


已有 6676 次阅读 2008-8-30 17:48 |个人分类:科学感想|系统分类:科研笔记| 进化, 遗传, 分子遗传学阅读文献, 分子遗传学阅读文献

Chromosome evolution


Schubert I. Chromosome evolution. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr; 10 (2): 109-15. Epub 2007 Feb 7.


The idea of evolution as a principle for the origin of biodiversity fits all phenomena of life, including the carriers of nuclear inheritance, the chromosomes. Insights into the evolutionary mechanisms that contribute to the shape, size, composition, number and redundancy of chromosomes elucidate the high plasticity of nuclear genomes at the chromosomal level, and the potential for genome modification in the course of breeding processes. Aspects of chromosome fusion, as exemplified by karyotype evolution of relatives of Arabidopsis, have recently received special attention.


Chromosome evolution


Steps in the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes


Charlesworth D, Charlesworth B, Marais G. Steps in the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Heredity. 2005 Aug; 95 (2): 118-28.


We review some recently published results on sex chromosomes in a diversity of species. We focus on several fish and some plants whose sex chromosomes appear to be 'young', as only parts of the chromosome are nonrecombining, while the rest is pseudoautosomal. However, the age of these systems is not yet very clear. Even without knowing what proportions of their genes are genetically degenerate, these cases are of great interest, as they may offer opportunities to study in detail how sex chromosomes evolve. In particular, we review evidence that recombination suppression occurs progressively in evolutionarily independent cases, suggesting that selection drives loss of recombination over increasingly large regions. We discuss how selection during the period when a chromosome is adapting to its role as a Y chromosome might drive such a process.


Steps in the evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes



Evolutionary genetics: when duplicated gene don’t stick to the rules


Van de Peer Y. Evolutionary genetics: when duplicated genes don't stick to the rules. Heredity. 2006 Mar; 96 (3): 204-5.



when duplicated gene don’t stick to the rules



Junk DNA as an evolutionary force


Biémont C, Vieira C. Genetics: junk DNA as an evolutionary force. Nature. 2006 Oct 5; 443 (7111): 521-4.


 Junk DNA as an evolutionary force


The evolutionary dynamics of plant duplicate genes


Moore RC, Purugganan MD. The evolutionary dynamics of plant duplicate genes. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Apr; 8 (2): 122-8.


Given the prevalence of duplicate genes and genomes in plant species, the study of their evolutionary dynamics has been a focus of study in plant evolutionary genetics over the past two decades. The past few years have been a particularly exciting time because recent theoretical and experimental investigations have led to a rethinking of the classic paradigm of duplicate gene evolution. By combining recent advances in genomic analysis with a new conceptual framework, researchers are determining the contributions of single-gene and whole-genome duplications to the diversification of plant species. This research provides insights into the roles that gene and genome duplications play in plant evolution.

 The evolutionary dynamics of plant duplicate genes

 The rise and falls of introns

 Belshaw R, Bensasson D. The rise and falls of introns. Heredity. 2006 Mar; 96 (3): 208-13.


There has been a lively debate over the evolution of eukaryote introns: at what point in the tree of life did they appear and from where, and what has been their subsequent pattern of loss and gain? A diverse range of recent research papers is relevant to this debate, and it is timely to bring them together. The absence of introns that are not self-splicing in prokaryotes and several other lines of evidence suggest an ancient eukaryotic origin for these introns, and the subsequent gain and loss of introns appears to be an ongoing process in many organisms. Some introns are now functionally important and there have been suggestions that invoke natural selection for the ancient and recent gain of introns, but it is also possible that fixation and loss of introns can occur in the absence of positive selection.

 The rise and falls of introns

 Retrotransposons: central players in the structure, evolution and function of plant geneomes

 Kumar A, Bennetzen JL. Retrotransposons: central players in the structure, evolution and function of plant genomes. Trends Plant Sci. 2000 Dec;5 (12): 509-10.

 Retrotransposons-central players in the structure, evolution and function of plant geneomes

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