategy in Chinese universities: a comparative perspective 

Author(s): Luan, CJ (Luan, Chunjuan); Zhou, CY (Zhou, Chunyan); Liu, AY (Liu, Aiyun)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 1  Pages: 53-63  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-010-0194-8  Published: JUL 2010  


Record 10 of 135

Title: Characterizing knowledge diffusion of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology by citation analysis 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, Guang); Wang, MY (Wang, Ming-Yang); Yu, DR (Yu, Da-Ren)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:84  Issue: 1  Pages: 81-97  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0090-2  Published: JUL 2010  


Record 11 of 135

Title: Patent activity on water pollution and treatment in China-a scientometric perspective 

Author(s): Yuan, JP (Yuan, Jun Peng); Yue, WP (Yue, Wei Ping); Su, C (Su, Cheng); Wu, Z (Wu, Zheng); Ma, Z (Ma, Zheng); Pan, YT (Pan, Yun Tao); Ma, N (Ma, Nan); Hu, ZY (Hu, Zhi Yu); Shi, F (Shi, Fei); Yu, ZL (Yu, Zheng Lu); Wu, YS (Wu, Yi Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:83  Issue: 3  Pages: 639-651  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0126-7  Published: JUN 2010  


Record 12 of 135

Title: A bibliometric analysis of world volatile organic compounds research trends 

Author(s): Zhang, GF (Zhang, Gangfeng); Xie, SD (Xie, Shaodong); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:83  Issue: 2  Pages: 477-492  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0065-3  Published: MAY 2010  


Record 13 of 135

Title: Mapping library and information science in China: a coauthorship network analysis 

Author(s): Yan, EJ (Yan, Erjia); Ding, Y (Ding, Ying); Zhu, QH (Zhu, Qinghua)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:83  Issue: 1  Pages: 115-131  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0027-9  Published: APR 2010  


Record 14 of 135

Title: Reliability-based citation impact factor and the manipulation of impact factor 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, Guang); Yang, DH (Yang, Dong-Hui); Liang, W (Liang, Wang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:83  Issue: 1  Pages: 259-270  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0083-1  Published: APR 2010  


Record 15 of 135

Title: The journal download immediacy index (DII): experiences using a Chinese full-text database 

Author(s): Wan, JK (Wan, Jin-kun); Hua, PH (Hua, Ping-huan); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald); Sun, XK (Sun, Xiu-kun)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:82  Issue: 3  Pages: 555-566  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-010-0171-2  Published: MAR 2010  

Conference Title: 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 

Conference Date: SEP 17-20, 2008 

Conference Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA 

Conference Sponsor(s): Austrian Res Ctr GmbH

Conference Host: Univ Vienna


Record 16 of 135

Title: In-depth analysis on China's international cooperation in science 

Author(s): Zhou, P (Zhou, Ping); Glanzel, W (Glanzel, Wolfgang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:82  Issue: 3  Pages: 597-612  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-010-0174-z  Published: MAR 2010  

Conference Title: 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 

Conference Date: SEP 17-20, 2008 

Conference Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA 

Conference Sponsor(s): Austrian Res Ctr GmbH

Conference Host: Univ Vienna


Record 17 of 135

Title: Journal cross-citation analysis for validation and improvement of journal-based subject classification in bibliometric research 

Author(s): Zhang, L (Zhang, Lin); Janssens, F (Janssens, Frizo); Liang, LM (Liang, Liming); Glanzel, W (Glanzel, Wolfgang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:82  Issue: 3  Pages: 687-706  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-010-0180-1  Published: MAR 2010  

Conference Title: 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 

Conference Date: SEP 17-20, 2008 

Conference Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA 

Conference Sponsor(s): Austrian Res Ctr GmbH

Conference Host: Univ Vienna


Record 18 of 135

Title: Identification of referencing and citation processes of scientific journals based on the citation distribution model 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, Guang); Li, YJ (Li, Yi-Jun)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:82  Issue: 2  Pages: 249-261  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0085-z  Published: FEB 2010   


Record 19 of 135

Title: Modeling macro-R&D production frontier performance: an application to Chinese province-level R&D 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, Jiancheng); Chen, KH (Chen, Kaihua)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:82  Issue: 1  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 165-173  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0030-1  Published: JAN 2010  


Record 20 of 135

Title: Bibliometric analysis of biological invasions research during the period of 1991 to 2007 

Author(s): Qiu, H (Qiu, Hao); Chen, YF (Chen, Yi-Feng)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 3  Pages: 601-610  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2207-4  Published: DEC 2009  


Record 21 of 135

Title: Outcomes associated with ophthalmology, optometry and visual science literature in the Science Citation Index from mainland China, 2000-2007 

Author(s): Zou, F (Zou, Feng); Wu, MX (Wu, Mingxing); Wu, KL (Wu, Kaili)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 3  Pages: 671-682  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-2191-3  Published: DEC 2009  


Record 22 of 135

Title: Structural equation model with PLS path modeling for an integrated system of publicly funded basic research 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, Jiancheng); Ma, N (Ma, Nan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 3  Pages: 683-698  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-2058-7  Published: DEC 2009  


Record 23 of 135

Title: Tracing the role of individual journals in a cross-citation network based on different indicators 

Author(s): Zhang, L (Zhang, Lin); Glanzel, W (Glanzel, Wolfgang); Liang, LM (Liang, Liming)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 3  Pages: 821-838  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2245-y  Published: DEC 2009  


Record 24 of 135

Title: Regional analysis on Chinese scientific output 

Author(s): Zhou, P (Zhou, Ping); Thijs, B (Thijs, Bart); Glanzel, W (Glanzel, Wolfgang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 3  Pages: 839-857  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2255-9  Published: DEC 2009  


Record 25 of 135

Title: The impact of internet resources on scholarly communication: A citation analysis 

Author(s): Chen, CF (Chen, Chuanfu); Sun, K (Sun, Kai); Wu, G (Wu, Gang); Tang, Q (Tang, Qiong); Qin, J (Qin, Jian); Chiu, K (Chiu, Kuei); Fu, YS (Fu, Yushuang); Wang, XF (Wang, Xiaofang); Liu, J (Liu, Jing)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 2  Pages: 459-474  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2180-y  Published: NOV 2009  


Record 26 of 135

Title: A comparative study of the difference in research performance in biomedical fields among selected Western and Asian countries 

Author(s): Hu, XJ (Hu, Xiaojun); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 2  Pages: 475-491  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2202-9  Published: NOV 2009  


Record 27 of 135

Title: An investigation on mathematical models of the h-index 

Author(s): Ye, FY (Ye, Fred Y.)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 2  Pages: 493-498  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2169-6  Published: NOV 2009  


Record 28 of 135

Title: A measure of authors' centrality in co-authorship networks based on the distribution of collaborative relationships 

Author(s): Lu, HQ (Lu, Haiyang); Feng, YQ (Feng, Yuqiang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 2  Pages: 499-511  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2173-x  Published: NOV 2009  


Record 29 of 135

Title: An author co-citation analysis of information science in China with Chinese Google Scholar search engine, 2004-2006 

Author(s): Ma, RM (Ma, Ruimin); Dai, QB (Dai, Qiangbin); Ni, CQ (Ni, Chaoqun); Li, XL (Li, Xuelu)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:81  Issue: 1  Pages: 33-46  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-2063-x  Published: OCT 2009  


Record 30 of 135

Title: International scientific collaboration of China with the G7 countries 

Author(s): He, TW (He, Tianwei)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 3  Pages: 571-582  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-2043-y  Published: SEP 2009  


Record 31 of 135

Title: The internationalization of Chinese scientific journals: A quantitative comparison of three chemical journals from China, England and Japan 

Author(s): He, TW (He, Tianwei); Liu, W (Liu, Wei)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 3  Pages: 583-593  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2067-y  Published: SEP 2009  


Record 32 of 135

Title: A bibliometric analysis of research related to ocean circulation 

Author(s): Zhang, WW (Zhang, Weiwei); Qian, WH (Qian, Weihong); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 2  Pages: 305-316  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1863-0  Published: AUG 2009  


Record 33 of 135

Title: Bibliometric characteristics of the journal Science: Pre-Koshland, Koshland and post-Koshland period 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, Liming); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 2  Pages: 359-372  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2086-8  Published: AUG 2009  


Record 34 of 135

Title: Global stem cell research trend: Bibliometric analysis as a tool for mapping of trends from 1991 to 2006 

Author(s): Li, LL (Li, Ling-li); Ding, GH (Ding, Guohua); Feng, N (Feng, Nan); Wang, MH (Wang, Ming-Huang); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 1  Pages: 39-58  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-1939-5  Published: JUL 2009  


Record 35 of 135

Title: Empirical series of journal h-indices: The JCR category Horticulture as a case study 

Author(s): Liu, YX (Liu, Yuxian); Rao, IKR (Rao, I. K. Ravichandra); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 1  Pages: 59-74  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-2026-z  Published: JUL 2009  


Record 36 of 135

Title: Evaluating reliability of co-citation clustering analysis in representing the research history of subject 

Author(s): Zhao, YY (Zhao, Yueyang); Cui, L (Cui, Lei); Yang, H (Yang, Hua)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 1  Pages: 91-102  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-2056-1  Published: JUL 2009  


Record 37 of 135

Title: Networks of scientific journals: An exploration of Chinese patent data 

Author(s): Gao, X (Gao, Xia); Guan, JC (Guan, Jiancheng)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:80  Issue: 1  Pages: 283-302  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-2013-4  Published: JUL 2009  


Record 38 of 135

Title: Is China also becoming a giant in social sciences? 

Author(s): Zhou, P (Zhou, Ping); Thijs, B (Thijs, Bart); Glanzel, W (Glaenzel, Wolfgang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:79  Issue: 3  Pages: 593-621  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-2068-x  Published: JUN 2009  


Record 39 of 135

Title: Properties of Hirsch-type indices: the case of library classification categories 

Author(s): Liu, YX (Liu, Yuxian); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:79  Issue: 2  Pages: 235-248  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0415-1  Published: MAY 2009  


Record 40 of 135

Title: Mapping institutions and their weak ties in a specialty: A case study of cystic fibrosis body composition research 

Author(s): Yang, LY (Yang, Liying); Morris, SA (Morris, Steven A.); Barden, EM (Barden, Elizabeth M.)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:79  Issue: 2  Pages: 421-434  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0428-9  Published: MAY 2009  


Record 41 of 135

Title: The top 40 citation classics in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 

Author(s): Yang, H (Yang, Hua)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:78  Issue: 3  Pages: 421-426  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-2011-6  Published: MAR 2009  


Record 42 of 135

Title: An empirical study of the accessibility of web references in two Chinese academic journals 

Author(s): Wu, ZQ (Wu, Zhiqiang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:78  Issue: 3  Pages: 481-503  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1951-1  Published: MAR 2009  


Record 43 of 135

Title: New exploratory work of evaluating a researcher's output 

Author(s): Qiu, JP (Qiu, Junping); Ma, RM (Ma, Ruimin); Cheng, N (Cheng, Ni)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:77  Issue: 2  Pages: 335-344  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-1782-8  Published: NOV 2008  


Record 44 of 135

Title: Assessment of world aerosol research trends by bibliometric analysis 

Author(s): Xie, SD (Xie, Shaodong); Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:77  Issue: 1  Pages: 113-130  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1928-0  Published: OCT 2008  


Record 45 of 135

Title: Bibliometric analysis of pentachlorophenol remediation methods during the period of 1994 to 2005 

Author(s): Huang, Y (Huang, Yi); Yang, Q (Yang, Qing); Ao, XL (Ao, Xiaolan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:77  Issue: 1  Pages: 177-186  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1899-1  Published: OCT 2008  


Record 46 of 135

Title: Design and simulation on the publication delay control system 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, Guang); Yu, DR (Yu, Da-Ren)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:76  Issue: 3  Pages: 407-427  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1748-2  Published: SEP 2008  


Record 47 of 135

Title: Scientific research competitiveness of world universities in computer science 

Author(s): Ma, RM (Ma, Ruimin); Ni, CQ (Ni, Chaoqun); Qiu, JP (Qiu, Junping)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:76  Issue: 2  Pages: 245-260  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1913-7  Published: AUG 2008  


Record 48 of 135

Title: Hyperlink analysis for government websites of Chinese provincial capitals 

Author(s): Yan, E (Yan, Erjia); Zhu, QH (Zhu, Qinghua)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:76  Issue: 2  Pages: 315-326  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1923-5  Published: AUG 2008  


Record 49 of 135

Title: An exploratory study on substantive co-link analysis: A modification to total co-link analysis 

Author(s): Qiu, JP (Qiu, Junping); Li, YJ (Li, Yejun); Li, J (Li, Jiang); Ren, Q (Ren, Quane)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:76  Issue: 2  Pages: 327-341  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1921-7  Published: AUG 2008  


Record 50 of 135

Title: Contribution of Chinese publications in computer science: A case study on LNCS 

Author(s): He, Y (He, Ying); Guan, JC (Guan, Jiancheng)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:75  Issue: 3  Pages: 519-534  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1781-1  Published: JUN 2008  


Record 51 of 135

Title: Betweenness centrality and Q-measures in directed valued networks 

Author(s): Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lin)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:75  Issue: 3  Pages: 575-590  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1772-2  Published: JUN 2008  


Record 52 of 135

Title: The structure of scientific collaboration networks in Scientometrics 

Author(s): Hou, H (Hou, Haiyan); Kretschmer, H (Kretschmer, Hildrun); Liu, Z (Liu, Zeyuan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:75  Issue: 2  Pages: 189-202  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1771-3  Published: MAY 2008  


Record 53 of 135

Title: Comparison and evaluation of Chinese research performance in the field of bioinformatics 

Author(s): Guan, J (Guan, Jiancheng); Gao, X (Gao, Xia)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:75  Issue: 2  Pages: 357-379  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1871-0  Published: MAY 2008  


Record 54 of 135

Title: Use of citation per publication as an indicator to evaluate pentachlorophenol research 

Author(s): Yi, H (Yi, Huang); Ao, XL (Ao, Xiaolan); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:75  Issue: 1  Pages: 67-80  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1849-y  Published: APR 2008  


Record 55 of 135

Title: Use of citation per publication as an indicator to evaluate contingent valuation research 

Author(s): Li, Z (Li, Zhi); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:75  Issue: 1  Pages: 97-110  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1838-1  Published: APR 2008  


Record 56 of 135

Title: Trends of DDT research during the period of 1991 to 2005 

Author(s): Yi, H (Yi, Huang); Xi, Z (Xi, Zhao)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:75  Issue: 1  Pages: 111-122  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1828-3  Published: APR 2008  


Record 57 of 135

Title: Locating active actors in the scientific collaboration communities based on interaction topology analyses 

Author(s): Jang, YC (Jang, Yichuan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:74  Issue: 3  Pages: 471-482  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1587-1  Published: MAR 2008  


Record 58 of 135

Title: Q-measures for binary divided networks: Bridges between German and English institutes in publications of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics 

Author(s): Chen, L (Chen, Lixin); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:74  Issue: 1  Pages: 57-69  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-008-0103-6  Published: JAN 2008  


Record 59 of 135

Title: Scientometric analysis of geostatistics using multivariate methods 

Author(s): Zhou, F (Zhou, Feng); Guo, HC (Guo, Huai-Cheng); Ho, YS (Ho, Yuh-Shan); Wu, CZ (Wu, Chao-Zhong)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:73  Issue: 3  Pages: 265-279  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1798-5  Published: DEC 2007  


Record 60 of 135

Title: The self-cited rate of scientific journals and the manipulation of their impact factors 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, Guang); Wang, L (Wang, Liang)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:73  Issue: 3  Pages: 321-330  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1779-8  Published: DEC 2007  


Record 61 of 135

Title: Bibliometric analysis of English-language academic journals of China and their internationalization 

Author(s): Wang, SH (Wang, Shuhua); Wang, HJ (Wang, Hengjun); Weldon, PR (Weldon, Paul R.)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:73  Issue: 3  Pages: 331-343  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1775-z  Published: DEC 2007  


Record 62 of 135

Title: Relative Superiority Coefficient of papers: A new dimension for institutional research performance in different fields 

Author(s): Hu, XJ (Hu, Xiaojun)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:72  Issue: 3  Pages: 389-402  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-1733-1  Published: SEP 2007  


Record 63 of 135

Title: Patent-bibliometric analysis on the Chinese science - technology linkages 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, Jiancheng); He, Y (He, Ying)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:72  Issue: 3  Pages: 403-425  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1741-1  Published: SEP 2007  


Record 64 of 135

Title: The citation impacts and citation environments of Chinese journals in mathematics 

Author(s): Zhou, P (Zhou, Ping); Leydesdorff, L (Leydesdorff, Loet)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:72  Issue: 2  Pages: 185-200  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1713-0  Published: AUG 2007  


Record 65 of 135

Title: A quantitative relationship between per capita GDP and scientometric criteria 

Author(s): Ye, FY (Ye, Fred Y.)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:71  Issue: 3  Pages: 407-413  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1678-z  Published: JUN 2007  


Record 66 of 135

Title: Parameter identification of the observed citation distribution 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, Guang); Li, YJ (Li, Yi-Jun)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:71  Issue: 2  Pages: 339-348  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1662-7  Published: MAY 2007  


Record 67 of 135

Title: Publishing in international journals - An examination of trends in Chinese co-authorship 

Author(s): Royle, J (Royle, Jo); Coles, L (Coles, Louisa); Williams, D (Williams, Dorothy); Evans, P (Evans, Paul)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:71  Issue: 1  Pages: 59-86  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-1648-5  Published: APR 2007  


Record 68 of 135

Title: Nanotechnology as a field of science: Its delineation in terms of journals and patents 

Author(s): Leydesdorff, L (Leydesdorff, Loet); Zhou, P (Zhou, Ping)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:70  Issue: 3  Pages: 693-713  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-0308-0  Published: MAR 2007  


Record 69 of 135

Title: Reflection of co-authorship networks in the Web: Web hyperlinks versus Web visibility rates 

Author(s): Kretschmer, H (Kretschmer, Hildrun); Kretschmer, U (Kretschmer, Ute); Kretschmer, T (Kretschmer, Theo)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:70  Issue: 2  Pages: 519-540  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-0214-5  Published: FEB 2007   


Record 70 of 135

Title: A bibliometric study of China's semiconductor literature compared with other major asian countries 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, Jiancheng); Ma, N (Ma, Nan)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:70  Issue: 1  Pages: 107-124  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-007-0107-7  Published: JAN 2007  


Record 71 of 135

Title: The influence of publication delays on three ISI indicators 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, Guang); Guo, R (Guo, Rui); Li, YJ (Li, Yi-Jun)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:69  Issue: 3  Pages: 511-527  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0167-0  Published: DEC 2006  


Record 72 of 135

Title: A rhythm indicator for science and the rhythm of Science 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, Liming); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, Ronald); Shi, F (Shi, Fei)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:68  Issue: 3  Pages: 535-544  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0128-7  Published: DEC 2006  

Conference Title: 10th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics 

Conference Date: JUL , 2005 

Conference Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN 

Conference Sponsor(s): Int Soc Scientometr & Informetr

Conference Host: Karolinska Inst


Record 73 of 135

Title: A first approach to the classification of the top 500 world universities by their disciplinary characteristics using scientometrics 

Author(s): Cheng, Y (Cheng, Ying); Liu, NC (Liu, Nian Cai)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:68  Issue: 1  Pages: 135-150  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0087-z  Published: JUL 2006  


Record 74 of 135

Title: Patent applications of the top 500 foreign investment corporations in China 

Author(s): Liu, Y (Liu, Yun); Cheng, GP (Cheng, Guo-Ping); Yang, Y (Yang, Yu)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:68  Issue: 1  Pages: 167-177  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0089-x  Published: JUL 2006  


Record 75 of 135

Title: Fluctuation analysis of discipline development based on impact factor 

Author(s): Dang, Y (Dang, Y)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:67  Issue: 2  Pages: 175-186  DOI: 10.1556/Scient.67.2006.2.2  Published: MAY 2006  


Record 76 of 135

Title: The influence of the publication delay on journal rankings according to the impact factor 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, G); Guo, R (Guo, R); Yu, DR (Yu, DR)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:67  Issue: 2  Pages: 201-211  DOI: 10.1556/Scient.67.2006.2.4  Published: MAY 2006  


Record 77 of 135

Title: Efficiency evaluation of basic research in China 

Author(s): Meng, W (Meng, Wei); Hu, ZH (Hu, Zhenhua); Liu, WB (Liu, Wenbin)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:69  Issue: 1  Pages: 85-101  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0140-y  Published: APR 2006  


Record 78 of 135

Title: h-index sequence and h-index matrix: Constructions and applications 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, Liming)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:69  Issue: 1  Pages: 153-159  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0145-6  Published: APR 2006  


Record 79 of 135

Title: Key Labs and Open Labs in the Chinese scientific research system: Their role in the national and international scientific arena 

Author(s): Jin, BH (Jin, BH); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, R); Sun, XX (Sun, XX)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:67  Issue: 1  Pages: 3-14  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0047-7  Published: APR 2006  


Record 80 of 135

Title: Another ISI idiosyncrasy 

Author(s): Jin, B (Jin, B); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:66  Issue: 3  Pages: 613-614  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0043-y  Published: FEB 2006  


Record 81 of 135

Title: Structural similarities between science growth dynamics in China and in western countries 

Author(s): Liang, L (Liang, L); Havemann, F (Havemann, F); Heinz, M (Heinz, M); Wagner-Dobler, R (Wagner-Dobler, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:66  Issue: 2  Pages: 311-325  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-006-0023-2  Published: JAN 2006  


Record 82 of 135

Title: An exploratory study on collaboration profiles of Chinese publications in Molecular Biology 

Author(s): Ma, N (Ma, N); Guan, JC (Guan, JC)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:65  Issue: 3  Pages: 343-355  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0278-z  Published: DEC 2005  


Record 83 of 135

Title: Comparison and evaluation of domestic and international outputs in Information Science & Technology research of China 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, JC); He, Y (He, Y)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:65  Issue: 2  Pages: 215-244  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0269-0  Published: NOV 2005  


Record 84 of 135

Title: The influence of publication delays on impact factors 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, G); Wang, XH (Wang, XH); Yu, DR (Yu, DR)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:64  Issue: 2  Pages: 235-246  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0249-4  Published: AUG 2005  


Record 85 of 135

Title: Academic ranking of world universities using scientometrics - A comment to the "Fatal Attraction" 

Author(s): Liu, NC (Liu, NC); Cheng, Y (Cheng, Y); Liu, L (Liu, L)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:64  Issue: 1  Pages: 101-109  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0241-z  Published: JUL 2005  


Record 86 of 135

Title: Are the contributions of China and Korea upsetting the world system of science? 

Author(s): Leydesdorff, L (Leydesdorff, L); Zhou, P (Zhou, P)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:63  Issue: 3  Pages: 617-630  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0231-1  Published: JUN 2005  


Record 87 of 135

Title: A simulation study of the periodicals' publication delay control process 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, G); Yu, DR (Yu, DR); Li, YJ (Li, YJ)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:63  Issue: 1  Pages: 25-38  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0202-6  Published: APR 2005  


Record 88 of 135

Title: Scientific collaboration in China as reflected in co-authorship 

Author(s): Wang, Y (Wang, Y); Wu, YS (Wu, YS); Pan, YT (Pan, YT); Ma, Z (Ma, Z); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:62  Issue: 2  Pages: 183-198  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0013-9  Published: FEB 2005  


Record 89 of 135

Title: Basic research in biochemistry and molecular biology in China: A bibliometric analysis 

Author(s): He, TW (He, TW); Zhang, JL (Zhang, JL); Teng, LR (Teng, LR)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:62  Issue: 2  Pages: 249-259  DOI: 10.1007/s11192-005-0018-4  Published: FEB 2005  


Record 90 of 135

Title: Name order patterns of graduate candidates and supervisors in Chinese publications: A case study of three major Chinese universities 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, LM); Liu, JW (Liu, JW); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:61  Issue: 1  Pages: 3-18  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000037359.22151.6f  Published: 2004  


Record 91 of 135

Title: Global knowledge management research: A bibliometric analysis 

Author(s): Gu, YN (Gu, YN)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:61  Issue: 2  Pages: 171-190  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000041647.01086.f4  Published: 2004  


Record 92 of 135

Title: Information management or knowledge management? An informetric view of the dynamics of Academia 

Author(s): Gu, Y (Gu, Y)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:61  Issue: 3  Pages: 285-299  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000045111.51946.ba  Published: 2004  


Record 93 of 135

Title: A comparative study of research performance in computer science 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, JC); Ma, N (Ma, N)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:61  Issue: 3  Pages: 339-359  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000045114.85737.1b  Published: 2004  


Record 94 of 135

Title: The universal expression of periodical average publication delay at steady state 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, G); Yu, D (Yu, D); Li, Y (Li, Y)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:60  Issue: 2  Pages: 121-129  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000027675.69901.5b  Published: 2004  


Record 95 of 135

Title: Highly cited research papers and the evaluation of a research university: A case study: Peking University 1974-2003 

Author(s): Zhu, X (Zhu, X); Wu, Q (Wu, Q); Zheng, YZ (Zheng, YZ); Ma, X (Ma, X)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:60  Issue: 2  Pages: 237-247  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000027795.69665.09  Published: 2004  


Record 96 of 135

Title: China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations (CSTPC): History, impact and outlook 

Author(s): Wu, YS (Wu, YS); Pan, YT (Pan, YT); Zhang, YH (Zhang, YH); Ma, Z (Ma, Z); Pang, JG (Pang, JG); Guo, H (Guo, H); Xu, B (Xu, B); Yang, ZQ (Yang, ZQ)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:60  Issue: 3  Pages: 385-397  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000034381.64865.2b  Published: 2004  

Conference Title: 9th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informatics 

Conference Date: AUG, 2003 

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA 


Record 97 of 135

Title: An analysis of backlink counts and Web Impact Factors for Chinese university websites 

Author(s): Qiu, JP (Qiu, JP); Chen, JQ (Chen, JQ); Wang, Z (Wang, Z)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:60  Issue: 3  Pages: 463-473  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000034387.76981.83  Published: 2004  

Conference Title: 9th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informatics 

Conference Date: AUG, 2003 

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA 


Record 98 of 135

Title: Links to commercial websites as a source of business information 

Author(s): Vaughan, LW (Vaughan, LW); Wu, GZ (Wu, GZ)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:60  Issue: 3  Pages: 487-496  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000034389.14825.bc  Published: 2004  

Conference Title: 9th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informatics 

Conference Date: AUG, 2003 

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA 


Record 99 of 135

Title: The multivariate Waring distribution and its application 

Author(s): Shan, S (Shan, S); Jiang, GH (Jiang, GH); Jiang, L (Jiang, L)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:60  Issue: 3  Pages: 523-535  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000034392.65855.5c  Published: 2004  

Conference Title: 9th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informatics 

Conference Date: AUG, 2003 

Conference Location: Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA 


Record 100 of 135

Title: Evaluation and interpretation of knowledge production efficiency 

Author(s): Guan, JC (Guan, JC); Wang, JX (Wang, JX)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:59  Issue: 1  Pages: 131-155  Published: 2004  


Record 101 of 135

Title: Mathematical model of delay in the secondary literature publishing process 

Author(s): Yu, G (Yu, G); Rong, YH (Rong, YH); Li, YJ (Li, YJ)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:58  Issue: 3  Pages: 673-685  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000006887.31509.7a  Published: 2003  


Record 102 of 135

Title: Neuroscience output of China: A MEDLINE-based bibliometric study 

Author(s): Xu, W (Xu, W); Chen, YZ (Chen, YZ); Shen, ZC (Shen, ZC)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:57  Issue: 3  Pages: 399-409  DOI: 10.1023/A:1025060819495  Published: 2003  


Record 103 of 135

Title: Internationalization of mathematical research 

Author(s): Dang, Y (Dang, Y); Zhang, WL (Zhang, WL)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:58  Issue: 3  Pages: 559-570  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000006880.38873.dd  Published: 2003  


Record 104 of 135

Title: Comments on the paper "Developing English-language academic journals of China" 

Author(s): Gu, YN (Gu, YN)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:58  Issue: 3  Pages: 695-696  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000006889.42979.f6  Published: 2003  


Record 105 of 135

Title: Understanding academic journals of China. Response to Yinian Gu 

Author(s): Li, L (Li, L); Zhang, FL (Zhang, FL)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:58  Issue: 3  Pages: 697-700  DOI: 10.1023/B:SCIE.0000006890.14683.43  Published: 2003  


Record 106 of 135

Title: Developing English-language academic journals of China 

Author(s): Li, L (Li, L); Zhang, FL (Zhang, FL)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:57  Issue: 1  Pages: 119-125  DOI: 10.1023/A:1023627704822  Published: 2003  


Record 107 of 135

Title: Difficulties and challenges of Chinese scientific journals: Statistical analysis of Chinese literatures using Chinese Science Bulletin as example 

Author(s): He, TW (He, TW)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:57  Issue: 1  Pages: 127-139  DOI: 10.1023/A:1023679721660  Published: 2003  


Record 108 of 135

Title: Major factors affecting China's inter-regional research collaboration: Regional scientific productivity and geographical proximity 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, LM); Zhu, L (Zhu, L)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:55  Issue: 2  Pages: 287-316  DOI: 10.1023/A:1019623925759  Published: AUG 2002  


Record 109 of 135

Title: Development of the Chinese Scientometric Indicators (CSI) 

Author(s): Jin, BH (Jin, BH); Zhang, JG (Zhang, JG); Chen, DQ (Chen, DQ); Zhu, XY (Zhu, XY)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:54  Issue: 1  Pages: 145-154  DOI: 10.1023/A:1015644823690  Published: APR 2002  


Record 110 of 135

Title: A new rank-size distribution of Zipf's Law and its applications 

Author(s): Jiang, GH (Jiang, GH); Shan, S (Shan, S); Jiang, L (Jiang, L); Xu, XS (Xu, XS)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:54  Issue: 1  Pages: 119-130  DOI: 10.1023/A:1015640722782  Published: APR 2002  


Record 111 of 135

Title: International visibility of Chinese scientific journals 

Author(s): Ren, SL (Ren, SL); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:53  Issue: 3  Pages: 389-405  DOI: 10.1023/A:1014877130166  Published: MAR-APR 2002  


Record 112 of 135

Title: Collaborative patterns and age structures in Chinese publications 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, LM); Guo, YZ (Guo, YZ); Davis, M (Davis, M)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:54  Issue: 3  Pages: 473-489  DOI: 10.1023/A:1016042718548  Published: 2002  


Record 113 of 135

Title: Age structures of scientific collaboration in Chinese computer science 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, LM); Kretschmer, H (Kretschmer, H); Guo, YZ (Guo, YZ); Beaver, DD (Beaver, DD)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:52  Issue: 3  Pages: 471-486  DOI: 10.1023/A:1014252017971  Published: NOV-DEC 2001  

Conference Title: 2nd Berlin Workshop on Scientometrics and Informatics/Collaboration in Science and in Technology 

Conference Date: SEP 01-04, 2000 

Conference Location: BERLIN, GERMANY 


Record 114 of 135

Title: Foundation of a global interdisciplinary research network (COLLNET) with Berlin as the virtual centre 

Author(s): Kretschmer, H (Kretschmer, H); Liang, LM (Liang, LM); Kundra, R (Kundra, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:52  Issue: 3  Pages: 531-537  DOI: 10.1023/A:1014268505676  Published: NOV-DEC 2001  

Conference Title: 2nd Berlin Workshop on Scientometrics and Informatics/Collaboration in Science and in Technology 

Conference Date: SEP 01-04, 2000 

Conference Location: BERLIN, GERMANY 


Record 115 of 135

Title: Chinese-Indian-German collaboration results that provided the impetus for the foundation of COLLNET 

Author(s): Kretschmer, H (Kretschmer, H); Liang, LM (Liang, LM); Kundra, R (Kundra, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:52  Issue: 3  Pages: 445-456  DOI: 10.1023/A:1014247900224  Published: NOV-DEC 2001  

Conference Title: 2nd Berlin Workshop on Scientometrics and Informatics/Collaboration in Science and in Technology 

Conference Date: SEP 01-04, 2000 

Conference Location: BERLIN, GERMANY 


Record 116 of 135

Title: Lattices in citation networks: An investigation into the structure of citation graphs 

Author(s): Fang, Y (Fang, Y); Rousseau, R (Rousseau, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:50  Issue: 2  Pages: 273-287  Published: FEB 2001  


Record 117 of 135

Title: Chinese science citation database: Its construction and application 

Author(s): Jin, BH (Jin, BH); Wang, B (Wang, B)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:45  Issue: 2  Pages: 325-332  DOI: 10.1007/BF02458440  Published: JUN 1999  


Record 118 of 135

Title: A new literature growth model: Variable exponential growth law of literature 

Author(s): Su, Y (Su, Y); Han, LF (Han, LF)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:42  Issue: 2  Pages: 259-265  DOI: 10.1007/BF02458359  Published: JUN 1998  


Record 119 of 135

Title: Evaluation of the models for Bradford's law 

Author(s): Wang, CD (Wang, CD); Wang, Z (Wang, Z)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:42  Issue: 1  Pages: 89-95  Published: MAY 1998  


Record 120 of 135

Title: Citation ranking versus expert judgment in evaluating communication scholars: Effects of research specialty size and individual prominence 

Author(s): So, CYK (So, CYK)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:41  Issue: 3  Pages: 325-333  DOI: 10.1007/BF02459049  Published: MAR-APR 1998  


Record 121 of 135

Title: Database Tomography for technical intelligence: Comparative roadmaps of the research impact assessment literature and the journal of the American Chemical Society 

Author(s): Kostoff, RN (Kostoff, RN); Eberhart, HJ (Eberhart, HJ); Toothman, DR (Toothman, DR); Pellenbarg, R (Pellenbarg, R)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:40  Issue: 1  Pages: 103-138  DOI: 10.1007/BF02459264  Published: SEP 1997  


Record 122 of 135

Title: Scientific research collaboration in China 

Author(s): Zhang, HQ (Zhang, HQ); Guo, HN (Guo, HN)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:38  Issue: 2  Pages: 309-319  Published: FEB 1997  


Record 123 of 135

Title: Research performance in key medical universities in China observed from the scientific productivity 

Author(s): Zhang, HQ (Zhang, HQ)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:37  Issue: 1  Pages: 177-190  Published: SEP 1996  


Record 124 of 135

Title: Distribution of major scientific and technological achievements in terms of age group - Weibull distribution 

Author(s): Liang, LM (Liang, LM); Zhao, HZ (Zhao, HZ); Wang, Y (Wang, Y); Wu, YS (Wu, YS)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:36  Issue: 1  Pages: 3-18  Published: MAY 1996  


Record 125 of 135


Author(s): LIU, JM (LIU, JM); SHU, SH (SHU, SH)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:32  Issue: 3  Pages: 237-245  DOI: 10.1007/BF02017643  Published: MAR-APR 1995  


Record 126 of 135


Author(s): ZHANG, HQ (ZHANG, HQ)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:31  Issue: 3  Pages: 241-250  Published: NOV-DEC 1994  


Record 127 of 135



Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:26  Issue: 2  Pages: 263-273  DOI: 10.1007/BF02016219  Published: FEB 1993  


Record 128 of 135



Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:24  Issue: 2  Pages: 201-220  DOI: 10.1007/BF02017909  Published: JUN 1992  


Record 129 of 135



Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:21  Issue: 2  Pages: 171-179  DOI: 10.1007/BF02017567  Published: JUN 1991  


Record 130 of 135



Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:19  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 75-90  Published: JUL 1990  


Record 131 of 135


Author(s): HAN, HC (HAN, HC)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:15  Issue: 3-4  Pages: 309-312  DOI: 10.1007/BF02017206  Published: MAR 1989  


Record 132 of 135



Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:13  Issue: 3-4  Pages: 103-124  DOI: 10.1007/BF02017178  Published: MAR 1988  


Record 133 of 135



Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:9  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 27-36  Published: JAN 1986  


Record 134 of 135



Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:8  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 59-80  Published: 1985  


Record 135 of 135


Author(s): ZHAO, HZ (ZHAO, HZ)

Source: SCIENTOMETRICS  Vol:6  Issue: 1  Pages: 9-17  Published: 1984   


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